Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 1513: The demon-summoning flag moves

Terrifying demonic thoughts swept through many demon soldiers and generals. Judging from the experience of these three old demons, they most like the other party to launch a charge, so that they can use the original demon power to launch a large area of ​​demonization.

"Come on, kill!" the Lord of Greed sneered. "The more ferocious the attack, the stronger the killing thoughts in the hearts of these demon soldiers and generals, which will become the soil for us to plant evil thoughts!"

"But this force is very strange. It can actually cultivate so many masters in the void abyss. This group of monsters must have discovered an extremely amazing ancient inheritance!" The jealous Lord said with amusement.

"No, they had that powerful giant bell just now, and now there are many demon clans. Could it be that they have discovered the inheritance of the ancient demon court?" The Lord of Fear said in surprise at this time.

"The inheritance of the ancient demon court! Then the huge bell just now may be the top treasure of the ancient world, the East Emperor Bell!" The Lord of Greed suddenly realized.

At this time, the three old devils were no longer calm. You must know that the ancient demon clan was an extremely powerful existence.

Under the leadership of Demon Ancestor Luohu, they have been plotting against the world of heaven for a long time. Although they were unable to invade the world of heaven during the ancient times, they still sent many spies. It can be said that they have a very good understanding of the situation in the ancient times.

"With the strength of Donghuang Taiyi and Demon Emperor Jun, they can become saints, but they do not want to be bound by the way of heaven, do not accept the Hongmeng Purple Qi, and retain their free bodies!" The Lord of Greed said slowly, "But they are just borrowing it. Zhou Tianxing Diagram, one borrows the Donghuang Bell, but his strength is no longer inferior to that of the Saint!"

"After seeing us join forces, our luck is already unstoppable!" The Lord of Jealousy said with a smile, "We just obtained the Hunyuan Golden Dou, and now we have the East Emperor Bell! By then our strength will be able to crush Demon Ancestor Luohu. !”

The three old demons were overjoyed at this time. They felt that with the power of the demonic array, even the White Marten controlling the Donghuang Bell could not break it. In addition, they used their demonic thoughts to demonize demon soldiers and generals, and they would be able to capture it in a short time. All the inheritance of the ancient demon court.

Immediately, the three demons chanted magic spells and launched the Six Demon Formation of Kaitian. Waves of demonic energy flowed out, directly covering the demon soldiers and generals who were fighting with the phantoms of the demon beasts.

Seeing such a situation, Qian Duoduo showed a solemn look on his face, and then he waved his hand and the powerful Xiong Tianwang behind him immediately began to wave the long flag in his hand.

As soon as the long flag moved, countless demon soldiers and generals let out a long roar almost simultaneously, seeming to launch a collective demon battle formation. Along with the roaring sound, a mysterious force instantly covered many demon monks.

At the same time, the evil thoughts spread by the three old devils were instantly shaken away by this mysterious power. The morale of those demon soldiers and demon generals was so high that they directly defeated a large number of phantoms of demonic beasts derived from the demonic aura.

"How is it possible that they are not affected by the power of our demonic power!" The three old demons couldn't help but be shocked. You must know that the evil thoughts of these demons are based on the original magic power, which can arouse the evil thoughts of almost all living beings, and they are always invincible.

However, they never expected that it would have no effect on this group of demon soldiers and generals.

"It's strange, what happened? It can actually resist our original demonic thoughts!" The Lord of Greedy was a little uneasy. You must know that this is their special skill, and it was easily cracked by the other party, which made them old. Where to put the devil's face.

The three old demons immediately gathered their minds and continued to use the magic of demonic thoughts. This time they activated the formation, and the resentment in the sky was spread out, directly spreading between heaven and earth.

At this time, in the Six Demon Opening Formation, Fang Chenhao was still using the Forbidden Word spell to form a golden light shield to support him, otherwise many members of the Fang clan would have fallen into the devil's path.

Seeing that these old demons were determined not to give up, Qian Duoduo's eyes were firm and he waved his hand again. Behind him, the King of Powerful Bears began to shake the long flag in his hand crazily. Waves of mysterious power also extended out. However, King Strong Bear was already panting from exhaustion at this time, and it was obvious that shaking the long flag had almost exhausted him.

Sure enough, this time the demonic thoughts in the sky were still unable to invade the numerous demon soldiers and generals, and were once again defeated by this mysterious power.

"What the hell is going on!" The three old demons were all a little confused, wondering why the other party could easily crack their housekeeping methods.

"No, it's that long flag!" The Lord of Jealousy said coldly in the body of a black water black snake. "If my guess is correct, it is this long pole that broke our secret method of destiny!" He said with a look of resentment in his eyes.

"Impossible, this long flag looks ordinary, how can it resist our power!" The Lord of Fear said in confusion.

"If my guess is correct, this thing is probably the treasure of the saint Nuwa in the prehistoric era, the demon-calling banner!" The Lord of Jealousy said in a deep voice, "Because it is a saint's thing, with the aura of a saint, it can control the monsters. Therefore, it can also carry the remaining power of the saint to fight against our original power!"

"Unexpectedly, it's another treasure!" The Lord of Greed's eyes were about to burst into flames. "I didn't expect this fat white ferret to be so powerful. Not only does he have the Donghuang Bell, he also has a demon summoning flag, and he can even control so many demons!"

"I have also seen this big white ferret. It is said that his name is Qian Duoduo. He has been following Fang Yang. Why does he appear here again?" At this time, the jealous old devil suddenly thought of a question.

Previously, they obtained some souls of the Fang clan and also obtained indirect information.

Moreover, when they had previously attached their spiritual power to Qingyun Immortal Lord and hunted down Minghuang Immortal Lord, they had confronted Fang Yang and his group. At that time, they found Fang Yang with Qian Duoduo and Crocodile Ancestor.

And now they found the same Qian Duoduo again, and for a moment they suddenly felt a little scalp tingling.

"I'm afraid Fang Yang has long been hiding beside us, letting his spirit pet fight with us, so as to delay us from launching a terrifying killing move!" The Lord of Greed said with a guilty conscience at this time.

"The spirit pet big white mink beside Fang Yang is already so strong. If Fang Yang comes, I don't know how powerful it will be!" For a moment, the three old demons felt like they were ambushed by a prehistoric beast.

In fact, Qian Duoduo also felt a little guilty at this time. He thought to himself: "These old demons are really too powerful. My Donghuang Bell can't do anything to them. The power left by the saint in the demon-summoning banner will also be exhausted. I'm afraid it will be really dangerous by then!" Qian Duoduo became a little anxious, "Boss Fang, when can you get here!"

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