Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 1079: Shushan Demon Subduing Order

Although this demon had extremely high magical power and the secret technique he cultivated was also aimed at the swordsmanship of the Shushan Sect, it caused chaos in the cave for a while.

However, this place was the Ningbi Cliff, the core of Shushan, and it was a key place of the Shushan Sect, with countless restrictions.

Therefore, it didn't take long for this demon to be killed by the flying swords of many sword cultivators.

"It was just a split soul of a demon!" Jian Xianyun said with a change of expression. "This demon should have found some opportunities to secretly attack Elder Li Changtian, and then take over the nest and use the secret method to replace the dead."

Yi Xuanxin's face was gloomy. After all, it was a great shame for the Shushan Sect that an elder of the sect was easily taken over.

Although the demon had been killed, Yi Xuanxin had not stopped, constantly urging the jade sceptre in his hand and constantly stimulating the demon-suppressing divine light. These spiritual power fluctuations washed the interior of the sect again and again, shattering some hidden demonic thoughts one after another.

It was not until half an hour later that the demonic energy and demonic thoughts in the entire Shushan Sect were completely cleared, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"I can't believe that my Shushan Sect would have to fight a big war because of a demon and have to clean up the entire sect!" Jian Xianyun sighed.

"When we see a cockroach in the open, there are probably cockroaches everywhere in places we can't see!" Jian Yehe said with a very solemn face.

"My Shushan Sect has been closed for many years and has not cared about the secular world. I didn't expect that it would be targeted by these old demons. It seems that if we don't subdue the demons, we will be bullied!" Yi Xuanxin frowned.

Obviously, he had guessed that in the outside world, whether it was the Ping'an Division or the Tianlong Guard, or even other Central Plains cultivation sects, including Kunlun, might have been infiltrated by these demons.

"Well, well, since these demons are so arrogant, there is no need for us to be polite." An elder of Shushan named Jian Poxie said immediately. He practiced the sword art of subduing demons, and subduing demons was very beneficial to his cultivation and stabilizing his heart.

"Master, we should immediately inform the outer disciples of Shushan, as well as the immortal sects such as Kunlun, Qingcheng, and Kongtong, and let them prepare for defense immediately!" Jian Xianyun said immediately.

"Brother Xianyun, this is wrong!" Jian Poxie shook his head and said, "Master, if we only send a message to inform the many sects, I am afraid that these messages will soon be intercepted by the demons who have infiltrated these sects, and they will not be able to play a role at all! Instead, they will alarm the snakes!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's heart was chilled. They all knew that this statement was very reasonable, after all, Shushan Sect itself was a good example.

Just as everyone showed a look of deep thought, Jian Poxie continued: "Master, since the demon sect wants to secretly muddy the Tiandao sect, we can only muddy the water more to exert our power!"

"What do you mean?" Yi Xuanxin asked.

"We might as well just issue the Shushan Demon Extermination Order! Order all Shushan lay disciples to have a massive demon-destroying war. I'm afraid that only in this way can other sects pay attention, especially Kunlun."

Since the Shushan Sect was reorganized by Fang Yang a few hundred years ago, the Shushan Sect has given up its false reputation and no longer competes with Kunlun, which has also allowed Kunlun to sit firmly on the position of the world's largest sect in recent years.

However, judging from the current situation, there should be elders in Kunlun Mountain who have been invaded by demons, so the secret of the existence of these demons can be hidden until now.

"Announce to the world and issue the Shushan Demon Extermination Order! Just say that an abnormal situation has been discovered and Shushan has been invaded, so that the world's cultivation sects will immediately pay attention!" Yi Xuan thought.

Many Shushan disciples looked strange at this time. After all, being killed in the sect is not only exaggerated, but also embarrassing.

"I know that once such an order is issued, it will inevitably cause many sects in the world to laugh at Shushan, but judging from the current situation, what if Shushan is ridiculed a little? Shouldn't it be ridiculed a little?" Yi Xuanxin said angrily.

When many Shushan elders heard this, they all showed shame on their faces. After all, they were bullied by the devil.

"But why would these weak Shikigami and demon shadows rashly attack our Liangyi Microdust Formation? Isn't this exposing themselves and alerting the enemy?" Jian Yehe was also very confused at this time.

"It's not that these demon shadows took the initiative to attack. I found out through the monitoring array of the formation that someone must have done it deliberately to warn us!" Yi Xuanxin sighed.

Afterwards, Shushan Sect sent out one jade talisman after another to the world of cultivation.

These jade talismans included official documents, as well as letters sent by Shushan cultivators and private friends. These message talismans intertwined gorgeous patterns in the sky.

At the same time, many low-level cultivators in Shushan took out their optical computers and began to send messages. In an information cave inside Shushan, the deacon in charge of this place also began to publish information announcements on relevant cultivator websites.

And on the homepage of Shushan Sect, which had not been updated for hundreds of years, there was also a detailed video about the Shushan Demon Defense War.

However, these videos were deliberately edited and rendered, like high-definition blockbusters of demon exorcism. Soon these messages and videos began to be forwarded crazily.

Shushan obviously issued a massive public opinion war while issuing the order to exterminate demons.

I'm afraid Fang Chenhao himself didn't expect that after he stirred up the water this time, he reminded the Taoist sects in the world and quickly exposed the conspiracy of the ancient Japanese cultivators to the sun. The situation in the world was completely muddied by him.

However, at this time, Fang Yang and the others were still temporarily recuperating in Shaoshi Mountain.

Sutra Arhat and Xuyang Zhenxian transformed into a monk and a Taoist priest, often went to Shaolin Temple to drink tea and discuss Taoism with the monks who practiced there, and lived a very fulfilling life. At the same time, they received the merit beads given by Fang Yang, and were slowly refining the beads to break the seal in their bodies.

Fang Yang was also planning an important thing, which was to refine the origin beads of Jiuyou Tianmo.

Although Fang Yang had refined the origin beads of many true immortals and demons in recent days and achieved fruitful results, he was still hesitant when facing Jiuyou Tianmo, who had the power of the origin of the Golden Immortal.

After all, the strength of an old demon in the Golden Immortal period was extraordinary. If Fang Yang was not careful, he might be backfired and die, and even the entire Qingyuan Immortal Mansion would be in danger.

However, if Fang Yang did not touch the origin beads, if the seal of the earth was broken by this old demon, I am afraid that Fang Yang and his people would be caught off guard. At that time, not only Fang Yang and his people would not be able to escape, but I am afraid that all the creatures on the earth would be slaughtered by this old demon.

As a result, Fang Yang was caught in a dilemma.

However, after thinking it over again and again, Fang Yang decided to take the initiative to refine the origin pearl of the Nine Nether Demon.

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