Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 1235: Fighting against the Greedy Master

At this time, Wu Xiangzun had become a young Buddhist monk in white robes.

Under the blessing of Shari Buddha's light, he looked solemn and sacred.

He smiled calmly and said to the Demon Emperor of Bliss: "Donor of Bliss, in the face of the Lord of Greed, unless we join forces, we will have a chance of survival. Otherwise, I will fall and your soul will be severely damaged. You will even fall into the realm and become the ration of other Demon Emperors." , you figure it out yourself!”

Wu Xiangzun's words were like a sharp sword, poking directly into the weakness of the Demon Emperor of Paradise.

Even though the Demon Emperor of Ultimate Bliss was filled with overwhelming anger at this moment, he instantly withered when he saw the Lord of Greed who was staring at him with eager eyes. At this time, half of the soul of the Demon Emperor of Ultimate Bliss appeared in Wu Xiangzun's glass-like body through the restriction, and was being trapped by the secret method of Demon Emperor of Ultimate Bliss.

The Demon Emperor of Ultimate Bliss knew very well that if his own soul died, it would definitely be devoured by the Lord of Greed. By then, his cultivation level will have dropped by at least half, and he may even fall to the peak of Golden Immortal.

He knew the rules of the real demon world very well, and several demon emperors had been scheming with each other. If his lowered cultivation level were discovered, the other Demon Emperors would definitely be chewed to pieces by him. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a chill down his back.

For a time, the Demon Emperor of Bliss had no choice but to mobilize his demonic energy to fight against the Lord of Greed's trap and restrictions.

"You were able to give up your body and escape from my confinement, and you actually have the majestic Buddha's light on your body. It seems that you are the disciple of Jie Ying and Zhunti!" Greedy said, Wu Xiangzun escaped from his confinement, He was furious.

At this time, Wuxiang Zun was flying in the air, sitting cross-legged, emitting the light of the relics, clasping his hands, the Dharma was solemn, and the holy light of merit was as bright as a star. I saw him suddenly reciting Buddhist scriptures loudly.

"The Sutra of the Eight Great Enlightenments of the Buddha" says: Be aware that excessive desires are suffering, and the fatigue of life and death arises from greed; if you have few desires and do nothing, your body and mind will be at ease. Be aware that your heart is never satisfied, but seeking too much will increase your sins. If a Bodhisattva does not do so, he will always be at ease. Be content with your thoughts, live in poverty and abide by the Tao, only wisdom is your karma..." As Wu Xiangzun chanted, waves of Buddha's light began to appear in the space with the majestic power of Buddha.

As the Buddha's light expanded, the secret method of the Lord of Greed was actually loosened.

At the same time, this greatly restrained the greed in the mind of the Supreme Bliss Demon Emperor, allowing him to be more sober.

""Praise to the Practice of the Buddha" says: Greed burns the heart, making it difficult to bring about the true Dharma. Greed seeks worldly happiness, and pleasure increases impure karma..." As Wu Xiangzun chanted, various Buddhist sutras turned into Brahma chants in the space. The sound kept reverberating, and the pure power of the heart gradually made the Ultimate Bliss Demon Emperor's body and mind gradually begin to stabilize.

This made the Demon Emperor of Ultimate Bliss, who occupied Wu Xiangzun's glazed body, shout loudly: "Buddhist sutras are effective, hurry up and recite more!"

It is estimated that the Demon Emperor of Paradise himself would not have thought that one day he, an old demon, would urge others to recite Buddhist scriptures more and suppress the greed in their hearts.

At this time, the Lord of Greed became more and more angry. Because he had just woken up and his body was still extremely numb, he activated the secret technique of speaking out the law and used the power of rules to deal with Wu Xiangzun and the Demon Emperor of Ultimate Bliss.

However, the secret method of the Lord of Greed was mixed up with the Buddhist scriptures by Wuxiang Zun, so that he could no longer mobilize the power of rules for a short period of time. This made him start to struggle frantically, trying to recover his body and launch an attack.

