Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 1363 Xuanyuan Immortal Sword

After hearing Fang Yang's words, Fengyue Immortal Emperor and Qian Duoduo's faces changed.

Qian Duoduo was stunned, and suddenly said: "Could it be... No wonder!" Qian Duoduo patted his furry chest with his fat claws.

"Qian Duoduo, have you figured out something?" Fang Yang asked.

Qian Duoduo rubbed Hunyuan's head with his furry fat claws, and then said: "If my guess is correct, the golden fairy sword in the hands of Xuanyang Immortal Emperor is probably the immortal treasure of human destiny, the ancient artifact Xuanyuan Sword."

"What? Xuanyuan Sword!" Fang Yang, Fengyue Immortal Emperor, and even Wuxiangzun exclaimed.

You know, this Xuanyuan Sword is the immortal weapon held by the Human Emperor Xuanyuan. After the war between witches and demons, the human cultivators flourished, and Emperor Xuanyuan Huangdi received the support of the newly established Heavenly Court and obtained this treasure of human cultivators' destiny.

Although Crocodile Ancestor is also a Daluo Jinxian of the ancient level, he lives in the eternal secret realm and does not know much about the details of the world of heaven.

"I heard that this thing is extremely powerful. Emperor Xuanyuan used it to expand the territory of the human race, so it has a strong blessing of human luck! No wonder Emperor Xuanyang can kill the Demon Emperor with a sword!" Fengyue Emperor Fengyue said with sudden enlightenment.

Suddenly Fang Yang said in astonishment: "It turns out that Emperor Xuanyang is the sword holder of the Xuanyang Sword. No wonder Emperor Zhangtian is so targeted!" It turned out that when Emperor Xuanyuan expanded the territory, he had a conflict with the witch tribe.

Back then, the great witch Xingtian fought with Emperor Huangdi and was beheaded by him.

I thought the battle would end here, but Xingtian, who lost his head, did not die, but stood up again.

Xingtian used the two breasts on his chest as eyes and his belly button as a mouth; he held a shield in his left hand and an axe in his right hand. He supported himself with an unyielding fighting spirit and was always in a fighting state.

Of course, Xing Tian lost his head, so his brain probably didn't work well. Therefore, it was understandable that he was deceived by Yue Tianya to become a 50-year-old sage and integrate into the Heavenly Dao.

However, from then on, he despised Yue Tianya. Every time he found Yue Tianya's trace, he would desperately activate the Heavenly Dao rules, with a burst of fire and lightning, and slashed at Yue Tianya.

At the same time, in the eyes of the witch clan, the demon court of the ancient demon clan must be their mortal enemy.

And in the private grudge of Xing Tian, ​​the master of Xuanyuan Sword must be his mortal enemy.

"No wonder this Heavenly Immortal Emperor would have a feud with Xuan Yang, and it is the kind of feud that will never end. The reason is still the destiny of the Heavenly Dao!" After hearing these ancient secrets of the Heavenly Dao, Crocodile Ancestor said slowly.

However, He Dong beside Fang Yang smiled and said, "It is said that Emperor Yuan Huangdi had been instructed by the chief disciple of the Human Religion many times, and he can be regarded as a descendant of the three ancient religions."

In the prehistoric period, Taishang Laojun established the Human Religion and became a saint, Yuanshi Tianzun established the Chan Religion and became a saint, and Tongtian Jiaozhu established the Jie Religion and became a saint. Now He Dong is the descendant of the Jie Religion, so he quickly saw the background of Emperor Xuanyang. They are all descendants of the three religions, so they even have some feelings of meeting old friends in a foreign land.

However, Fang Yang and others also guessed that because the Sky Master was forcibly copied and pieced together by Yue Tianya in the past, even after integrating into the Heavenly Dao, they still retained some of their own consciousness, which was constantly playing games and passed on to their descendants through the will of the Heavenly Dao.

