Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 1551 The devil's calamity befell the mosquito Taoist

This giant mosquito is none other than the prehistoric beast, the Mosquito Taoist.

The Mosquito Taoist is known for his viciousness. During the Conferred Gods War, the Turtle Spirit Holy Mother, as a disciple of the Jiejiao Tongtian Saint, was captured by the Western Sect Leader Jieyin Taoist and had to transform into a turtle.

Then Jieyin Taoist ordered the White Lotus Boy under his seat to wrap the Turtle Spirit Holy Mother with the magic weapon Ling Banner and send her to the West.

Who would have thought that the Mosquito Taoist, relying on his powerful hidden magical power, directly ate the flesh, blood, soul and Taoism of the Turtle Spirit Holy Mother, and turned her into an empty shell. Only a little true spirit was attached to the turtle shell.

This group of Mosquito Taoists took advantage of the fight between the Western Sect Leader and the Tongtian Sect Leader to fly to the Western Paradise and absorb three grades of the Western Sect's spiritual treasure, the Twelve-Grade Merit Golden Lotus Platform.

In this way, the level of the Twelve-Grade Golden Lotus was reduced and turned into the Ninth-Grade Golden Lotus.

It turned out that the Western Sect was secretly studying ways to fight against the Demon Ancestor at that time, and finally founded Buddhism and Buddhism on the basis of the Western Sect. Relying on Buddhism, sentient beings can eliminate greed, anger, and ignorance, and achieve the purity of the six senses.

If sentient beings can purify the six senses, they can prevent the evil thoughts from parasitizing, so that the Taoism of the Demon Ancestor can really be eradicated, so Buddhism is the natural nemesis of the Demon Dao.

Therefore, not only did the Western Saints work hard for this, but other Heavenly Saints also supported it.

However, it was because the Mosquito Taoist secretly sucked the Twelve Merit Golden Lotus that the Third-grade Western Church intended to suppress the luck, which disrupted the Western Church's plan and layout. This also forced the Western Church to postpone the launch of Buddhism for a thousand years, allowing the demons to be violent in the prehistoric world, and for a while all the saints were in a mess.

Then, after the great catastrophe of the Conferred God, the saints reconciled under the matchmaking of the Taoist Ancestor Hongjun.

It was at this time that the Holy Man Tongtian resurrected a little of the true spirit of the Turtle Spirit Mother into the body of the Yuanshen, and refined its tortoise shell into the Turtle Spirit Island, which became the inheritance place of the younger generation of the Jie Sect, looking forward to the revival of the Jie Sect again.

However, what was unexpected was that the first great catastrophe of the Heavenly Dao was encountered afterwards. Daozu Hongjun led the saints injured in the Conferred God War to resist the Demon Ancestor Luohou and the Six Demons of the Creation of Heaven, which resulted in the death of the saints.

In this war, many saints died, many saints' Taoist temples, and many places of inheritance of the three ancient religions were buried in the endless void.

It can be said that this fierce beast Mosquito Taoist harmed the entire Heavenly Dao for his own interests, and was naturally hated by all beings in the Heavenly Dao and even saints.

If he had not sucked the third-grade merit golden lotus, Buddhism, as the back-up of the saints against the demons, would certainly play a great role, so the deeds of Mosquito Taoist are innumerable.

However, when the saint was still there, Mosquito Taoist knew that he had caused a big disaster and wanted to hide secretly. But he still suffered the punishment of heaven. The dense runes on his body were equivalent to the "tattooing" of heaven for his crimes, which was equivalent to tattooing his sins on his body, and he was punished by the thunder tribulation of heaven all the time.

When the second great catastrophe of heaven came, the clone of the demon ancestor Luohou was resurrected, and the first thing he had to do was to exterminate Buddhism.

After all, the restraint of Buddhism on the demon head became a major obstacle to the revival of the demon. Of course, this second great catastrophe of heaven ended with the fifty sages uniting the way and regaining control of heaven under the protection of Yue Tianya and many powerful people.

It can be said that Mosquito Taoist was just an ordinary fierce beast blood-winged black mosquito in the prehistoric era, but the influence he caused was extremely far-reaching. It was precisely because of this that the heaven was extremely disgusted with him, and even his body was full of marks of heaven's thunder punishment.

These marks contain the power of heaven's punishment, which cannot be attenuated at all, so this fierce beast mosquito is also punished by heaven all the time, and he often hurts so much that his skin and flesh are torn apart, and he would rather die than live.

To this end, he searched for the secrets to restrain the heavenly thunder punishment, and finally found some secrets through some methods of cultivating the chaotic elemental force. The chaotic elemental force is the elemental force that overflowed into the void of the universe in the era of the creation of the world. It is not the power of the five elements of the heavenly way, so it is not restricted by the laws of the heavenly way. In this way, he can weaken the influence of the heavenly thunder punishment by practicing with the chaotic elemental force.

Originally, he thought that after the heavenly way was in chaos and the saints fell, he could come back and live freely and domineeringly in the heavenly world. Unexpectedly, after the fifty sages became the masters of the sky, the suppression on him increased, and even several times they dropped the world-purifying thunder, which almost killed him.

In this way, for many years, the Mosquito Taoist could only survive in the dark deep space demon ravine. At the same time, he also used his long mosquito mouthparts to penetrate into the endless void to absorb the chaotic elemental force.

However, this time, the Mosquito Taoist was greedy for a while and swallowed a hornet's nest.

This time when he practiced again, he could not help but have evil thoughts in his heart.

He seemed to appear before the creation of the world. Pangu the Great Sage had just fallen. The blood of the great god covered the earth and turned into rivers formed by pure energy. The surging blood and pure energy made the mosquito Taoist greedy.

The mosquito Taoist was like a mouse entering a rice jar. He dived into the remains of Pangu the Great Sage and devoured the blood power crazily.

"Hahaha... Such pure energy! Is this the power of the God of Creation... It's all mine! It's all mine!" The mosquito Taoist's eyes were full of greedy desires, and he devoured the majestic power crazily.

"Hahaha, everything is mine! I am the strongest in the world!" Under the temptation of greedy desires, the mosquito Taoist fell into a state of madness.

However, at this moment, a huge blood mist creature soared into the sky. He was born from the sea of ​​blood where blood gathered. He absorbed essence dozens of times faster than the mosquito Taoist.

"He... His innate magical power is stronger than mine!" The Mosquito Taoist could only watch the cultivation of the creature in the blood mist soar, and for a moment, his jealousy was beyond words.

Then, the blood shadow gradually transformed into a red-haired monk, who was the later Styx Patriarch. At that time, he should have been absorbing blood essence in the sea of ​​blood, so it was not an exaggeration to call him the Blood River Patriarch.

"Why is he stronger than me... Why... We are all blood suckers, I can only absorb one by one, but he can swallow it... It's unfair..." At this time, the Mosquito Taoist was jealous.

Just as the Mosquito Taoist was venting his dissatisfaction crazily, it seemed that his voice was heard. For a moment, the Styx Patriarch, who had just transformed, brought a large number of his subordinates to surround him.

This scared the Mosquito Taoist and made a frightened "buzzing..." sound. After a moment, it seemed that all the terrifying existences began to gather. Suddenly, the Mosquito Taoist felt an incomparable fear in his heart.

Within a short period of time, greed, jealousy, fear and other evil thoughts in Mosquito Taoist's heart began to intertwine with each other!

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