Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 144 Jade Beauty Pill

"Strange, this sea area belongs to the coastal waters of the East China Sea Islands, and there can't be such a large-scale beast tide, but this happened, it shouldn't be!"

Taixuzi's exclamation came from the Thunder Mountain Order, "Didn't you say you were sent by the Immortal Alliance? You are not a spy sent by the monsters, right?"

"Hehe, don't misunderstand, Senior Taixuzi, I don't have to lie to you, the Immortal Alliance has been unable to take action against the Skeleton Sea." Fang Yang explained slowly.

"And because I hate what the Skeleton Sea did, I had to use some extreme means!" Fang Yang said with a smile.

"Extreme means? You mean...you mean this beast tide was completely caused by you?"

Although Taixuzi has a very high cultivation level, he can't imagine this.

Fang Yang, a foundation-building cultivator with a very low cultivation level, can actually cause a raging beast tide and even easily break through the Skeleton Sea's mountain protection formation.

You know, even if there are powerful Yuanying cultivators in the Skeleton Sea, facing such an endless beast tide, I am afraid that there is only one way to escape.

"What on earth did you use? How could these monsters attack the main peak of the Skeleton Sea without regard for their lives?" Taixuzi became more and more interested in Fang Yang, a foundation-building cultivator.

"I just participated in the sect trial and got some Yuyan grass by chance in a secret realm!" Fang Yang said lightly.

"Huh? Yuyan grass, no wonder, although the level of Yuyan grass is not high, it is already very rare and has great appeal to monsters."

"No, I think you probably used Yuyan grass that is ten thousand years old!" Fang Yang was also very impressed by the old man's inference.

"Senior is really amazing!" Fang Yang smiled.

"You are really a very lucky person. You know, the elixir made from this ten thousand year old Yuyan grass is also very useful for the transformation of Yuanying stage monsters." The old man said slowly.

"Let's go to my Guanxing Peak to take shelter first!" Fang Yang said.

"Where can we find a powerful formation that can resist the beast tide?" the old man asked doubtfully.

"I have used a colorless and tasteless poison to mix the ridge there. Although human cultivators cannot feel it, the monsters can sense it clearly! It shouldn't be a big problem to take shelter there temporarily!"

Fang Yang is quite scheming, and of course he will leave himself a way out in advance.

Because it is well known that Fang Yang's Guanxing Peak does not have a mountain protection formation, almost all cultivators have fled to the mountain with a mountain protection formation.

This place looks extremely desolate.

However, Fang Yang likes it very much in his heart. He doesn't want any cultivators to see any clues here.

Sure enough, although Fang Yang's Guanxing Peak does not have a defensive formation, a large number of monsters, as long as they have a keen sense of smell or are slightly higher in level, naturally avoid Guanxing Peak and go to the main peak.

Only a very small number of low-level monsters will come to Guanxing Peak because they can't squeeze through.

But these monsters can't pose any threat to Fang Yang at all.

At this moment, a red spiritual light shot up from the main peak of the Skeleton Sea.

Two figures fled rapidly in the red light, one of which was a middle-aged man with black hair.

He exuded a very strong aura.

On the other side was Mo Yong, the great elder of the Golden Core of the Skeleton Sea.

Fang Yang also found that Mo Yong was extremely respectful to the middle-aged man at this time.

Moreover, the red light on the middle-aged man was very strong, as if Mo Yong was still protected by that person.

Fang Yang guessed at once that the man was the Yuanying ancestor of the Skeleton Sea, Mo Yang.

I am afraid that although Mo Yang is a Yuanying cultivator, he is also powerless under this raging beast tide.

He was even more disheartened after the mountain protection formation was broken.

Therefore, Taoist Mo Yang made a prompt decision and took Mo Yong, a cultivator in the late Golden Core stage, to leave.

He also understood very well that if you keep the green mountains, you will not worry about the lack of firewood.

As long as the Nascent Soul cultivators still exist, the inheritance of the Skeleton Sea will not be broken.

It only takes a hundred years to complete the reconstruction, so he simply took the treasures of the Skeleton Sea and planned to temporarily avoid the sharp edge with Mo Yong, who was in the late Jindan stage.

The speed of the Nascent Soul cultivator is extraordinary. Although he brought one person, his speed is also very fast.

In the blink of an eye, he moved dozens of miles away. It is estimated that in just a moment, he can be far away from the Skeleton Sea and even fly out of the range of the beast tide.

However, at this moment, a flying fish of a hundred feet long suddenly shot out from the sea. Its speed was amazing and not inferior to Mo Yang at all, and it quickly chased after it.

"How is it possible? Why would that level 7 peak monster attack the Nascent Soul cultivator desperately?"

Although he lived on the spiritual treasure, the old man's mind could still observe every move outside.

Unless Fang Yang blocked the Hongtian Zhenshan Order.

After all, Fang Yang is the owner of the Hongtian Zhenshan Order. As long as Fang Yang cuts off its connection, Taixuzi will no longer be able to sense the changes outside.

The level 7 peak demon beast was only a hair’s breadth away from the level 8 Yuanying demon beast, and the sudden burst of power made it barely catch up with Mo Yang.

Mo Yang could not help but get angry.

If there were a few more such demon beasts on normal days, he would not be afraid at all.

But at this moment, the beast tide was surging, and if he was entangled, there would be only one way to die.

Taoist Mo Yang was furious, and a black spiritual instrument in his hand instantly burst out with a black light.

