Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 1127 Chaos in the Immortal World

Qi Jinchan knew that Fang Yang's cultivation was no longer the same as before, and he had great luck, so he wanted to make friends with him.

"How did Fellow Daoist Fang find out that my Shushan was in great trouble this time?" Qi Jinchan asked curiously.

"I and a few brothers came here to visit Shushan, but found that the Shushan formation was closed, but there was a strange fluctuation inside. Because I have practiced the Eye of Breaking the Formation, I found the weirdness!" Fang Yang said with a smile.

In fact, Fang Yang had already replaced his original Eye of Breaking the Formation with the Golden Immortal-level Eye of Void. However, the Eye of Void was of great importance, so he did not dare to say it.

"Because my brothers and I are proficient in formations, it is also a show of skill to rashly enter the Shushan Liangyi Microdust Formation. I am also worried that I will make things worse and cause Shushan to misunderstand!" Fang Yang explained.

"So that's it, Fellow Daoist Fang is thoughtful!" Qi Jinchan said gratefully. In fact, Fang Yang came to rescue this time, which can be said to be a great risk.

If the formation of Shushan was just abnormal, they would rush into it rashly, which would easily cause misunderstandings and even be killed by the Liangyi Microdust Formation.

Although the Liangyi Microdust Formation has been secretly destroyed by the inner ghosts and the demon cultivators, if they are not careful, they will still be trapped in the formation and die.

Suddenly, Fang Yang frowned and asked: "Fellow Daoist Qi, Shushan is a big sect, and it also has a strong foundation in the fairy world. In addition to the attack of the demons, many righteous sects are also involved in this matter. I am afraid that Shushan in the fairy world has also encountered some difficulties?"

After hearing Fang Yang's words, Qi Jinchan showed a sad face.

"Fellow Daoist Fang, this is not a place to talk. Please come to the Patriarch Hall for a chat!" Qi Jinchan invited Fang Yang and others to enter the Patriarch Hall.

The Patriarch Hall is the last defense of Shushan. There are also many formations and restrictions here, otherwise it would not be able to persist under the attack of so many demons for so long.

However, the place is extremely simple. The bronze walls around the hall are engraved with stars in the fairy world and complicated talismans.

These talismans are obviously some ancient array runes, and the array contained in them is extremely mysterious, which makes Fang Yang and He Dong admire.

In the center of the Patriarch Hall, there is a golden statue of the founder of Shushan, Changmei Zhenren.

Changmei Zhenren is an old man in a flowing Taoist robe, with kind eyes and two long eyebrows hanging in front of him, which are three feet long.

This golden body is cast vividly, as if Changmei Patriarch is right in front of him.

Behind the statue are two fairy swords, one blue and one purple, and a fire fairy sword is suspended above his head. Although these three fairy swords are just statues, they can still exude a trace of powerful sword intent. It seems to reflect the grace of Changmei Patriarch using these three fairy swords to dominate the world.

"This is the legendary Purple and Green Swords and the Nanming Lihuo Sword!" Seeing this scene, Fang Yang's heart moved. He knew that this was the treasure of Changmei Zhenren.

It is said that these immortal swords are the treasures of Shushan Sect. They are extremely powerful. Even the powerful people in the fairy world dare not hide their sharpness.

On the left and right of Changmei Zhenren, there are two disciples of the True Immortal level, one man and one woman. They are in their forties, handsome and elegant. They are Miaoyi Zhenren Qi Shuming and Miaoyi Madam Xun Lanyin.

They are none other than Qi Jinchan's parents.

It is said that they have already followed their master to ascend to the fairy world and have become great cultivators in the late stage of True Immortal.

Fang Yang and his friends entered the main hall and burned incense to the senior ancestor according to etiquette, and then came to the side hall of the ancestral hall.

After both parties sat down, Qi Jinchan sighed and said, "The chaos in Shushan today is indeed related to the situation in the fairy world!" Qi Jinchan sighed and said slowly.

