Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 1539: The Golden Hairpin Opens the Jade Bi

At this time, the entire Ice Meteorite has been included in the scope of Fang Yang's Qingyuan Immortal Mansion world, and Fang Yang communicated the power of the rules of heaven with just a thought.

As his mind communicated, the power of the world was suddenly aroused, and waves of heavenly light turned into shining runes and descended. Just like a goddess scattering flowers, these golden runes poured in along the ice channel they opened.

Soon, these golden runes bombarded the jade.

With a sound of "Buzz...", layers of golden light emitted from the jade, directly blocking the power of the heavenly runes.

"What a strong restraining power!" Fang Yang felt that the light on the jade stone seemed to be able to resist even the runes of heaven. This made him involuntarily use the skills in the catalog of stealing the sky, hoping to understand the secret of heaven.

After a while, he said with a solemn look on his face: "What a powerful forbidden light. It must also contain the power left by the ancient saints of heaven, so it can resist my power of heaven!"

Fang Yang secretly calculated that if he controlled the power of heaven with all his strength, it would take a long time to erode the restrictions on the jade bit by bit. It is estimated that it would take a hundred years to succeed.

Suddenly, Fang Yang felt a panic in his heart, and he immediately realized that this was the power of heaven warning him. Fang Yang did not dare to hesitate at all and immediately stopped his plan to attack with the power of heaven.

"Boss Fang, why stop?" Qian Duoduo asked curiously.

Fang Yang shook his head and said: "It also contains the power of a saint. If it is a strong attack, it can only be resolved with a little water grinding. It takes too long, and I also received a warning from Heaven!"

"What kind of warning from heaven?" He Dong and the others' expressions also changed slightly, "This also means that if we attack forcefully, we may encounter severe restrictions and even be in danger of dying together!"

Fang Yang nodded, and then said: "A saint-level master should have set up a ban on mutual death here. If we attack by force, it will be self-defeating. I think we can only use other methods!"

"The way of a saint is profound and unfathomable. Even if we have become a golden immortal, we are still beyond our reach!" He Dong shook his head and said.

"Don't say you are a Golden Immortal. Although I have become a Great Luo Golden Immortal, I have no understanding of the realm of a quasi-sage, let alone a saint!" The old crocodile also sighed.

Qian Duoduo couldn't help but shake his head and sigh when he saw how powerful the saint's restriction was: "Really, we've already arrived at the treasure mountain, but because of the last line of defense, we can't enter at all! What a pity!" The biggest pain of being a treasure hunter is to arrive at the treasure house but not be able to enter.

"I don't know which ancient saint left this saint's power?" said the old crocodile.

"This is impossible to detect at all!" Fang Yang shook his head and said, even though he was blessed by the laws of heaven, he still found nothing. It was just the warning from heaven that made him dare not act rashly.

At this time, He Dong suddenly realized: "By the way, according to some ancient jade talisman records of Jiejiao, it is said that the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother were the golden boys and girls next to Taoist Hongjun at that time. They accepted the order of Taozu and lived in the ancient demon court. After the destruction, the heaven was re-established! Therefore, it is not surprising that the power of saints is here to protect it!”

After hearing He Dong's explanation, everyone couldn't help but nodded.

"So, the seal here is not even blessed by ordinary saints, but left by Taoist ancestors!" Zhang Lin nodded and said.

"No wonder this ice meteorite is so weird!" Fang Yang nodded and said, "It is probably because the sealing power of this jade has spread subtly to the entire meteorite, making the ice here extremely tough, so that even if the entire ice meteorite Even in the powerful impact of our attack on the Kaitian Six Demon Formation, it was not destroyed!"

"With such a powerful seal, the things inside must be extraordinary!" Thinking of these things, everyone couldn't help but become more and more curious about the things guarded by the stone wall.

Fang Yang did not dare to forcefully break the formation anymore, and began to use the power of law to bless himself, constantly exploring the seals on the jade, and various mysterious mana operations appeared under the secret technique of stealing the sky.

"What a mysterious magic power!" Fang Yang admired. After several explorations, he discovered subtle changes in the seal, and a void vortex was formed in one place.

"This...this seems to be an invisible keyhole?" Fang Yang was suddenly stunned and couldn't help but feel ecstatic.

I saw him flipping his hand, and a small golden hairpin appeared in his hand. Of course, upon closer inspection, this golden hairpin is not a hairpin, but a golden flying sword shaped like a hairpin. This object was originally the golden hairpin of the Queen Mother of Yaochi. Now it has restored the original appearance of the flying sword and was named Tianyang Fairy Sword by Fang Yang.

Fang Yang input his immortal power into the flying sword, and then let the sword light diffuse out. In an instant, the little flying sword actually had a certain connection with the jade jade, and the connections matched each other.

"It seems...it seems that this flying sword is still a key!" At this time, Fang Yang finally verified his guess. This flying sword can change in many ways, and was then transformed into a golden hairpin by the Queen Mother of Yaochi and kept with her.

This object is very dexterous, and it is precisely because of this that Fang Yang used this object to sneak attack the Lord of Fear and achieve success in one fell swoop.

Soon, Fang Yang urged the Tianyang Fairy Sword to gradually approach the jade bi, and the auras of both sides began to entangle with each other.

"Sure enough, this flying sword is the key to unlocking the jade!" Everyone couldn't help but admire in their hearts.

Soon the flying sword flew into the invisible vortex of laws. In just a blink of an eye, the flying sword entered and inserted directly into a rune on the jade bi.

Then, the entire jade jade shook for a while, and the entire ice meteor began to vibrate.

"Sure enough! It works!" Fang Yang and the others were excited.

After the flying sword was embedded in the jade, it began to rotate slowly. After a stalemate, the entire flying sword sank into the jade.

A powerful purple light suddenly emerged from the mysterious jade restriction.

This purple light was extremely powerful, and it was obviously blessed by the power of the saint. The purple light was like a river flooding, and it directly enveloped Fang Yang and the others with a lightning speed.

Fortunately, at the same time, Fang Yang and the others each had a seven-color treasure light, which was the merit treasure light.

"This purple light is so strong! I have a feeling that no secret can be hidden from this purple light!" Qian Duoduo said worriedly.

"It seems that the purple light is checking whether we are the evil demons?" He Dong guessed. Because he had already sensed the powerful demon-repelling effect of the purple light.

"I guess that's the case!" Zhang Lin nodded and said, "This is the important place of Yaochi, there must be strict inspections!" For a while, everyone became more and more curious about the good things in the treasure behind the jade.

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