Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 1112: Group Fighting the Blood Demon Puppet

At this time, the three old demons had already discovered the abnormality of the blood demon puppet, and they could not help but be shocked.

They did not know what kind of attack caused the huge blood demon puppet to be in such a great crisis.

Because the blood demon puppet was deflated, the whole body began to collapse, and the strength it exerted was also constantly decreasing.

At the beginning, the blood demon puppet could release a cultivation comparable to the early stage of the Mahayana, but now, after just a moment, the cultivation has fallen to the late stage of the fusion.

Moreover, as the resentment and demonic energy in the blood demon puppet continued to leak out, the speed of the cultivation decline would become faster and faster.

What was even more difficult was that many Central Plains cultivators began to fight desperately at this time, and some even burned their lifespans and launched a more fierce attack.

"How could our blood demon puppet be damaged beyond repair?" Guanle old demon roared.

You must know that the blood demon puppet has an extremely powerful self-repair ability. Even if it is damaged by the immortal weapon, it can heal itself quickly, and it is impossible for such a continuous deflation effect to occur.

However, before the three of them could figure out the situation, a series of explosions occurred in the body of the Blood Demon Puppet. It was obvious that the talisman that Fang Yang had invaded had exploded in its body.

The talisman contained a magnificent light of merit, which continuously dispelled the demonic energy and resentment in the body of the Blood Demon Puppet. Moreover, these merit powers could prevent these resentments and demonic energy from gathering again, causing the entire Blood Demon Puppet's body to shrink faster and faster.

At the same time, the magic weapons of the Central Plains cultivators also fell in the sky.

Although the Kunlun Sect's Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda was only a replica, it was also a powerful immortal weapon. With the burning of the life span of Master Liuyun, the power naturally increased several times, and it had barely reached the attack power of the fusion period.

At this time, Ruo Yunxi and many demon cultivators did not launch an attack, but mobilized the remaining power of the Zhoutian Xingdou Great Array, constantly drawing the power of the stars in the sky, and fully blessing Kou Zhengang's Great Chaos Star Merit Sword.

This sword technique was originally created by Fang Yang after he comprehended the power of heaven. Now, with the cooperation of Ruo Yunxi and the others, a giant star sword quickly took shape in the sky.

On the other side of Shushan Sect, with the cooperation of the Central Plains cultivators, a sword formation quickly condensed.

As for Mu Hongyun, he also activated his seven-colored Phoenix Sword to its maximum power by burning his life span.

Fang Chenhao knew that he could not play a big role at this time, so he fully blessed his magic weapon Tianyuan Treasure Bracelet, releasing all the power stored in it to bless his uncle Mu Hongyun.

You know, the Tianyuan Treasure Bracelet is a thing of luck for the Tianyuan Dynasty. Like the Heirloom Jade Seal and the Star Staff, it is a treasure inherited by the Tianyuan Dynasty. Therefore, it carries a trace of national luck. With this blessing, the Phoenix Sword shines even brighter in an instant.

The attacks of many cultivators were overwhelming, hitting the blood demon puppet that was constantly shrinking.

"Boom boom..."

"Bang bang bang..."

All kinds of magic weapons and powerful attacks continuously bombarded the huge blood demon puppet.

This blood demon puppet was in a state of panic and had no way to mobilize enough strength to defend.

He was hit on the forehead by the imitation fairy energy of the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, and then the Great Chaos Star Sword pierced through his chest. Then the sword formation of the Shushan School stabbed him into a hedgehog at lightning speed.

Many cultivators frantically injected their true energy into their magic weapons. In an instant, the entire blood demon puppet was on the verge of despair due to internal and external troubles.

"Awoo..." The blood demon puppet was severely damaged for a while and let out a terrifying roar.

Although the blood demon puppet was very terrifying, it was difficult to hide that it was at the end of its road.

At this time, with the continuous salvation of the dead souls, Xutuo Luohan and Xuyang Zhenxian had recovered to the peak of the Nascent Soul stage and were not far from the God Transformation stage.

They kept chanting the spells of salvation, with them as the center, bursts of golden light radiated, and soon covered a larger and larger area, thus directly blocking the replenishment of the blood demon puppet.

At this time, many monks from the Central Plains cultivation sects had almost seen the dawn of victory.

"Hahaha, we are going to win!" Many monks excitedly threw out their hidden magic weapons.

The huge body of the blood demon puppet was smashed into pits and pits, and each wound sprayed more and more resentment and demonic energy. As a result, the blood demon puppet was injured and its strength began to decline rapidly.

"Ah!" The red-horned old demon sighed, his eyes showing resentment, but helpless.

"It's okay! These are just some monks from the lower world. As long as we hide, we can make a comeback in no time!"

The three old demons quickly formulated a new plan through spiritual communication.

Because they knew that now facing so many monks, they were already doomed. If they continued to resist, they would only lose more miserably. It was better to retain more strength and wait for a comeback.

Then the blood demon puppet suddenly roared to the sky, and a terrifying magic light spewed out of its mouth, which frightened many monks.

The three old demons who were originally sitting on the head of the blood demon puppet took this opportunity and quickly turned into streams of light and rushed to the ground vein volcano below the mountain. These three old demons were very cunning. They used the blood demon puppet to launch a surprise attack. The real purpose was to cover their quick escape from the ground vein.

They have strong cultivation and the cover of the blood demon puppets. Even though so many cultivators from the outside world surrounded them, they did not discover their plot. If these old demons really escape and hide among mortals in the future, it is estimated that these cultivators in the Central Plains will find it difficult to find their traces no matter what.

These old demons have a lot of secret magic in the demon world. It is estimated that within a few hundred years, their demon sons and grandsons will become a new terrifying Japanese island and will soon make a comeback.

However, Fang Yang and his men in the Void Snail have already monitored every move on the battlefield clearly.

Seeing the three old demons trying to run away, Fang Yang smiled coldly, obviously he had planned it long ago.

Fang Yang lightly tapped his hand, and the talismans hidden in the void immediately began to act.

These talismans quickly formed a formation, instantly trapping several old demons in the formation space.

"What kind of talisman is this... It actually trapped us!" Guan Le Old Demon exclaimed.

To the greater shock of these old demons, these talismans seemed to be controlled by someone and rushed directly into their foreheads.

"No..." The three old demons knew at this time that there was still a master plotting against them, making them trapped in a jar.

These talismans quickly sealed their cultivation, and their cultivation dropped rapidly in an instant.

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