After a period of struggle, half of the Lord of Greed's body was able to move.

In anger, he stretched out his left hand, and suddenly a huge phantom of his hand grabbed Wu Xiangzun directly.

The power of this claw contains infinite and terrifying greed. If caught by it, it is estimated that even Wu Xiangzun, who is proficient in Buddhism, will completely fall into the devil's path and lose his mind.

Wu Xiangzun knew how powerful it was, so he continued to recite Buddhist scriptures, uttered bursts of Brahma chants, and at the same time began to run away quickly. Finally, with lightning speed, he hid behind the unable to move Demon Emperor of Paradise.

The Demon Emperor of Ultimate Bliss had just asked Wu Xiangzun to recite Buddhist sutras with excitement on his face, but he didn't expect that Wu Xiangzun would use him as a shield. At this time, the huge shadow of the magic hand had appeared not far away.

The terrifying power of greed rules is like bone-corrosive poison, which makes the Demon Emperor of Paradise feel terrified from a distance: "If I don't use all my strength, I'm afraid the soul clone will die here."

The Demon Emperor of Ultimate Bliss felt the terror of the Lord of Greed, and the alarm in his heart was strong. He roared wildly, and in an instant he activated the demonic element regardless of the consequences, and in an instant the power of his own Daluo Golden Immortal Domain exploded.

With the help of this power, he struggled to break through the control of the Lord of Greed. He suddenly activated the magic element, and in the blink of an eye, a strange black magic knife appeared in front of him. This demonic path exuded a ferocious aura, and it was obvious that many powerful golden immortals had fallen on this sword.

The Demon Emperor of Bliss frantically urged the demonic element to bless the demonic sword, and instantly the demonic path was covered with a sharp blade light. "Bliss Demon Slash, destroy everything!" The Bliss Demon Emperor roared wildly, and the huge sword light in front of him quickly slashed out.

The Demon Emperor of Ultimate Bliss was ready to risk his life. He knew that if he was hit by this claw, the soul he had separated would be gone.

This sword shone like a meteor, directly hitting the claws of the Lord of Greed.

"Rumble..." The sword light slashed towards the devil's claw, and a violent explosion occurred instantly. The Demon Emperor of Ultimate Bliss was hit and retreated quickly, bumping into Wu Xiangzun behind him. They all retreated quickly like kites with broken strings.

Of course, the body of the Lord of Greed, whose cultivation had not yet fully recovered, was already shaking, and was obviously not affected.

"Is this the strength of the Lord of Greed? It's really terrifying!" The Demon Emperor of Paradise was also frightened out of his wits by the power of this blow. It's just that this space restriction has been completely sealed, and it will be extremely difficult for them to escape.

At this time, Wu Xiangzun continued to recite the Brahma chant: "The Great Sutra of Dafang et al. says: By giving up greed and gaining ten kinds of merits, what is ten? One is that the body is not lacking; the other is that the verbal karma is pure; the third is that the mind is not Scattered; fourth, the retribution of victory; fifth, great wealth and honor; sixth, everyone is optimistic; seventh, the retribution obtained and the family members cannot be destroyed; eighth, always meet with wise people; ninth, never leave the sound of the Dharma; ten, after the body is destroyed, you will be reborn in a good way. . All benevolent ones! This is called resting greed and gaining ten kinds of merits. If you can dedicate the good roots of greed to Anuttara Samyak Sambodhi, you will soon gain supreme wisdom. When you achieve Bodhi, Be free from evil spirits and heretics..."

As Wu Xiangzun chanted, the power of various magical laws of the Lord of Greed seemed to collapse.

After listening to the content of this Buddhist scripture, the Lord of Greed felt that he was being pointed at and scolded, and his heart was full of resentment: "Humph, as long as it takes a moment, I will be able to fully recover, and then I will be able to kill you all. Destroy!"

However, at this moment, the sage's treasure map of mountains, rivers, and lands behind Wu Xiangzun suddenly emitted a brilliant light.

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