Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 1573 Taking advantage of Boss Fang’s traffic

Fang Yang and the others left the Shanhe Sheji Tu in an instant.

However, at this time, Fang Yang's mind was still replaying the whole process of the little girl controlling Jiutianxi soil. This process is like clouds rolling and relaxing, like the wind blowing willows, it has a natural and mysterious state.

He seemed to feel that the huge hand transformed by the little girl was using the power of a great law to gradually merge with the Nine Heavens.

The nine-day hustle and bustle was originally quite mysterious, but after she manipulated it with secret techniques, it actually formed a special Taoist charm. Of course, this kind of Taoist rhyme is invisible and colorless, and can only be understood by the secret method of stealing the sky.

During this refining process, it seemed as if the little girl had easily integrated the power of the great avenue of all things in the world into the bustle of the nine heavens.

Of course, people who can't understand it, all they see is a little girl playing in the mud. But the whole process that Fang Yang saw was mysterious and mysterious.

After Fang Yang only observed it for a while with the secret technique of stealing the sky, he felt that his consciousness was filled with endless magical powers and laws, which made him somewhat unable to grasp it. Therefore, he was moved out by the little girl not only to prevent the secret from being revealed, but also as a way for the little girl to protect him.

At this time, Fang Yang kept recalling the little girl's manipulation techniques in his consciousness, and he became more and more shocked.

You must know that Fang Yang now has the strength of the Golden Immortal, and with the blessing of the world laws of Qingyuan Immortal Mansion, his spiritual consciousness is already comparable to that of the Immortal Emperor, and even close to the quasi-sage level. However, even so, he is watching the little girl In the process of grasping the hustle and bustle of Jiutian, I still feel that I have some information overload. He obviously felt that he could not handle the endless magical powers and laws contained in it.

At this time, Fang Yang was actually in a daze, and thought to himself: Is this the power of a saint? Thinking of these, Fang Yang became more and more horrified.

Because everyone was moved out of the Shanhe Sheji Map by the little girl, Yue Tianya was also not spared and was thrown directly to the seaside. However, Yue Tianya didn't care at all about this situation. Instead, with a smile on his face, he continued to run to the beach to sunbathe.

Fang Yang, on the other hand, sat cross-legged and began to have an epiphany. The magical powers and laws he had just comprehended were constantly repeated in his mind. Although he had only watched the little girl cast spells for a short time, it had already triggered endless inspiration in him.

Of course, even the power of stealing the sky could not steal the whole process of the little girl's manipulation, but Fang Yang now had a sense of understanding the way of heaven and the laws of nature.

This feeling made him extremely happy and happy, so he kept simulating the operation of the avenue. Although Fang Yang was still practicing with his eyes closed, bursts of mysterious light were escaping from his body.

Everyone couldn't help but look shocked when they saw this scene. "Boss Fang didn't know what he had experienced this time, and he started to show mysterious auras!" Qian Duoduo exclaimed.

"Don't underestimate it! This is the aura manifested by the Rhythm of the Great Dao!" Yue Tianya, who was sunbathing on the side, immediately said with a smile: "The Rhythm of the Great Dao is intangible, has no color, no body, and has no trace at all. , but at this time Fang Yang is comprehending the Great Dao and turning himself into a medium, so that he can reflect the various auras of the Great Dao."

"Senior Yue, isn't this magical power that contains Tao Yun powerful?" Erha asked with innocent eyes.

"Of course it's amazing! What he just saw is one of the most powerful magical powers in the world!" Yue Tianya's eyes were filled with light at this time, as if he was thinking of some ancient memory.

Obviously Yue Tianya knew the cause and effect, but he just didn't explain it clearly.

"You'd better practice next to this guy Fang Yang. If you can get some traffic from the Rhythm of the Great Dao, the benefits are endless!" Yue Tianya reminded with a smile. So everyone immediately gathered around Fang Yang. Soon they also felt this gentle and lawful power. For a moment, everyone felt as comfortable as soaking in a hot spring.

And as Fang Yang practiced, the charm of the great avenue began to surge around everyone. Suddenly everyone began to feel a sense of enlightenment.

At the same time, the world of Qingyuan Immortal Mansion also began to absorb the power of this Tao Yun, and then various strange phenomena appeared. For a time, the power of the fairy spirits in the world of Immortal Mansion became more and more intense, and the power of the laws of heaven began to be continuously improved.

Even the green dragon-colored bead world in Fang Yang's arms was also affected by the power of Tao Yun. Fairy Yue Fang and the Fang clan members inside were also affected and began to realize their enlightenment. One by one, they sat on the futon and began to breathe.

Because they entered the state of enlightenment, some members of the Fang clan with poor spiritual roots also made breakthroughs one after another.

Seeing such a scene, Yue Tianya couldn't help but smile and nodded, and then said with a somewhat relaxed smile: "There are successors to the way of heaven, and there are successors!"

Then he didn't care about anything else and started sunbathing happily again.

In fact, Yue Tianya is not simply sunbathing, because the sunlight here also contains the majestic power of merit. He uses this method to continuously absorb the power of merit here, which also makes his foundation more stable.

Because he has been against the way of heaven in these years, he has endless hidden wounds on his body. By sunbathing with merit in this way, he can gradually get rid of the hidden diseases in his body.

Not long after practicing beside Fang Yang, Qian Duoduo began to exclaim: "Wonderful, wonderful! That's great. There are also many techniques that I have been practicing that have been hindered by the ancient Demon King's Secret Technique inheritance. , this time with the power of Boss Fang’s Tao Yun, many things that were previously unfathomable were instantly overcome!”

"I understand a lot too!" Erha's eyes became more innocent at this time. He became more and more closely connected with the Lotus Lantern in his hand and even the Fire Lotus on his head. Obviously, he benefited a lot from the sudden enlightenment just now.

As for He Dong's understanding of the formation, it was also advancing by leaps and bounds: "Wonderful, if we can combine the Zhoutian Star Formation with the Zhuxian Formation and the Wanxian Formation, I am afraid that we will have the power to fight against quasi-saints and even saints in the future!"

And Zhang Lin also laughed: "I wanted to refine too many treasures before, but the technical difficulty was too great. I benefited a lot from this sudden enlightenment!"

As for Mu Qingqing and the others, they have become more integrated with the secret methods of the ancient Three Immortal Islands, and controlling the Hunyuan Golden Bowl will become much smoother in the future.

Obviously, everyone got a lot of Tiandao traffic from Fang Yang, so everyone's realm has improved to a certain extent. Even the old crocodile, whose cultivation had been trapped in the Daluo Jinxian Realm for many years, had some opportunities for breakthroughs at this time, and everyone was extremely happy for a while.

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