Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 1530 Boss Fang Kneels the Devil

At this time, the entire ice meteorite began to break apart rapidly as if it was hit by an extremely huge hammer.

"Why, what's going on!" Several old demons were a little confused at this time. They just forced Fang Yang to kneel down so as to seize his luck, but they didn't expect that Fang Yang's kneeling would be like the end of the void.

These old demons instantly felt an overwhelming force of law rushing towards them.

"How can there be such a powerful law out of thin air?" The face of the Lord of Greed was full of confusion and puzzlement.

"Why do I feel that what we are facing is not a cultivator, but the rules of heaven!" The Lord of Jealousy also began to be a little uneasy. Because he also felt that the terrifying force of law had a strong sense of crushing him.

As for the Lord of Fear, who had just lost his physical body, at this time it was only the Yuanshen physique formed by the power of the origin of the magic, and it was soon shattered by the impact of this force of law.

"He... is he using some secret technique? How can he be so powerful!" The Lord of Fear was actually deeply afraid, because he felt that the person in front of him was not a person, but just a human-shaped law of heaven.

"Is this person the reincarnation of the Taoist ancestor?" The greedy old demon couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart at this time. Because the foundation of the entire Kaitian Six Demons Formation seemed to be shaken by Fang Yang's kneeling.

As for the black cushion in front of Fang Yang, it turned out to be the Eye of Ten Thousand Demons transformed by the Supreme Magical Power. Judging from the original intention of these old demons, they wanted Fang Yang to kneel down here to worship them, so as to complete the sacrifice. He could easily seize Fang Yang's luck.

However, they never thought that Fang Yang's kneeling would actually form a storm of law power, which directly made their magic power become like a candle in the wind.

The cushion originally transformed by the magic power could not withstand Fang Yang's kneeling at all, and collapsed in an instant. The magic power collapsed directly. As a result, the three old demons who originally wanted to seize Fang Yang's luck began to show signs of collapse.

"How can Boss Fang's kneeling be comparable to the great magical power of the Golden Immortal!" Qian Duoduo was also shocked when he saw the scene in front of him.

"I'm afraid... I'm afraid this kneeling is Boss Fang's real trump card!" The old crocodile couldn't close his huge mouth at this time, because the shock brought to him by the scene made him, the old Golden Immortal, a little scared for a while.

Just when the three old demons were frantically outputting the power of the original magic, forming a vortex of magic, and absorbing the magic thoughts of all beings from the heavens and the worlds, Fang Yang moved again.

He suddenly knelt down on his other knee.

In this way, the storm formed by the entire law began to become extremely mysterious and domineering.

"He knelt down with both legs... The power of this law storm seems to have become stronger again!" The Lord of Greed felt that with Fang Yang's kneeling, the speed of his luck loss increased several times.

"What kind of magical power is this!" The three old demons were completely confused.

However, at this time, Fang Yang did not stop his actions, but his body moved again.

"Stop him! Stop him!" The three old demons were already screaming in fear. They didn't know what method Fang Yang used, and thought that Fang Yang had to kneel down to launch the extremely terrifying great magical power, so they wanted to stop Fang Yang's actions at all costs.

However, at this time, the law storm had a great suppressive effect on their magic magical powers, causing their magic power to start to flow unsmoothly.

And Fang Yang quickly began to bow down with a lightning speed. Bow down! That's right, Boss Fang began to bow down like a crazy believer!

"Is Boss Fang possessed or has he taken the wrong medicine?" The old crocodile tapped his huge head with his little claws.

Because of Fang Yang's operation, everyone was confused. Qian Duoduo opened his mouth wide, and his chin almost fell to the ground.

Fang Yang knocked his head so hard that the huge power of the law seemed to be detonated. In an instant, all the magic power in the entire Kaitian Six Demons Formation began to disintegrate in a strange way.

The three old demons suddenly felt that their luck began to collapse in an abnormal way.

After their power began to collapse, the foundation of the entire Kaitian Six Demons Formation also began to disintegrate rapidly. Even the huge demon god Dharma image outside the formation showed a trend of collapse.

"Boss Fang is too terrible. Just knocking his head can actually launch a terrifying law storm like a saint!" At this time, because He Dong had the inheritance of a saint and mastered the sound of the great way, he could clearly judge that the law storm caused by Fang Yang's knocking his head just now was comparable to the saint's attack.

As Fang Yang kowtowed, the law storm came one after another. The Lord of Fear without a physical body was the first to be unable to bear it, and even the body of the soul could not survive in an instant.

Afterwards, the body of the Black Water Mystic Snake also began to melt rapidly in the law storm.

Only the greedy old demon in the body of the Golden Immortal was still struggling.

"It turns out that Boss Fang's kowtow is so powerful!" The old crocodile also began to think in his mind that if he faced such a terrifying attack from Boss Fang, he might not be able to hold on for long.

At this time, He Dong suddenly realized: "It turns out that Boss Fang borrowed the power of the Heavenly Dao of the Immortal Mansion World to achieve such a miraculous effect!"

As soon as He Dong said this, the old crocodile and Qian Duoduo instantly figured out a lot of secrets.

It turned out that Boss Fang had already let the Void Octopus wrap up the ice meteorite, and at the same time, the power of the world rules of Qingyuan Xianfu began to gradually spread. In this way, the power of the law of this ice meteorite has been controlled by the heaven of the world of Qingyuan Xianfu.

Just now, whether it was Qian Duoduo, Old Crocodile, Wuxiangzun, or He Dong, they were not Fang Yang's trump cards. He only dragged these demons to allow the power of the world law of Qingyuan Xianfu to permeate the entire ice meteorite, thereby controlling the world rules here.

Therefore, from the perspective of the power of the law, this ice meteorite has already merged with the world of Qingyuan Xianfu.

Therefore, Fang Yang has become the world master of the ice meteorite.

In the rules of the world of Qingyuan Xianfu, Fang Yang is the master of the heaven, so he exists beyond the rules of the world. Therefore, in this world, no one can withstand his worship.

Therefore, with just this one worship, these old demons began to break into pieces. The entire icy meteorite began to collapse, the mountains collapsed, the ground cracked, the earth veins shattered, and the entire meteorite began to collapse.

In just a moment, a rumbling sound came from the depths of the earth veins, and the Kaitian Six Demons Formation was broken.

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