Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 1099 Phoenix Sword Shadow

"Don't worry about whether your uncle is an Internet celebrity or not, deal with these demons first!" Qian Duoduo changed the subject with a simple face.

At this time, He Dong looked solemn and said: "These demons are really abominable. If they destroy this place, it will inevitably cause abnormal movement of the earth's veins, and then the foundation of the formation will be broken, and then there will be a big explosion." He Dong is proficient in formations, and will soon I quickly thought of the consequences that would follow.

Everyone also knows what will happen after the explosion here. Not only will the Shushan sect be unsafe, but many mortals within a few hundred miles will also die in the disaster.

"They are already masters in the demon world, yet they are so shameless and send their clones to deal with the sects in the mortal world." Nuopo was angry.

"But from what they said, it seems that the places where they are are also affected by disasters. I don't know what happened to the Demon World recently. There are so many messy disasters." Erha was originally from the Demon World, and he vaguely felt that something happened in the Demon World. What kind of huge changes will cause a series of chain reactions.

"Boss Fang, your uncle and your son should have seen the devil's movements a long time ago, and have been secretly helping many immortal sects in the world!" He Dong said with a smile at this time.

Obviously Prince Hongyun and Fang Chenhao should have known some of the actions of the ancient Japanese demon in recent years. Therefore, the Yanmu Immortal Sect has been receiving constant reminders before, so it is probably what they did secretly.

However, they did not expect that even though they had exposed the plans of these demons in advance, these demons were still extremely rampant and even wanted to use the Shushan Sect's affairs to set up a trap and trap all the Central Plains cultivation sects. .

After learning these things, Prince Hongyun and Fang Chenhao naturally couldn't sit still. They then secretly informed Ruo Yunxi of Yanmuxian Sect, and at the same time they secretly took action and even traced it here.

You know, Mu Hongyun is now successful in cultivation, and his own cultivation has reached the void refining stage, and he has also completed the sacrifice of his immortal weapon, the Colorful Phoenix Sword.

Even because he accumulated a lot of merit, the sword was continuously blessed by the light of merit.

On this day, Mu Hongyun used this fairy weapon to transform into the shadow of a colorful phoenix, wrap them up and secretly escape into the earth veins, avoiding the Liangyi dust formation, and directly enter the depths of the earth veins.

"Our inference is correct. Sure enough, three old devils were found here." Mu Hongyun said with a hint of excitement.

"What should I do, uncle? The three old demons seem to be very powerful. Although they are just clones, they are all in the stage of training!" Fang Chenhao said with some worry.

"Then what can we do? A sneak attack and then a series of beatings!" Mu Hongyun said with an unreliable look.

"But... uncle, although you are also a strong person in the Void Refining Stage, the seal in your body has not been completely released yet, and your cultivation level is only at the peak of God Transformation. If you fight them with the Phoenix Sword, you can only deal with one of them at most. In addition, What to do with the two old devils?" Obviously Fang Chenhao's worries are justified.

"Then what can we do?" Mu Hongyun shook his head and said, "It would be great if your scheming father was here. He would definitely make a sneak attack and wipe out all these old devils!"

When Fang Yang heard Mu Hongyun's evaluation of him, he couldn't help showing a trace of embarrassment on his face.

"This old uncle is really unreliable when raising a baby!" Qian Duoduo said with a smile.

"Uncle, why are they not sealed by the earth?" Fang Chenhao was obviously very curious about the methods of these old demons.

"I guess I thought of some secret techniques to bypass the rules of heaven and earth here!" Mu Hongyun sighed helplessly, "Because these three bodies are not flesh bodies, but a kind of secret technique of puppets from the demon world, so they should not be able to use it. The real strength of virtual refining!" Mu Hongyun thought for a while and said seriously.

"It would be great if my cultivation level was higher!" Fang Chenhao sighed. He was at the peak of the Golden Core when he was born, and he had the "forbidden" mantra given by Senior Yue Tianya, so he could improve his cultivation level without going through tribulation.

When he was in Canglan Star and Panxu Haiyin, he was protected by his family, and his cultivation went smoothly, and he easily reached the advanced stage of becoming a god. I have never felt that cultivation is such a great thing in my life.

But after his uncle brought him to Earth, he discovered that the people here had a difficult time cultivating. Although many people have excellent spiritual roots, they are unable to practice due to lack of spiritual energy.

In the past few years, he continued to do meritorious deeds, opened the seal, and began to restore his cultivation step by step. He also understood that cultivation is not easy, but cultivation is precious. It can be said that his xinxing has been greatly improved in the past few years since he came to Earth.

"Don't worry, these old demons are also affected by the earth's seal, so they just let their souls enter the container, and then use the sacrifices of low-level monks to accumulate seemingly powerful cultivation. They are like The magical weapon is average, even if the three of them join forces, they may not be able to defeat me. "

"What if I can't beat him?" Fang Chenhao asked, scratching his head.

"Ahem...even if they can't be defeated...if you turn into a phoenix with your uncle's colorful phoenix sword and escape...they can't catch up...right!" Mu Hongyun said with some embarrassment.

Obviously, he was still a little unsure about whether he could deal with three old demons at once.

At this time, those old demons were frantically attacking the foundation of the Liangyi Dust Formation. The six immortal talismans deep in the formation have begun to shake.

After all, it has been thousands of years since these immortal talismans were placed here, and the fairy energy contained in them has begun to decline.

If they continue to attack, it will probably not take long for the immortal talisman to break, and then they will deliberately detonate it.

If the Liangyi Microdust Array explodes, not only will the Shushan Sect in the cave be slaughtered, but the star array of the Central Plains immortal sects and the Yanmu Immortal Sect that are fighting outside will also suffer great losses.

It can be said that if these old demons succeed in their plan, the Central Plains immortal cultivation world will be easily wiped out by them from then on.

"These guys are so cruel, so I won't be polite to them!" Mu Hongyun smiled and waved his hand. In an instant, a majestic sword energy formed in his hand. In an instant, this sword energy turned into a phantom about hundreds of feet long. He chopped directly at the backs of the three old demons.

This knife contained an extremely powerful and majestic sword energy, and even emitted bursts of merit and precious light.

As Mu Hongyun has done many things to benefit sentient beings over the years, the merits and virtues on his body have also been bestowed on the seven-colored Phoenix Sword. In an instant, the Phoenix sword light and the seven-colored merits and virtues light merged into one, and the light suddenly increased.

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