Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 1147 This desert has become a spirit

The boy from the fairy world looked back and forth at Qian Duoduo and Fang Yang as if he were looking at rare species.

"There are so many things you haven't seen before!" Qian Duoduo said with a dissatisfied look on his face, twisting his fat tail.

The young man was sure that Fang Yang had no ill intentions towards the demon clan, and couldn't help but feel a little respectful. He bowed seriously and said: "I am a monk from the Desert Fox Clan. Because he is the second eldest son in the family, he is called Sandworm Er. I have met three immortal friends. "

The young man spoke very sincerely, making Fang Yang and the others feel his kindness. Of course, he didn't ask Fang Yang or the others for the fairy jade again.

"Are you from the Desert Fox tribe?" Qian Duoduo asked curiously.

"Yeah, what's the matter?" the boy asked.

"Why don't you have any demonic aura about you?" Qian Duoduo asked curiously.

"Qian Duoduo..." Fang Yang was a little worried that Qian Duoduo would be too direct and cause dissatisfaction with the other party.

"It doesn't matter, because the fox tribe in the fairy world cultivates secret methods passed down from ancient times, and after many generations of great masters, they are said to have been able to cultivate to the level of golden immortals. Naturally, they have already been able to eliminate evil spirits!" Sand Chong Er explained seriously. .

"I heard that the desert fox tribe has super big ears?" Qian Duoduo rubbed his big fat ears with his fat paws.

Sand Chong Er smiled and said, "That's natural!" He dug through his hair, and his huge wide ears were exposed.

"Wow, what big ears, bigger than the ears of the macaroni rat Lai Sanshou!" Qian Duoduo exclaimed.

"My treasure-hunting mink fairy, have you never learned the art of transformation? Do you want me to teach you?" Sandworm Er asked curiously.

"Who wants you to teach me! Aren't we demons all proud of maintaining our original form? It's not like you who transformed into a human form and didn't even retain the big fox ears. You blindly imitate the human race. You are simply forgetting your ancestors!" Qian Duoduo! He complained dissatisfiedly.

You know, Qian Duoduo can transform into a human form in the later stage of Nascent Soul. What he said so righteously at this time is actually because it is too ugly for him to eat after transforming, and he has to use chopsticks, which is very disadvantageous to him. He eats and drinks wildly, so he might as well just stay the same.

"My friend, this is wrong! What you said is just the narrow-minded thinking of the little demon from the lower world!" Sandworm Er laughed.

Hearing this, Qian Duoduo felt like he was being scolded as a country bumpkin, and he immediately wanted to refute.

Qian Duoduo, who has been a troll for many years on the earth, has long since evolved into a Zaunite. In just a moment, he discovered many curse words that are inappropriate for children to old people, and planned to spray them out directly.

Sandworm II did not give him a chance and continued to explain.

"The so-called human form is not exclusive to the human race, but is called the innate Tao body, which is the image of the Tao Ancestor. Then a great god created humans, which was also based on the Tao Ancestor's innate Tao body!"

Sha Chong Er, a young man from the Sand Fox Tribe, explained with a smile: "Therefore, we are not simulating the human race, but the human race is simulating the innate Tao body, which is similar to our transformed body!"

"That's it!" After listening to Sha Chong Er's words, Qian Duoduo also felt a sudden realization. I just unearthed a lot of bad words and swallowed them alive.

Seeing that Qian Duoduo was exhausted, Fang Yang and the others also shook their heads and smiled.

"Friend Sha Xian, we came here by mistake. I don't know what kind of place this is?" Fang Yang asked.

"This place is called the Great Wilderness South Territory, and it is an ancient battlefield in ancient times. The immortal veins here were damaged in the war, so most of the immortal energy was cut off. We, the Desert Fox Clan, originally lived in the desert, so only the remaining The oasis with the fairy veins underneath has been opened up to raise fairy beasts!”

"That's it!" Fang Yang said with a smile, "This time we fell into the void passage accidentally. If you bother me, we'll say goodbye now!" Fang Yang said goodbye.

"My fellow immortals, why don't you come with me to visit our desert fox clan first!" Sandworm Er said with a smile.

"Walking in here by mistake this time is already considered a nuisance. How dare we continue to trouble the Sand Fox Clan!" Fang Yang shook his head and laughed.

"Friend Fang Xian, are you so confident that you can get out of the Southern Wilderness Territory?" Sandworm Er asked in surprise.

"I wonder if Sha Xianyou has a map of this place?" He Dong asked with a smile.

"You don't think you can travel through the wilderness with a map?" Sandworm Er's eyes became more and more shocked.

"You can't get out of this desert even if you have a map?" Qian Duoduo asked curiously.

Sandworm II's performance made Fang Yang and the others look at each other in shock.

"I wonder what mysteries are in this vast southern wilderness?" Fang Yang also became a little curious.

"Because this desert has absorbed the ferocious aura of the ancient war, it is like a living creature, so it can change the earth's veins on its own!" Sandworm Er shook his head and said, "If you want to get out of this desert with a map of death, I’m afraid I’ll end up in a dangerous place!”

"That's it!" Fang Yang couldn't help but nodded and said. Along the way, he did sense a terrifying aura of destruction from the earth's veins. This aura made him feel uneasy.

"I've seen active volcanoes, but I didn't expect there to be active deserts!" Qian Duoduo looked shocked. As for the active volcano he mentioned, it was naturally Futu Mountain in the Mortal Japanese Islands. Last time, due to the invasion of demons, Futu Mountain erupted, and almost the entire Japanese Islands sank under the sea.

"The fairy world is full of fairy power. This power is extremely mysterious, so plants and trees can also become fairy. It is said that this desert was also a fairy treasure land full of fairy energy in ancient times. It was only like this because of the ancient war. I don’t know how much terrible destructive power it has endured, how much resentment it has accumulated, and how much evolution it has undergone. It is natural that it is a little mysterious!" Sandworm No. 2 shook his head and said.

"You mean, this desert has become a spirit?" Qian Duoduo was so scared that he didn't dare to step on the ground. He quietly floated in the air, fearing that the ground would open its mouth and swallow him.

Fang Yang smiled and said: "Friend Sha Xian, your Sand Fox clan dares to survive in this desert. I guess you have already found a way to enter and exit this fierce desert safely, right? Please teach me, fairy friend!"

"The survival rules here are what my Desert Fox clan has experienced for hundreds of thousands of years, and countless cultivators have exchanged their lives. How can I teach them easily? Moreover, some of them can only be performed by the innate magical powers of our Sand Fox clan. Even if I give them to you, you can't use them!" Sandworm No. 2 said.

As soon as these words came out, Fang Yang and the others couldn't help but frown. They didn't expect that in the fairy world, the desert would be so terrifying, and they might not be able to get out with their fairy realm strength. And he used the Heaven Stealing Secret Method to keep investigating this young man, and he could basically confirm that what the other party said was not a lie.

"I don't know what Sha Xianyou wants. If you can help us get out of the desert and return to the normal fairy world, we will definitely be grateful!" Fang Yang said seriously.

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