Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 1467 The illusion is like flowing water, and my heart is also firm

At this time, Our Lady of Turtle Spirit was smiling and looking at the ever-changing scenes in front of her.

"The cause and effect of heaven, destiny is vague, I don't know who can get a glimpse of the secret!" Our Lady of Turtle Spirit sighed. She is just a shadow of a true spirit at this time, but she is a powerful interceptor who has attained Taoism in the prehistoric era, and her understanding of the cause and effect of heaven is absolutely extraordinary.

She was filled with emotion when she saw everyone going through catastrophes and reincarnations in the illusion.

This illusionary formation is extremely mysterious. After entering it, even the Panxu Haiyin Pearl around Fang Chenhao's neck was sealed for a short time. This made Fairy Yuefang inside very worried, but she couldn't sense the outside world at all and could only worry.

At the same time, the "forbidden" spell on Fang Chenhao's hand was also covered by the illusion array and could not work. You must know that Fang Chenhao's restraint was given by Senior Yue Tianya, and even the master of the sky can be deceived, but this illusion array seems to have a more profound background.

In this way, Our Lady of Turtle Spirit seemed to be in front of a huge monitor, observing the scenes that everyone experienced in the illusion array.

Everyone experiences various calamities and different lives in the illusion, which will undoubtedly greatly test their character. Moreover, the test in the fantasy array environment also contains many traps, and various temptations emerge in endlessly.

If some people have evil intentions or are weak-minded, they will inevitably go astray and step into the abyss of eternal destruction.

However, the people in the Yang Clan are an exception. Fang Yang paid great attention to character when he accepted his disciples, and then all of them were deeply endowed with merit. Therefore, even if the character is deficient and in danger, they can still be awakened by the power of merit. So much so that there haven't been any big problems in the phantom formation for the time being.

"I can't believe that Fang Xiaoyou's disciples are actually quite outstanding!" Our Lady of Turtle Spirit expressed her heartfelt admiration after observing her for a while.

After a while, Holy Mother Turtle Spirit suddenly let out a long sigh. "Hey..." There was a trace of hatred in her eyes. Obviously, she remembered all the past of the ancient Jiejiao sect.

In the beginning, Master Tongtian accepted disciples without distinction, so the threshold was extremely low, so he had a large number of disciples in a short period of time. Moreover, Master Tongtian taught students according to their aptitude, making each disciple extraordinary in cultivation and strong in strength.

In this way, it didn't take long for Jiejiao to have a grand situation of thousands of immortals coming to court in the ancient prehistoric era, and to become the top force in the world.

Whether facing the Western Sect, the Chan Sect, the Human Sect, or even the Ancient Heavenly Clan, it can be said that the Jie Sect at that time was almost overwhelming.

Later, even other saints began to secretly be wary of Jie Jiao. It was precisely because of this that Jie Jiao became so popular that he caused great disasters.

You must know that when Jiejiao recruited disciples, he truly taught everyone without distinction. It was just one person who wanted to accept two.

This situation resulted in a mixed bag of good and bad disciples of Jie Jiao. Many disciples were inherently defective in their character, and some were even directly demons from the prehistoric era and had done many things that were harmful to nature and morality.

There are even many people with evil intentions who, after joining the Jie Jiao, simply use the prestige of the Jie Jiao to continue to do evil and lose their conscience.

The disciples behaved so recklessly, and as a result, the luck of the entire Jiejiao began to fall rapidly like an avalanche, and even got out of control.

You must know that when Zixiao Palace listened to Taoism, Master Tongtian was the youngest disciple among the Sanqing saints, so he was deeply loved by Taoist ancestor Hongjun and was given many treasures. Therefore, Jiejiao not only has many magic weapons, but also has many treasures. There are also four swords to suppress luck.

Although the power of the Four Swords of Zhu Xian combined with the Zhu Xian Sword Formation is extremely terrifying, the disciples are messing around and tossing around like this. Not to mention the Four Swords of Zhu Xian, even the Pangu Ax of God Pangu and the Chaos Creation Qinglian cannot suppress the anger of Jie Jiao. transport.

Therefore, with the loss of luck, the Jiejiao religion flourished and declined during the Conferring God War.

"Golden flowers fell in Biyou Palace, and the past cannot be traced back..." Recalling the past, Our Lady of Turtle Spirit couldn't help but feel a sense of loss.

At this time, Holy Mother Guiling saw that Fang Yang had accepted disciples. Not only were all of them very good-natured, but even his wife and son also had great merits. She couldn't help but secretly admire Fang Yang in her heart.

"If the master had tested his character and evaluated his merits more when he accepted his disciples, I'm afraid our Jiejiao would not have had such a disaster in ancient times!" Thinking of this, she felt a little sad.

At this time, the various illusions of everyone in the illusion array were still circulating like a revolving lantern in front of the eyes of the Turtle Spirit Mother.

At this time, the Holy Mother Turtle Spirit looked like a security guard in the monitoring hall. She monitors everyone's situation at all times. If she discovers someone is having strange phenomena, she can terminate the test of the illusion array at any time.

Of course, this also means that the other party is disqualified from obtaining the inheritance of Jie Jiao.

"Eh..." After a while, the Turtle Spirit Mother made a confused sound. She discovered that one of Fang Yang's disciples had a very strange experience in the illusion.

This person is Fang Yang's disciple Wang Zheng. At this time, Wang Zheng was still holding a jade sign and studying it.

That jade token was exactly what Ruo Yunxi had obtained by defeating those robbing and robbing cultivators.

Because this jade tablet contains the power of law, but Ruo Yunxi has always been elusive about it, so he simply gave this object to Wang Zheng, who is knowledgeable about the past and present.

Therefore, Wang Zheng has been meditating on this jade tablet these days and has been forgetting to eat and sleep.

Originally, after entering the illusion, he could be said to have been reincarnated in the illusion, but he was not affected at all. Even when reincarnating in the illusion, he would always be attracted by the jade token, and he would carry the jade token with him almost every time he reincarnated. Then he quickly dealt with the life in the illusion and continued to study this thing.

Such a change made the true spirit of the Turtle Spirit Holy Mother change her face.

You should know that this formation has been blessed by the saints with secret methods. Even if the Daluo Jinxian falls into the formation, he will probably have to reincarnate with his soul in the formation to understand the way of heaven.

However, only Wang Zhen, even if he reincarnates in this illusion, will always rely on his memory to find the jade pendant in the illusion and continue to study.

In other words, the reincarnation in this illusion has become like flowing water for Wang Zheng.

The illusion is like flowing water, and my heart is also firm.

In this way, it becomes a flowing illusion, and Wang Zheng is iron.

Moreover, Wang Zheng has been studying this jade pendant for almost generations, and this scene makes the Turtle Holy Mother amazed.

"This jade pendant can actually break the reincarnation restrictions in the illusion array and follow him through reincarnations from generation to generation. This is really mysterious!" For a moment, the Turtle Holy Mother also showed an expression of confusion.

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