Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 13: The Treasures Sutra Pavilion

"Cough~~" Deacon Zhang coughed lightly when he saw that Fang Yang and the others were all lost in thought.

After Fang Yang and the others came to their senses, Deacon Zhang returned to business and explained the basic knowledge of the world.

Of course, he was particularly careful about the relationship between other sects and the Baimen and Qinglong Gang.

After all, the relationship between the world and the lake is complicated. Who is the friend of the sect and who is the mortal enemy of the sect must be firmly remembered. Otherwise, if something goes wrong, it will not only bring laughter to the world, but may even put one's life in danger.

Deacon Zhang also told the disciples that unlike the initial training of new disciples of Changzhen Medicine Hall, which only lasts for more than half a year, new disciples of Alien Beast Hall generally need three or five years of training before they can go up the mountain to fight against ferocious beasts.

After all, there is not enough time, and if you are not good at martial arts, you will become the food of ferocious beasts.

But there are exceptions. Some disciples who offend others are often used as bait to lure strange beasts and are sacrificed in vain.

This is probably why Mr. Qian tried so hard to get Fang Yang to go to the Alien Beast Hall.

Fortunately, Fang Yang has the support of Chief Chen, otherwise he would not be able to escape bad luck.

"If you want to be promoted, you must make a contribution!"


"It's your contribution to the sect. The sect will also remember your contribution and reward you based on your merit. The greater your contribution, the more benefits you will get."

Deacon Zhang patiently explained.

"I dare to ask Deacon Zhang, how can new disciples complete the trial study? What specific benefits can they get by gaining contribution points?"

Ma Dali asked in a rough voice. He was straightforward and asked the questions on everyone's mind.

"The first three years of our Baimen disciples are considered a trial period. After the training period, only the outstanding disciples can stand alone."

Deacon Zhang introduced that after several years of training, his martial arts and mental skills have greatly improved before he can complete the sect's mission, otherwise it is easy to be in danger.

"Of course, you can redeem your contribution by picking rare medicinal materials, refining medicines, or hunting wild beasts, but it's not easy for new disciples."

Deacon Zhang said with a smile.

"As for the sect's contribution points accumulated to a certain level, the status can be promoted. If these contribution points are high, you can also exchange for many good things, such as skills, or pills that break through the bottleneck of martial arts, etc."

After a pause, Deacon Zhang continued: "In a few years, if you have accumulated enough contributions to the sect, you may be promoted to deacon."

You must know that the status of a deacon is extremely high in Baimen. If you have money, power and status, except for a few people such as the hall master, deputy hall master, and a few principals, you can be considered a powerful person. There is almost no need to look at other people's faces in the door.

Deacon Zhang was very proud when he talked about his current status. It was obvious that he felt very fulfilled in becoming a deacon.

"After becoming a deacon, if you can make great achievements and have high strength, you can become the leader and the core figure of the sect."

Director Zhang is obviously very longing for such a future.

After Deacon Zhang said this, Fang Yang, Ma Dali, Du Fei and others almost all looked envious.

However, because Sun Zhenzhen is a girl, she doesn't like fame and wealth, and only hopes to bring protection to her family in the future.

"Of course, there is also the sect competition. As long as your martial arts skills are strong and your ability is superior to the others, you can naturally become a deacon or chief directly without having to go through years of accumulation. However, this may only be possible for a peerless genius who has learned martial arts."

Deacon Zhang smiled and said, "The sect competition is held once every five years. There will be more than four years until the sect competition. You should have the opportunity to participate."

Afterwards, Fang Yang and the others returned to the small courtyard and began to live a step-by-step life.

"The ancestor's killing training, the ten major killings, the disciples of White Fan should remember it carefully!"

"Those who betray our master will be killed!"

"Those who collude with foreign enemies shall be killed!"

"Those who seek to harm fellow disciples will be killed..."

Every morning, sounds of reciting gang rules would come from the courtyard where the new disciples were staying. Although these voices were very immature, they were all very pious.

After half a month of entry, Fang Yang and the others completed the task of memorizing the sect rules and becoming familiar with the various figures in the sect.

Following this, they will start to choose their exercises.

From Yang Zhengfeng, Fang Yang and the others learned that this was an extremely important matter for the new disciples.

If you choose a Kung Fu method that suits you, you can practice Kung Fu with twice the result with half the effort, and be far ahead of other practitioners.

Knowing this, Fang Yang and the others paid more and more attention to this matter.

Early that morning, Deacon Zhang and several other deacons took all the new disciples to a large courtyard deep inside the White Gate.

Inside this large courtyard is a tall and huge tower.

There is only one way up to the tower, and there are no windows in the tower, only fist-sized holes letting in sunlight.

The main entrance of the tower is made of gilded red copper. It is said that this red copper door is three feet eight inches thick and cannot be broken even by people with the highest level of martial arts.

On the plaque on the door are written the five characters "Wanbao Jingge".

Obviously this is where Baimen hides martial arts secrets, and where Baimen inherits them.

It can be said that as long as the Ten Thousand Treasures Scripture Pavilion is there, even if all the White Sect elites are lost, as long as there is enough time, a new batch of disciples will be able to make a comeback when they get the inheritance of the martial arts secrets inside.

The Wanbao Jing Pavilion not only contains martial arts secrets, but also the medical skills and pharmacopoeia inherited by Baimen.

At the same time, there is an expert here.

It is said that this master is the uncle of the sect leader Jiang Wanli, whose surname is Feng.

Because he was too old, descendants no longer know his name.

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