Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 1595 Buddha’s Light Delivers the Devil

Because I have been caught in the rain, I want to hold an umbrella for others.

This is also the reason why Wu Xiangzun is willing to stand up at this time. However, everyone also knew that the situation was very critical at this time, and they looked at Wu Xiangzun with a little suspicion.

However, Wu Xiangzun's eyes were firm, and the Buddha's light overflowed from his body. Everyone knew very well that Buddhist techniques had great restraint on the devil, so they also chose to believe him, and it was safe to deal with Zhuge Xianjun who was possessed by the devil at this time.

In an instant, Buddha's light overflowed all around Wu Xiangzun. He chanted the Brahma in his mouth, and the verses of the "Surangama Sutra" turned into golden waterfalls and poured down, directly towards Zhuge Immortal Lord who was destroying the seal of the earth line.

At the same time, Wu Xiangzun stepped on the void and walked quickly to where Zhuge Immortal Lord was as if strolling in a courtyard. Wherever he stepped, a golden lotus in the void grew.

In an instant, as he continued to step forward, many golden lotus flowers soon appeared in the sky.

These lotus flowers seemed to form a formation and soon completely sealed the surrounding formation energy.

Wu Xiangzun quickly approached and said: "The sea of ​​suffering for the donor is boundless, but when you turn around, you will find the shore!"

However, Immortal Zhuge, who had fallen into madness at this time, would not listen to his words. He just roared even more crazily and accelerated the destruction of the seal.

Even the demonic energy in the sky began to sweep towards Wu Xiangzun.

Faced with the terrifying attack of demonic energy, Wu Xiangzun just smiled and stretched out his hand to pick flowers in the void.

In an instant, a Jinbala flower appeared in his hand. This is the best immortal in ancient times and a sacred object of Buddhism.

This flower is round in shape like a full moon when viewed from a distance. There was an auspicious aura lingering in it for a moment.

In an instant, it was as if the world was imprisoned. The terrifying demon statue of Immortal Zhuge who was in the midst of madness seemed to be frozen in an instant, like a sculpture.

Wu Xiangzun, however, kept walking forward with a smile on his hands and chanting Buddhist scriptures.

"We should stay away from all appearances and develop the mind of Anuttarasamyaksambodhi. The mind should not dwell on color, the mind should not dwell on sounds, fragrances, touches, and Dharma, and the mind should not dwell on anything."

Wu Xiangzun was not even afraid of any demonic energy. He strolled in the courtyard and kept chanting Buddhist chants: "If the mind is abiding, it is non-dwelling. In order to benefit all sentient beings, a Bodhisattva should give in this way. If a Bodhisattva's mind abides in the Dharma and gives, Just like a person who enters darkness, he sees nothing. If a Bodhisattva does not abide by the Dharma but practices charity, it is like a person who has eyes and sees all kinds of colors when the sun shines..."

Immediately after Wu Xiangzun proclaimed the true words of Buddhism, the heaven and earth were filled with Sanskrit sounds.

The nearby demonic energy retreated, but in an instant the Buddhist golden light on Wu Xiangzun's body completely burst out.

Even though he is just a fake Immortal Emperor at this time, in terms of momentum, he is no less powerful than any real Immortal Emperor.

At the same time, after Zhuge Xianjun, who had already fallen into madness, heard the scriptures recited by Wu Xiangzun, his eyes seemed to regain a trace of clarity. However, this situation was fleeting, and he soon fell into being occupied by the devil again. physical condition.

You know, because he has been plotted by the ancient demon for many years, and then was directly plotted and sacrificed on his own initiative, which means that his situation is almost irreversible at this time, and even if Wu Xiangzun controls the secret method of Buddhism, it will be difficult to save him.

But it was this moment of clarity that made Zhuge Xianjun smile.

The weak kind thoughts remaining in his heart actually connected with the Buddha's light, forming runes like cracks on his body.

Soon these cracks covered his body.

Then, a strong Buddha's light erupted from his body. Finally, he seemed to have exhausted all his strength and finally said two words: "Thank you." Then his body began to turn into a blazing flame.

This flame combines the power of Buddha's light and merit, and can even use demonic fire as fuel to quickly turn the body that originally belonged to Zhuge Immortal Lord into ashes.

I saw the shadow of Immortal Zhuge appearing in the void. At this time, his face was clear and smiling, he bowed deeply to Wu Xiangzun, and then disappeared between heaven and earth.

Although Zhuge Xianjun was relieved. However, his merit gold has been completely demonized, and because it was originally created by the power of merit, its power is even more terrifying after being demonized.

The demonic power it erupted quickly integrated into the runes in the earth's veins. Wu Xiangzun immediately began to wash these terrifying demonic auras with powerful Buddhist golden light, and fought against them with all his strength.

After Immortal Zhuge was eliminated, the Lord of Devouring outside naturally immediately understood that something was going on here. He was furious at this time and burst out with crazy power. But he was entangled by many immortal emperors.

He felt urgent and immediately made a decision. In an instant, his clone, Lord Brahma Spirit, began to self-destruct. Because there were no signs, many immortal emperors were caught off guard.

The terrifying demonic aura quickly shook several Immortal Emperors to the point where they turned forward and backward, and retreated thousands of feet.

"What's going on, why did this old demon suddenly go crazy!" At this time, the immortal emperors were also a little confused, but they discovered the body of the Devouring Lord and quickly rushed towards the formation foundation deep in the earth veins below.

Several Immortal Emperors did not dare to neglect and quickly chased after him. Of course, they were also worried that this was the devil's conspiracy and did not dare to follow too closely.

At this time, they could faintly see the brilliant Buddha's light in the earth's veins, and then they realized that there were Buddhist masters secretly helping them.

"Nowadays, the talents of the Buddhist sect are withering, and the so-called Immortal Emperor Miaotan of the Buddhist sect is also disguised as the Lord of Devouring. How many masters can this Buddhist sect come here now!" Immortal Emperor Xuanyang said with some doubts.

"What's even more frightening is that this Buddhist master was able to hide from our detection, and even from the many masters of heaven outside." Zhongji Immortal Emperor also said worriedly.

"It's you!" Although Wu Xiangzun hid his figure and only revealed the Buddha's light, after all, the Devouring Lord had been with him for many years, so he naturally understood in an instant that what was hidden in the Buddha's light in front of him was his " "Junior brother" has no respect.

And now Wu Xiangzun's Buddhist power has been greatly improved, and his secret technique has been quickly broken, causing Zhuge Immortal Lord to completely fall and no longer be driven by him.

At this time, there were bursts of Buddha's light from Wu Xiangzun in front of the Lord of Devouring. It seemed that there were other people with good cultivation hidden around Wu Xiangzun, and behind him, there were several immortal emperors who joined forces to pursue him. It can be said that they were at the end of their rope. the point.

At this moment, the Devouring Lord was heartbroken, with a ferocious look on his face.

"In this case, I have to use the last resort!" Then he kept making terrifying sounds. At the same time, many space passages began to take shape in an instant, and mysterious demonic power began to gather, with lightning speed. Rapidly generated, various forces are entangled with each other, and the power is extremely powerful.

"It's the Six Demon Formation of Kaitian!" He Dong, as the formation master, immediately saw the origin of this formation clearly.

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