A huge evil spirit roared from the black sword light inside.

With a sound of "Shua...", the level 7 peak demon beast was directly split in half.

The huge body fell into the herd of beasts on the sea and was instantly swallowed up by the tide of beasts.

Just when Mo Yang breathed a sigh of relief and was about to escape, another seventh-level peak monster suddenly rushed from the sea.

This huge old octopus attacked suddenly, and eight hundred-foot-long tentacles roared from the sea, blocking Mo Yang's way.

"How dare you, evil beast!" Mo Yang said as another black sword energy blasted away.

The black long sword used by Mo Yang is a top-grade psychic treasure and is quite powerful.

After a burst of black evil energy flashed through, all eight tentacles were cut off.

The green demon blood turned into green blood rain all over the sky, and along with the strong smell of blood, the entire group of demon beasts became even more crazy.

"Whoosh... whoosh... whoosh..."

Groups of monsters with flying skills began to attack Mo Yang and Mo Yong.

And Mo Yang relied on his powerful attack power to turn these monsters into rain of blood.

Originally, Mo Yang relied on his many years of experience in dealing with monsters. As long as he exploded with super strength, these monsters with low intelligence would be frightened by shock and retreat.

But he didn't expect that this method that had always been successful in the past was now ineffective.

Instead, the smell of more and more blood made the beasts go berserk, forming a vicious cycle that made Mo Yang miserable.

"How is it possible? Why are these monsters not only not afraid, but also getting more and more crazy?"

Mo Yang was puzzled!

However, more and more monsters flew out and launched desperate attacks.

In the words of Ho Tung from Earth, they were all suicide attacks.

Even though Mo Yang was extremely powerful, facing the overwhelming swarm of monsters and beasts, he could only struggle to hold on.

The monks at the main peak of the Skeleton Sea were all disheartened after seeing Mo Yang fleeing with Mo Yong.

Although the defense formation on the main peak was the most powerful, Mo Yang escaped, which meant that he had made a judgment.

The main peak cannot be defended!

More and more monks began to borrow flying magic weapons to escape.

After the monks escaped, the formation on the main peak became weaker and weaker due to fewer and fewer people controlling it.

It probably won't last much longer.

"It's really strange. Why are these monsters attacking those two monks desperately? One of them seems to be the Lord of the Skeleton Sea, right?"

Taixuzi also said in confusion. Suddenly, his mind changed and he seemed to have some enlightenment.

"Well, is it you?" Although it was just the voice of Shen Nian, you can still imagine Tai Xuzi's surprised expression.

"That's not right! Even if you are using the Ten Thousand Years Jade Face Flower, the ancestor of the Skeleton Sea has Nascent Soul cultivation, so it's impossible that he can't see the clues? He has already sniffed out the secrets, and there is no way he will fall for it. !”

Taixuzi was puzzled.

"What if the Ten Thousand Years Jade Face Grass is refined into the Jade Face Enmeshed Pill?"

Fang Yang said softly, but he actually meant to test it.

The jade-faced elixir is not of a high level, but is a peak fifth-level elixir.

This elixir was used by ancient monks as incense. The fragrance is very slight.

However, because this thing contains Ten Thousand Years of Jade Face Grass, it is also an elixir that is extremely effective for monsters.

It is said that this object can help monsters increase their chances of becoming Nascent Souls.

Even Nascent Soul monsters will have a beneficial effect.

And in the Heavenly Demon Palace, the so-called ancient elixir obtained from the ancient ruins that Fang Yang took out was none other than the Jade Beauty Pill.

The recipe for this elixir is recorded in Fang Yang's secret elixir record in the secret cave behind the wall of prohibition.

Because in ancient times, when spiritual energy was abundant, ten thousand-year-old jade-faced flowers were not a rare thing.

That's why there is such a waste of elixirs.

And because monsters are naturally sensitive to Ten Thousand Years Jade Grass, even if it is placed in a storage ring, high-level monsters will be vaguely aware of it.

What's more, when Mo Yong took the elixir from Ge Qingsong, he touched it with his own hands.

Although that kind of aura is not easy for monks to detect, it has already been fatally attracted to monsters.

Although Fang Yang had touched this thing, he had the venom of the poisonous grass on his body.

After a while of cleaning, the smell disappeared.

Because Fang Yang had the treasure-hunting mink Qian Duoduo as a test subject, he found a solution in advance.

Otherwise, these large groups of monsters will attack him, which will cause endless troubles.

"So it turns out that you are also a monk with great luck and can meet the fate of immortality. I think that although your cultivation level is still very low now, your future may be unlimited!"

Tai Xuzi said with profound meaning.

"Senior, that's ridiculous, I'm just lucky!" Fang Yang smiled modestly.

"But if I can really become a powerful monk, I will definitely do my best to help senior Taixuzi recover his physical body so that he can find the right path again."

"I hope so!" Tai Xuzi's voice sounded a little pleased.

On the other side, more and more monsters gathered.

The situation of Mo Yang and Mo Yong became even more precarious.

They obviously also know that the situation will be more dangerous if this continues.

Mo Yang roared, and suddenly a very strong black demonic energy emitted from his body.

As the demonic energy permeates the air, even the early seventh-level monsters will be corroded all of a sudden.

But this time, out of their natural aversion to demonic energy, these monsters actually dodge somewhat.

Mo Yang took this opportunity and immediately took Mo Yong to break out of the siege.

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