Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 1283 Xuanyang Palace in Danger

Xuanyang Palace is suspended above a mountain range, and the palace exudes a dense fairy spirit.

What is even more mysterious is that with Xuanyang Palace as the center, a colorful barrier appears, which forms a semicircular cover that directly covers thousands of miles.

Inside the barrier, there is still a strong fairy spirit, lush vegetation, and even many fairy birds flying gracefully in the sky, showing a scene of fairyland.

But outside this fairy spirit barrier, it is a different scene.

Outside this barrier, there is no protection, but broken walls and scorched earth.

Obviously, in the past few hundred years, Xuanyang Fairyland has suffered a devastating disaster.

Xuanyang Fairyland is targeted by all forces. Even if Xuanyang Fairy Emperor is very powerful, Xuanyang Fairyland is so large that it cannot be protected at all.

"It seems that Xuanyang Fairyland now only has tens of thousands of miles of land near the Fairy Palace. I am afraid it has reached the end of its strength." Crocodile Ancestor sighed. Seeing this scene, everyone felt heavy in their hearts.

And on the outskirts of Xuanyang Fairy Palace, there was a mountain range floating in the air.

This was the last ancestral home of Shushan Sect, Ningbi Cliff, and it was also the place where many Golden Immortals of Shushan Sect became immortals.

When the garrison of Shushan Sect was breached before, many Golden Immortals joined forces to raise Ningbi Cliff from the ground, refined it into a flying fairy palace, and fled to Xuanyang Fairy Palace.

This saved the last inheritance of Shushan Sect.

However, even so, there are still many broken walls and ruins on Ningbi Cliff. Obviously, Shushan Sect also suffered a lot of losses in that breakout battle.

"It seems that all forces have adopted a method of leaving no grass behind in order to target Xuanyang Fairyland in recent years!" He Dong frowned when he saw this scene.

"These people are very cruel. They should be clearing the fields step by step. When they invade a place, they will directly cut off the fairy veins and destroy everything, and then gradually advance until the entire Xuanyang Fairyland is turned into scorched earth!" Wuxiangzun said.

Obviously, the various forces that besieged Xuanyang Xianpai should have chosen to besiege Xuanyang Xianyu from different directions, and finally met at Xuanyang Xianpao. Every time these people broke through a place, they destroyed a place, causing all the immortal spirits to completely dissipate, and finally became a place of no spirits. In this way, step by step, the siege made Xuanyang Xianpao present a situation of reaching the end of the road.

Now, to the north of Xuanyang Xianpao, there is a huge suspended fairy tower. It is said that it is the palace of the Emperor Zhantian Xiandi, named Zhantian Xianpao.

With him sitting in the north, even if Xuanyang Xiandi wanted to take action, he had to weigh the consequences.

After all, other forces are in their heyday, and Xuanyang Xianpao is now just a few remnants of defeated soldiers.

And below the Zhantian Xianpao are many forces under the command of the Emperor Zhantian Xiandi, such as Liantian Jianzong and Jiuli Xianpao. Originally, Jiuli Xianpao was also under the command of Xuanyang Xianpao, but when they saw that Xuanyang Xianpao was weak, they immediately turned against it and joined the command of the Emperor Zhantian Xianpao.

They were under the Heavenly Immortal Tower to get the protection of the Heavenly Immortal Emperor, so as to avoid being killed instantly by the Xuanyang Immortal Emperor himself one day.

To the south of the Xuanyang Immortal Palace were the many forces of the Yunyue Immortal Palace, including many of the Tianzi generation of the Golden Immortal female cultivators in the Yunyue Immortal Palace, as well as several high-level flying immortal boats.

There were seven flying immortal boats in total, forming a mysterious formation. There were Golden Immortals suppressing each flying boat, and after uniting, even if the Immortal Emperor took action, they could stop it.

As for the west of the Xuanyang Immortal Palace, a large number of scattered immortal masters gathered. These people had good cultivation, but they also had ulterior motives. Seeing that the Xuanyang Immortal Domain was already exhausted, they also wanted to get a share of the pie.

However, most of the cultivators who dared to do these things were Golden Immortal powerhouses, and they were all ruthless. They formed a loose organization called "Righteous Immortal Alliance", under the name of acting on behalf of heaven, secretly doing things like killing people and robbing goods to grab opportunities.

As the Xuanyang Immortal Domain is becoming more and more precarious, some powerful independent cultivators from all over the Immortal Realm have joined the Righteous Immortal Alliance, and their number is the largest.

As for the east side of the Xuanyang Immortal Palace, because that direction is the famous Immortal Demon Realm Mountain, it is a pass that separates the Immortal Demon Realm and the Immortal Demon Realm.

This place has been suppressed by the Xuanyang Immortal Emperor for many years. The Xuanyang Immortal Domain was extremely powerful at the time, and directly suppressed many demon world forces in the Immortal Demon Realm Mountain, and they did not dare to cross the line for thousands of years. Even the Xuanyang Immortal Emperor once led his immortals to kill into the Demon Realm and injured several Demon Emperors. It is precisely because of this that the Xuanyang Immortal Emperor has the reputation of the Demon Subduing Immortal Emperor.

Now that the Xuanyang Immortal Domain is trapped, the strength of the Demon Realm has become extremely active.

Even to the east of the Xuanyang Immortal Palace, many demon forces have gathered at this time.

Although the demon forces will be greatly restrained when entering the Immortal Realm, these demon forces come from the four demon emperors of the Demon Realm, so they are considered a coalition.

After these demons united, their strength was also extraordinary.

It can be said that the four forces have surrounded Xuanyang Immortal Palace like an iron barrel.

Even though there are many masters in Xuanyang Immortal Palace, they have been consumed for hundreds of years. Even though Xuanyang Immortal Emperor has a deep foundation, it has been consumed at this time.

"Boss Fang, I think Xuanyang Immortal Domain is in danger now. If we rashly help now, I am afraid that not only can we not save Shushan Sect and Xuanyang Immortal Domain, but we will even be involved!" Crocodile Ancestor said worriedly.

He was also worried that Fang Yang would expose himself rashly due to his impulsive disregard. Even though he has a high level of cultivation and has the level of Daluo Jinxian, he still cannot turn the tide in the face of many powerful forces.

"Senior Crocodile Ancestor, don't worry, I naturally know the priorities!" Fang Yang said seriously, "Now Xuanyang Immortal Territory is besieged by four forces, and each force is only slightly stronger than us. If we act rashly, not only will we not be able to save People, I'm afraid we ourselves are also in danger!" Fang Yang analyzed carefully.

After listening to Fang Yang's words, Crocodile Ancestor also nodded, obviously relieved.

"Boss Fang, the Xuanyang Immortal Realm is so dangerous now, why don't we quietly go to the Immortal and Demonic Realm Mountain before the war here begins, and then sneak into the Demonic Realm!" Qian Duoduo said with some worry.

"No!" Wu Xiangzun shook his head and said, "Boss Fang's ascension to the Immortal Realm should be due to the kindness of the Shushan Sect. If he refuses to save him at this time, I'm afraid there will be flaws in his character. When you go to Daluo, you will suffer backlash from your character! Even your luck will be lacking."

After all, Wu Xiangzun has a cultivation level close to the peak of the Golden Immortal, and he almost advanced to become the Great Luo Golden Immortal and became the Immortal Emperor, so his knowledge is much higher than that of ordinary Golden Immortals.

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