Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 1589 The Abnormality of the Heaven-controlling Formation

Fang Yang has known Senior Yue Tianya for many years. Although this ancient powerful Yue Tianya senior is a bit unreliable, he is still very calm when encountering things. Even if he was chased by the Heavenly Thunder Tribulation, the worst he could do would be to dig a few more dog holes and then escape through them in a cool way.

However, at this time, Yue Tianya's expression became more and more solemn, as if a big hole had been poked in the way of heaven.

"Senior Yue, what happened?" Qian Duoduo also noticed something was wrong and asked immediately. Because this was the first time that he noticed something was wrong with Yue Tianya's mood, he guessed that something might be serious.

"Tiandao, I'm afraid...I'm afraid it's over!" Yue Tianya said with a face ashen as death.

"What, Tiandao is about to end? How is this possible!" He Dong also looked puzzled.

If someone else said this, I'm afraid no one would believe it. But what Senior Yue Tianya said suddenly made everyone nervous. But they couldn't imagine what kind of situation had happened, that it would be like this.

Yue Tianya sighed: "During the first great catastrophe of Heaven, Dao Ancestor led the six great saints and sacrificed himself to seal the Demon Ancestor Luohu. However, since there are no saints in the Heaven Dao World, the laws of many places in the Heaven Dao World have been changed. There are signs of chaos, so we must try to complete the way of heaven!"

"I'm afraid this is the reason for the fifty sages to mend the sky!" Fang Yang instantly understood the cause and effect.

Yue Tianya nodded and continued to speak slowly: "It is precisely because of the incompleteness of Heavenly Dao that the Demon Ancestor Luohu took advantage of the fact that there were no saints in Heavenly Dao and luckily resurrected one of his clones and once again brought trouble to the Heavenly Dao world. This is how the third generation came into being. The second catastrophe of heaven!" Yue Tianya seemed to be thinking about the original situation, and he was a little distracted.

During this catastrophe, because there were no saints and Buddhism had great restraint on demons, Demon Ancestor Rahu began to attack Buddhism, which caused heavy losses to Buddhism and almost ended the inheritance.

"By the way, I remembered it. This was the second great catastrophe of heaven that Senior Yue Tianya later deceived, no, persuaded many ancient powers to enter the laws of heaven and become the masters of heaven?" Qian Duoduo said thoughtfully. .

"This...well, not bad!" Yue Tianya nodded awkwardly and said.

After all, it was precisely because he deceived too many ancient powers that all of these people entered the way of heaven. Although they did complete the way of heaven, many of them felt that they had been cheated by Yue Tianya, so they had what happened later. The Heavenly Thunder Tribulation took his anger out on him. Yue Tianya also felt that this could relieve their anger, so he was happy with it.

It was precisely because of this that Yue Tianya kept digging dog holes to avoid the thunder tribulations of heaven. As he went back and forth, he developed even more powerful escape skills. However, Yue Tianya was suppressed by the way of heaven, and his cultivation level remained at the level of ancient times.

"Hey... Although the fifty great ones who can be integrated into the Heavenly Dao can complete the laws of the Heavenly Dao, they still have flaws!" Yue Tianya sighed and explained slowly. It turns out that the so-called Heaven Master relies on a large formation to form a special connection between the Heaven Master and the original power of the laws of the heavenly world.

"This formation is also a back-up left behind by the saint when he conquered the demons!" Yue Tianya said with a gloomy expression. "There is a problem with the laws of heaven this time. It is probably because there is a problem with the foundation of the Heaven Palm Formation."

"Could it be that there is an ancient demon destroying the Law of Heaven array?" Fang Yang said with a change of expression. Then he suddenly realized and said: "Could it be the ancient demon disguised as Immortal Emperor Miaotan!" Thinking of this, everyone became a little nervous.

"Before, the demon master Kunpeng had already warned the masters of heaven in advance, but I didn't expect that something like this would happen!" He Dong shook his head and said. Everyone was thinking the same thing as him at this time, and felt that the one who controlled the sky didn't pay attention to it.

"Could it be that those who control the sky didn't pay attention?" Qian Duoduo guessed.

"There is no point in blaming anyone now. We must repair the Heaven Palm Formation as soon as possible, otherwise the way of heaven will be in chaos without the support of the Heaven Master, and those old demons may also have a chance to resurrect!" Thinking of this, Yue Tianya's worried look became more intense.

"But senior, how can we repair this formation?" He Dong couldn't help but ask. He is a great master of formations, so he is naturally fascinated by the formations that only saints can set up. But after all, that is a method that only a saint can have. With his current knowledge, it may be extremely difficult to repair it.

"Hey...it's no use even if I go, I can't even get close to the Palm Formation!" Yue Tianya said slowly with a long sigh.

Then he continued to explain to Fang Yang and the others: "Because I deceived many sages into entering the way of heaven, and I would have directly joined them to become the master of heaven, but then I was called 'Dayan Fifty' by several friends. As an excuse to escape, he kicked me out!" Thinking of the scene at that time, Yue Tianya also shook his head, showing a look of helplessness.

"It is precisely because of this that I failed to join the Tao, and was later cursed by Heaven. Of course, it was also because of the hatred of many Heaven Masters towards me, so I could not approach the Heaven Palm Formation!" Yue Tianya sighed. Yue Tianya's eyes seemed to be a little red when he talked about this. Obviously, there may be something more hidden about what happened back then. After all, the grievances and hatreds of the ancient great powers cannot be explained clearly in a few words.

Yue Tianya then took out a jade talisman and quickly poured information about the ancient palm sky formation into it.

After a while, he said to Fang Yang and the others: "This time, my senior sister is performing the supreme magic in the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map. This matter is of great importance, no less than the creation of the world by the Great God Pangu!"

"What? No less than the creation of the world by Pangu?" Everyone's hearts trembled.

"Therefore, I will protect her at all costs, and I will not leave this place no matter what. This time I can only ask you to repair this formation!" Yue Tianya said very seriously.

Naturally, everyone is very clear that this time there is a problem with the Tiandao Palm Formation, which may be very important, and may even be related to the survival of the entire Tiandao world. Fang Yang and the others discussed for a while without refusing, and then expressed their willingness to give it a try.

"However, there is one more thing I want to ask Senior Yue for help!" Fang Yang also said seriously.

Yue Tianya was also stunned. He was worried that Fang Yang wanted to sell it at a price and extort a sum of money from him. However, he had been with Fang Yang for many years and naturally knew what Fang Yang was like, so he also wanted to hear the conditions that Fang Yang wanted to make.

"Little friend Fang, please speak!" Yue Tianya nodded and said, "I will try my best to help you finish it!"

For a moment, He Dong, Zhang Lin, Qian Duoduo, Wuxingtongzi and others were curious about what boss Fang would ask for this time.

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