The situation in the fairy world described by Qi Jinchan is almost the same as that described by the soul of the extreme true demon.

However, Qi Jinchan is a person inside Shushan, so he knows more about the details. Moreover, the current situation of Shushan Sect in the fairy world is worse than Fang Yang and his friends imagined.

"Now there are seven fairy emperors in the fairy world, namely Xuanyang Fairy Emperor, Miaotan Fairy Emperor, Zhongji Fairy Emperor, Fengyue Fairy Emperor, Lunhui Fairy Emperor, Zhangtian Fairy Emperor and Yunyue Female Emperor." Qi Jinchan slowly told some secrets about the fairy world.

Fang Yang learned from Qi Jinchan that these fairy emperors all have ancient inheritance.

Xuanyang Fairy Emperor is the inheritance from the Taiqing Saint, and is in the same line with the fundamental secret method of Shushan cultivation. They are all descendants of Taiqing. Therefore, Shushan Sect is attached to Xuanyang Fairy Emperor in the fairy world.

Because Xuanyang Fairy Emperor hates evil and upholds the way of heaven, he is also called the Demon Subduing Fairy Emperor.

The Immortal Emperor of Samsara is said to be the descendant of Hou Tu Niangniang. He is still silently maintaining the balance of heaven and has not appeared in the world for many years.

Now the ancient heaven is broken, but the cycle of cause and effect is still not affected. It is estimated that there are many contributions from him.

And the Immortal Emperor of Fengyue is said to have inherited Nuwa, so he is considered the Immortal Emperor of the demon clan. However, he is indifferent to fame and fortune. He has been hiding in his Taoist temple Fengyue Fairyland with the demon clan for many years without asking about worldly affairs.

The Immortal Emperor of Zhongji inherited the Taoist tradition of the Yuqing Saint Yuanshi Tianzun, and is now recognized by all forces in the fairy world. Obviously, this is a bit like the common leader of all parties in the fairy world.

"As for the Immortal Emperor Miaotan, he inherited the Taoist tradition of the Saint Jieyin, and is an Immortal Emperor in the west of the fairy world." Qi Jinchan said slowly, "The Immortal Emperor Miaotan has always wanted to be the person in charge, so he is more hostile to the Immortal Emperor Zhongji." Qi Jinchan sighed.

The Immortal Emperor Miaotan and the Immortal Emperor Zhongji are now on the verge of a fight for the person in charge.

As for Empress Yunyue, it is said that she inherited the legacy of the Queen Mother of the Ancient Heaven, and her cultivation is also extremely high.

However, Empress Yunyue is said to be practicing an extremely mysterious ancient secret technique and has not appeared in the world for many years. Some people even rumored that she has fallen. And this Empress Yunyue is also the original founder of the Yunyue Xianzong.

"There is another Xianzong named Emperor Zhantian. He is powerful and has an unpredictable personality. However, his inheritance is very mysterious and no one knows it yet. However, he follows the hegemony and conquers everywhere in the fairy world, and has conquered a huge fairyland." Speaking of Emperor Zhantian, Qi Jinchan's face became more and more solemn.

Now it is Emperor Zhantian and Emperor Fumo who are hostile to each other. For example, Liantian Sword Sect is the fairy world force under Emperor Zhantian.

This time, Liantian Sword Sect and Yunyue Xianzong joined forces to attack Shushan Sect, which also means that the forces of Empress Yunyue and Emperor Zhantian are united to deal with Emperor Xuanyang, the Fumo Xianzong.

Of course, this is only the power of the fairy world. It is estimated that there are also emperor-level masters in the demon world who are mobilizing huge forces to deal with Emperor Xuanyang.

In other words, Xuan Yang Xian Di's enemies may already have at least three Xian Di Di.

"With so many forces plotting against Xuan Yang Xian Di, no wonder even Shu Shan is facing siege from both Xian Di and Demon Di." Thinking of this, Fang Yang couldn't help but be shocked.

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