Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 155 Five Elements Formation

Under the leadership of Tiangui Sanren, Taoist Qianlong and Taoist Enamel were not willing to lag behind and quickly caught up.

They quickly arrived a hundred miles away from Kuxi Reef.

The spiritual energy here is very thin, and there are not many monsters.

If Tiangui Sanren hadn't personally confirmed it, no one would have believed that the monster would choose this place to escape the tribulation.

"It's really strange! Why did the blue-eyed black snake choose this place?" Tiangui Sanren said in confusion.

"The spiritual energy here is very thin, which makes people feel really strange!" Taoist Qianlong analyzed.

"It stands to reason that in a place with a strong spiritual energy, it is easier to absorb the spiritual energy and restore one's own strength. Even in the weak stage, the recovery will be faster in a place with a strong spiritual energy. In this place with a very thin spiritual energy, it is indeed very troublesome to recover. ”

"That's not certain! Maybe the monster is afraid of being disturbed by others during its tribulation, and wants to find a safe place. This place is very remote and has low spiritual energy, so the chance of causing trouble is very small!"

Taoist Enamel said casually.

Obviously, Taoist Qianlong and Taoist Enamel were quite at odds with each other, but Taoist Enamel accidentally learned about the situation from Taoist Qianlong's disciples, so he joined in.

This made Taoist Qianlong very dissatisfied, but there was nothing he could do.

"As far as I know, when a monster beast goes through a tribulation, it will not change it easily after choosing a place!" Suddenly Tiangui Sanren said with great certainty.

"Hey, monsters still have this habit when they go through tribulations? Why isn't there any record in the classics?"

Taoist Qianlong said doubtfully.

Taoist Qianlong is the elder of the Lingyun Sect. The Lingyun Sect has a long history and has many classics, but there are only very few about monsters and beasts surviving tribulations.

"No matter what the situation is, let's wait for a while." Tiangui Sanren showed a trace of imperceptible weirdness on his face, but it disappeared in an instant.

He quickly dug a cave on a huge rock in Kuxi Reef, then set up a simple magic circle. With a calm look, he went to meditate in the temporary cave.

Taoist Qianlong and Taoist Enamel also established temporary caves respectively.

The disciples they brought with them to build foundations had no choice but to settle on a small reef not far from them.

Under such circumstances, Fang Yang certainly did not dare to board the Kuli Reef with such arrogance, and he often used Feiyunzhang for boring surveillance, which might make others suspicious.

Therefore, Fang Yang chose to hide on a small island reef three hundred miles away, and went out to explore twice a day.

Three golden elixir masters go to the seabed to explore every day.

However, the sea water under Kuji Reef is extremely deep and the area is very large.

Even if the three of them probed carefully, the blue-eyed black snake seemed to have disappeared.

Seeing those three people going into the sea really made Fang Yang anxious. He was also afraid that Fang Yang would discover the secret palace hidden by Taoist Mitian before they did.

However, a few days passed, and there was still no movement from the three of them, which made Fang Yang a little worried.

Whether these Jindan masters can find things that they can't find is still a question.

However, Fang Yang felt a lot more at ease when he thought about the amount of money in the spirit beast bag in his arms.

This is a lot of money. Now I hold the inner elixir of the green-skinned glazed crab in the spirit beast bag all day long, absorbing the demon power in it, and now I have gained a lot.

It is estimated that it will not take long to break through to the realm of fourth-level monsters, which is equivalent to the late stage of foundation building.

This also means that Qian Duoduo's treasure-hunting magical power will become more powerful.

"Qian Duoduo can even find the ancient wall of prohibition buried deep under the Yanmu Immortal Island. I think it won't be too difficult to find Taoist Mitian's cave as long as we have enough time."

On the sixth day, a group of foundation-building monks who were hunting monsters broke into the outskirts of Dry Dragon Reef.

They were just passing by here, but unfortunately they met Tiangui Sanren and the others.

This group of foundation-building monks were all killed quickly, and even a few golden elixir masters were directly blown to ashes.

Seeing that the other party was so vicious, Fang Yang was secretly frightened and became even more cautious.

In the past few days, when Fang Yang was hiding in the sky and exploring the Kuji Reef, he also found that the aura around the Kuji Reef was much weaker than other places, and even the water aura was very thin.

If it were an ordinary monk, even a golden elixir monk would not think there was anything strange about this. At most, they would think it was just because the spiritual veins here were weak.

But Fang Yang is a master of formations, and of course he is good at observing the flow of spiritual power.

"Kujiao Reef is originally a reef in the sea. It should be linked to the water-attribute aura in the sea no matter what. However, the water-attribute aura here is still very weak, even to the same extent as other auras. In other words, the five elements aura here have become Very weak! There must be a formation in it, and it is a mysterious formation that controls the five elements!"

Fang Yang had a judgment in his mind.

Of course, the reason why Fang Yang was able to detect this was because he had a secret map in his hand and knew in advance that there was something strange here.

