Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 1584 The Buddhist Heaven Master Takes Action

In an instant, many demon clan masters began to join forces. The white light of the jade talismans resonated with the power of the laws of heaven, constantly condensing the extremely huge power of the laws of heaven.

Various forces intersect and merge with each other, constantly deriving more powerful powers of heaven.

In fact, today's Tiandao is like a joint-stock company. And each person who controls the sky is like a shareholder who controls the equity. They control the power of heaven through the heavenly magic weapon in their hands, and can then explode the extremely powerful power of world rules.

At this time, the demon clan masters such as Bai Ze, Ji Meng, Yingzhao, Shang Yang, Bi Tie, and Fei Lian began to join forces, and the power of the world's rules gradually merged and turned into the power of the laws of heaven.

The power of these laws is invisible and intangible, but it falls from the sky like a wave and hits Immortal Emperor Miaotan directly.

"These monster clans are really united!" The Heaven Masters on the Wu clan's side were all watching with cold eyes.

They have had an unforgettable hatred for the demon clan since the beginning of the Lich War. Although they have temporarily put aside their original grudges after becoming the Heaven Master, they still like to see the demon clan defeated, and sometimes even deliberately do so. Make a stumbling block.

However, this time the Demon Clan and the Witch Clan had already discussed it beforehand, and swore to express their trust in the Demon Master Kunpeng, and were even willing to bear the consequences. Therefore, many of the Witch Clan did not deliberately interfere at this time, but sneered on their faces, thinking about the demon master. If the family fails, how miserable will the overtime work in the future be.

After all, after becoming a Heaven Master, because of the integration with the power of Heaven, you will almost have an eternal soul, because the Heaven Master has become a part of the rules of Heaven.

Therefore, these heaven-masters are immortal, so no matter how much they hate each other, they will eventually become like "you can't stand me, but you can't kill me."

Although the demon masters of the sky are also worried about the demon master Kunpeng, they also know that the master of the sky is immortal. If he is destroyed, the power of the laws of heaven will probably give birth to a new demon master Kunpeng. Therefore, they think that the demon master Kunpeng will be born. He must have discovered some secret before he warned them.

Many demon clan masters can discover this, and the wizard clan masters who have been fighting with them all their lives naturally know that things are not trivial. Therefore, they did not try their best to stop the actions of many demon clans.

At this time, the power of heavenly laws mobilized by many demon clan masters quickly poured down and directly overwhelmed Immortal Emperor Miaotan. This power is colorless and tasteless, and does not even have any fluctuations. However, the huge power of law directly suppresses Immortal Emperor Miaotan, causing him to suffer for a while.

At this time, Immortal Emperor Miaotan's face turned red, as if he was suppressed by hundreds of huge mountains. However, this power was so mysterious that others could not sense it, which made Emperor Miaotan anxious and angry.

For a moment, Immortal Emperor Miaotan was suppressed by this majestic power of law. Even if he used the original power of Daluo Jinxian, he could not clear away this power. At this time, he was horrified.

"No, could it be that the Master of Heaven really saw the clues last time?" Immortal Emperor Miaotan became more and more anxious at this time. He thought it was because the last time the three old demons of greed, jealousy, and fear joined forces with him to set up the Six Demon Formation of Kaitian, they were monitored by Heavenly Dao and discovered the problem.

"These three old devils have failed more than they succeeded!" At this time, Immortal Emperor Miaotan had already sent countless greetings to these old devils in his heart. But at this time, he still had a plan in mind, "Fortunately, I used the blood of the Nirvana Phoenix to refine this Nirvana Dharma Body before, so there shouldn't be too many clues!"

Even at this moment, Immortal Emperor Miaotan still had a plan in mind. Just for a moment, his body was filled with brilliance, and a golden phoenix shadow appeared in front of him. The huge phoenix shadow was brilliant in golden light and sparkling with spiritual light, without any sign of the devil at all.

As a result, many Heaven Masters had to start muttering secretly: "Could it be that Demon Master Kunpeng made a mistake?" Even the many Demon Master Kunpeng who trusted Demon Master Kunpeng were a little uncertain for a while.

Of course, many of the witch masters were all smiling. Seeing that the demon tribe was in a state of defeat, they were already thinking about how to make the demon tribe work overtime in the future so that they could get some rest.

Although the master of the sky is integrated with the way of heaven and has a long life and the blessing of the rules of the way of heaven, this also means endless tasks of holding the sky and endless overtime. Since the Yaozu boasted about Haikou this time, they were naturally happy to see success.

However, Immortal Emperor Miaotan is an Immortal Emperor inherited from Buddhism. This time, he was "deliberately making things difficult" by many demon masters. Naturally, many Buddhist masters were quite dissatisfied.

At this time, the Buddhist Master Xumi Guang flew directly in front of Bai Ze and others and said: "You actually use public weapons for private purposes to insult me, the Immortal Emperor of Buddhism, you are so wanton and reckless!!"

"It's not that we can be bullied, but we have received a warning that there is something wrong with Immortal Emperor Miaotan, so we used the weapon of palm to verify the cause and effect!" Bai Ze said without being humble or arrogant.

In fact, because during the second great catastrophe of heaven, the clone of the demon ancestor Rahu was resurrected, the first thing to do was to eradicate the Buddhist sect, which had greatly suppressed the demonic way. As a result, the Buddhist sect suffered heavy losses. Therefore, many masters of Buddhism also actively choose to become masters of heaven, and then suppress the demon ancestor Rahu.

At this time, another Buddhist Master of Heaven, Kassapa, also flew up and said: "You have made this judgment based on just one word and attacked the Immortal Emperor canonized by the way of heaven. Don't you think that this belongs to us, the Master of Heaven?" What a shame?"

Soon other Buddhist heaven masters also stood up and angrily attacked many demon clan masters.

Of course, some of the Wu clan's sky masters were watching coldly, while others were directly sarcastic, which made many demon clan sky masters feel a little embarrassed for a while.

However, what made many demon clan sky masters even more depressed was that after a long while, many demon clan sky masters still could not find any clues after exerting the power of heaven. The Nirvana Phoenix in front of the Immortal Emperor Miao Tan kept wailing. Although it was shining with spiritual light and righteous, it looked injured.

"Bai Ze, you've had enough!" The Buddhist sky master Ju Liusun said angrily, "If you continue to insist on your own way, we Buddhists will definitely fight you to the death!" Ju Liusun has a very high prestige in Buddhism. With his protection, many demon clan sky masters could not help but look at each other.

Even if Bai Ze still wanted to insist, many Buddhist sky masters had already taken action. One after another, the Buddha's light blocked the means of the demon clan, and then the majestic Buddha's power quickly healed the Immortal Emperor Miao Tan and the Nirvana Phoenix.

However, what was unexpected was that the Immortal Emperor Miao Tan was able to resist the laws of heaven for a long time and was fine, but when the Buddha's light from the sky that was supposed to heal him came, something strange happened in an instant.

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