Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 1524 Miao Tan's Decision

At this time, the Buddhist golden light was scattered everywhere in his hall, and the power of the Buddhist light made Immortal Emperor Miaotan very uncomfortable. "I am already a Daluo Jinxian recognized by the heavenly world, but I never expected that I would still be restrained by this Buddha's light!" Immortal Emperor Miaotan's eyes turned cold instantly.

Then, he started to activate the formation in the main hall, and began to use the power of the formation to consume the Buddhist golden light that escaped into the void. This fairy palace is his dojo. After thousands of years of setting up the formation, the power of the formation here is impregnable. After it was suddenly activated, all kinds of powerful fairy world forces began to burst out crazily.

After a while, the power of ancient Buddhism in the entire hall was completely eliminated. However, during the whole process, Immortal Emperor Miaotan was very nervous, fearing that he would be contaminated by these ancient Buddhist powers and his true colors would be exposed.

"What on earth is going on...why did they send this thing to me!" Immortal Emperor Miaotan's expression became gloomy and uncertain, "Could it be...that they encountered ancient Buddhist cultivators and mastered the ability to eliminate our origins?" The Buddhist practice of strength?" Thinking of this, he couldn't help but break into a cold sweat.

Immortal Emperor Miaotan, as the devourer of the ancient demons, dared to hide openly under the world of heaven. Firstly, it was because his devouring law was very mysterious. After devouring the blood of the Nirvana Phoenix, he obtained the phoenix bloodline to hide his own demonic constitution. Secondly, it is because he firmly believes that he is the original demon and a powerful character who will never die, so he dares to do such risky things.

However, at this time, he knew that this ancient Buddhist secret method could eliminate the original power of their demons, which made him unable to calm down no matter what. After all, this matter was related to his life and death.

"It seems that this matter cannot be delayed. We must make it clear to those old devils!" After saying that, he sat in the hall and began to use secret techniques.

Soon a black void mark flickered in his soul, and it was obvious that he was beginning to communicate with several soul restrictions buried in the black water black snake.

After just a moment, he established contact with the three old devils over there using this method.

"Old Devouring Demon, you are so majestic! The three of us have been contacting you just now, but you have ignored us. Why are you contacting us now? Are you cheap?" The voice of the Lord of Greed instantly echoed in Miao. Emperor Tanxian was in the main hall, and his words were full of sarcasm.

"Old greedy demon, stop talking nonsense, what happened?" Immortal Emperor Miaotan didn't want to say more, and immediately asked the question in his heart.

"Humph, what happened? All this is not because of your good junior brother!" The voice of the Lord of Jealousy also came over.

"My junior brother? Wu Xiangzun?" Immortal Emperor Miaotan was startled when he heard this. The last time the Demon Emperor of Ultimate Bliss took refuge in the Immortal Realm, he was recognized by the Heavenly Dao of the Immortal Realm, and was known as the Immortal Emperor of the Two Realms, and announced the release of Wu Xiangzun. From that time on, Immortal Emperor Miaotan felt a little uneasy, and he did not expect that this time it would really happen. Something happened.

"This good junior brother of yours is indeed the top descendant of ancient Buddhism. In a short period of time, his strength has greatly increased, and he has also cultivated the great magical powers of ancient Buddhism! Moreover, his secret technique of the Golden Light Buddha Kingdom can easily defeat The original power of our demonic path is directly annihilated!" the Lord of Greed said fiercely.

After hearing the stories of several old devils, Immortal Emperor Miaotan couldn't help but feel a tremor in his heart.

You know, if Wu Xiangzun has an enemy, he must be Wu Xiangzun's biggest enemy.

Miaotan's true body is the Devouring Lord among the six original old demons. He killed the remnants of the Phoenix clan and devoured the blood of the Nirvana Phoenix, thus gaining the opportunity for Phoenix Nirvana to be reborn, and then successfully concealed his identity.

Then, he began to hide in the fairy world and wait for opportunities. And when he discovered that Wuxiang Zun had Buddhist destiny, he used extremely despicable means to get close to Wuxiang Zun and gain his trust.

Then he started various performances and created a very confusing persona, which made Wu Xiangzun trust him so much that he even unknowingly sacrificed his own luck to help him become enlightened, and finally allowed him to become enlightened. Successfully became the Immortal Emperor.

However, Wu Xiangzun had obviously awakened at this time, so Immortal Emperor Miaotan felt that his luck was beginning to lose before. In fact, this was just a normal reaction when his luck began to return to Wu Xiangzun.

"With the loss of luck, Wu Xiangzun may come back to seek my life..." After thinking of this, Immortal Emperor Miaotan couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

Wu Xiangzun is indeed the son of Buddhism's destiny. If he really goes all out to oppose Immortal Emperor Miaotan, I'm afraid it will be a life-and-death situation. "If I can't kill Wu Xiangzun, I may be in great danger!"

After thinking of this, Immortal Emperor Miaotan's eyes radiated with extremely cold murderous intent: "He must die, Wu Xiangzun must die, and Buddhism must be completely wiped out!" Immortal Emperor Miaotan said in an extremely spiteful voice.

"Actually, it's not that difficult. Now the battle between the two of us is already in an anxious state, and we have deployed the Six Demon Formations of Kaitian and already have the upper hand. That's why we thought of letting you use your magic power to help us, so that we can find ways to fight with you. Contact me!" The Lord of Greed smiled coldly.

"You mean to let me also participate in the formation? No! I am in the immortal world, and I have managed to hide it from the detection of heaven. If this matter is exposed, then my loss will be too great." Immortal Emperor Miaotan He shook his head and said.

"You don't have to go through so much trouble!" The Lord of Greed smiled, "You only need to transmit the original power of the Devouring Demon through the air, so that we can gather the original power of four ancient demons, which will definitely increase the power of our Kaitian Six Demons Array several times in an instant, and will definitely defeat Wuxiang Zun and others in an instant!"

"So that's it!" After hearing this, Miao Tan Immortal Emperor nodded, and then he no longer refused.

He began to arrange layers of secret methods, but in the blink of an eye, the Miao Tan Immortal Palace where he was was filled with golden light, and rune phantoms appeared one after another. These runes contained the majestic power of the law of space, as if they wanted to isolate his Miao Tan Palace from space.

Afterwards, the power of the formation gradually unfolded with the Miao Tan Immortal Palace as the center. Not long after, all the defensive formations in the entire Miao Tan Immortal Palace were suddenly activated without any warning.

All kinds of secret formations were activated, and in an instant, the red forbidden light above the Miao Tan Immortal Palace was extremely brilliant. Even the many Golden Immortals, True Immortals, and birds and beasts in the entire Miaotan Immortal Realm felt uneasy.

Of course, many Golden Immortal cultivators under the command of Miaotan Immortal Emperor came to ask about it, but Miaotan Immortal Emperor simply responded that he wanted to cultivate great supernatural powers and must let everyone protect Miaotan Immortal Palace.

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