The inheritance will obtained by Emperor Xuanyang is to protect the human race and the Heavenly Dao. Therefore, he would sit in the Xuanyang Immortal Domain, suppress the two worlds of immortals and demons, and even directly send troops to the Demon Realm, hoping to wipe out the demons and bring peace to the Immortal Realm.

The Celestial Emperor had a strong obsession with revenge, and began to do whatever it took to get revenge. Fang Yang and the others deduced that their actions were probably supported by their own Celestial Masters.

"It seems that I have to find an opportunity to have a good chat with Master Kunpeng about the Celestial Master's small circle in the future!" Fang Yang said in his heart.

At this time, both the Celestial Emperor Xuanyang and the Celestial Emperor took out their inherited treasures, and for a time, both sides were in high spirits.

The Xuanyuan Sword shone brightly with golden light, and was protected by the light of merit. It instantly turned into a sword shadow of a hundred feet and slashed directly in the direction of the Celestial Emperor.

The Celestial Emperor was in a fierce momentum, and the Xingtian Ganqi in his hand was entangled with fierce auras. At the same time, it also turned into a huge phantom and attacked the Celestial Emperor Xuanyang.

Then a loud noise was heard in the sky. The two of them each held an ancient treasure and began to fight each other in the sky. The treasures in their hands were of extremely high quality, and the cultivation of the two was also in the Golden Immortal Realm. For a time, the place where they fought was full of flying sand and rocks, and the laws trembled.

The two huge forces caused the laws of heaven to show signs of continuous collapse.

At this time, Crocodile Ancestor and Fengyue Immortal Emperor secretly took action to prevent them from being exposed by the aftermath.

"If the little lady hadn't taught me the way to hide that day, I'm afraid I would inevitably be exposed to these strong men this year!" Crocodile Ancestor once thought that he was an ancient beast and his strength had reached the pinnacle among the immortal emperors. However, today, seeing this immortal emperor fighting with an ancient treasure, he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

The little lady he mentioned was naturally the mysterious little girl. His current identity is still the mount of this mysterious little girl. It was also because this little girl used secret methods to cover him up that he could move freely within the scope of heaven, otherwise he would be bombarded by the heavenly thunder tribulation like those demons.

At this time, the two immortal emperors were fighting fiercely, and the Extreme Bliss Demon Emperor was still there, being chased by waves of thunder tribulation. Because most of the power of the thunder tribulation was attracted by the coalition forces of the demon world, he was not worried about being killed by the thunder tribulation, so he did not flee far.

At this time, the Demon Emperor of Paradise was avoiding the thunder tribulation while circling around the battlefield, looking a little embarrassed. However, he probably also had the intention of taking advantage of the situation and wanted to take advantage of the two Immortal Emperors to fight and profit from it.

As for the Demon Realm Allied Forces, they were turned into a mess by the powerful power of thunder and punishment, with countless casualties. The Demon Realm Allied Forces fled in all directions, crying for their fathers and mothers.

As a result, the war looked like a farce from a distance.

Immortal Emperor Xuanyang holds the Xuanyuan Divine Sword, his body is shining with merit and virtue, and protected by human luck, he is impregnable for a moment.

The Immortal Emperor Zhangtian kept waving the Xingtian Qianqi in his hands, and the ancient evil energy from the prehistoric period surged, forming a series of vicious murderous auras in the air. The powerful power made people's hearts beat.

"Zhangtian, please stop!" Immortal Emperor Xuanyang persuaded, "We are all beings of the way of heaven, and we must protect the way of heaven to the death and speak to the outside world unanimously!"

"Hmph, we must first settle down the internal affairs before we fight against the outside world. Even if I want to protect the way of heaven, I must get rid of you first! Because you and I are irreconcilable!" The eyes of the Immortal Emperor Zhang Tian were filled with red, and he seemed to have fallen into the madness of killing.

The Immortal Emperor Zhangtian inherited the war intention of the Xingtian Great Witch, so he was easily influenced and fell into a killing madness.

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