After coming here, I will carefully discover and verify it with purpose.

Without prior knowledge, I am afraid that even if Fang Yang's skill is several times more advanced, he may not be able to see the clues.

After all, places like this are mostly affected by the quality of spiritual veins.

There are countless places like this in the entire East China Sea, and no one would explore and study every inch of them.

"Senior Taixuzi, can you see any clues in this?"

Fang Yang's spiritual thoughts began to communicate with Tai Xuzi, who was living in seclusion in the Hongtian Zhenshan Order.

On weekdays, as long as Fang Yang's mind moves, he can seal the Thunder Mountain Order, so that Taixuzi cannot sense anything outside.

For every question Fang Yang asks, Taixuzi will not be stingy and will patiently explain.

Of course, Fang Yang will give him some pills to restore his mind every time.

"Haha, Fang Yang, I think you have already seen it!" Taixuzi smiled gently.

"Indeed, I have noticed something through the analysis of spiritual energy, but my cultivation is still shallow, and I can't be sure what the influence here is!" Fang Yang said frankly.

"Haha, this is the Great Five Elements Xumi Formation, but the person who set up the formation used it very cleverly, and arranged these messy reefs into hidden formation tools."

Taixuzi continued to analyze: "This person must be proficient in the way of the five elements. To be able to see these formations, I am afraid that only cultivators in the middle and late stages of the Nascent Soul can do it smoothly. It's good that you can see a clue!" Taixuzi praised.

"Thank you for your compliment, senior. I guessed it out from a hint on a map, not when I first arrived!" Fang Yang said with a smile.

"The Great Five Elements Xumi Formation is a profound five-element formation. The way of cultivation in the world is based on the five elements. This Great Five Elements Formation can control the operation of the five elements' spiritual power. It is not only powerful in defense, but also has a remarkable concealment effect."

Fang Yang learned a lot about the five-element formation from Taixuzi. Taixuzi's profound cultivation made Fang Yang suddenly enlightened in many places.

Fang Yang also had his own plans in mind, and he decided to wait for an opportunity to act.

If Tiangui Sanren and his men were very powerful, he would rather not show up, and wait until they killed the monsters and left, and then slowly explore Mitian Daoren's cave.

But if the other party fought to a loss, Fang Yang might as well jump out and be a profitable fisherman.

At noon on the ninth day, waves of quite regular fluctuations came from the bottom of the Kuyue Reef.

Waves surged out from the bottom of the sea, as if an earthquake had occurred under the sea.

"Hahaha... I'm afraid that monster is about to pass the tribulation!" Qianlong Taoist laughed excitedly.

"Let's hide quickly! Don't alert the snake and let the cooked duck fly away!" Tiangui Sanren's face also revealed uncontrollable excitement.

"Pass the order down, all foundation-building cultivators are pushed 300 miles away and distributed in all directions to be on guard. If anyone wants to break in without permission, just say that Lingyun Sect and Yini Sect are on official business here. If the other party still wants to break in, then kill them without mercy!"

Afterwards, the more than 30 foundation-building cultivators they brought were divided into more than 10 teams, each with three people.

Each person belongs to the power of a Jindan cultivator, so the power of the three parties can be united.

These foundation-building disciples are the dead men and confidants of the three Jindan cultivators, so there is no need to worry about them leaking secrets.

After these foundation-building monks left, Tiangui Taoist took out a large array plate.

There were dozens of small array chess pieces on this array plate.

"Fortunately, I prepared this top-grade concealment plate in advance. When it is used, unless it is a Yuanying monk, the late Jindan monk cannot detect it."

Tiangui Sanren quickly opened the array plate, and they hid on a small reef ten miles away from Kuyue Reef with this set of concealment array.

This array is really powerful. When the three monks entered it, Fang Yang did not find any trace of them at all.

If Fang Yang had not watched them set up this array plate, Fang Yang would never believe that there were three Jindan monks hidden in it.

Seeing this, Fang Yang couldn't help but take a breath, "If they are determined to deal with you, it would be very dangerous to hide and attack."

However, it should be very close to the appearance of the black snake at this time, and Fang Yang did not want to miss it.

He controlled the flying cloud barrier and used the invisible technique to bless it, hiding in the sky thousands of feet above Tiangui Sanren and the others.

They were all waiting for the appearance of the seventh-level peak blue-eyed black snake.

After the sea water fluctuated for about half an hour, a huge monster rose from the water with a bang.

A huge black snake that was thirty or forty feet long and three or four feet thick rushed out from the sea.

"Hiss..." The black snake was pitch black, but its eyeballs were as big as pots and pans, and the whole eyeball was emerald green.

However, the emerald green eyeballs were still emitting red light, just like a circle of fine rubies inlaid on a large emerald gem.

And the red light in the eyes became stronger and stronger.

And the blazing red light in the eyes also showed that the moment for this monster to cross the tribulation was approaching.

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