Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 1605 Black Lotus Appears

At this time, the other five old demons who had just closed their eyes and sent the original magic power to the Lord of Greed could not help but open their eyes at the same time. There was also a trace of fear on their faces. Because the power of the attack that Yue Tianya launched desperately just now made them clearly feel the danger.

"The attack just now actually had the residual power of Pangu. Who is protecting Fang Yang's family in secret?" The Lord of Jealousy became a little suspicious.

"This Fang Yang is quite strange. Not only has he been blessed by the luck of heaven, but now he has a backhand to protect his family, allowing him to act recklessly!" The Lord of Fear said worriedly. They became more and more suspicious of Fang Yang's identity.

The reason why the Lord of Greed kept wanting to attack Fang Yang's family blood relatives was because he had learned a lot about Fang Yang from the memories of some Fang clan members who were killed by him in the Void Abyss. Naturally, he also knew that his relatives were his reverse scale, so he wanted to torture all his blood relatives to death in front of Fang Yang to destroy Fang Yang's Tao heart.

If Fang Yang's Dao Heart deviates, then these origin demons will be able to invade Fang Yang's immortal palace laws more easily, thus demonizing him.

"This boy is extraordinary!" The Lord of Jealousy sighed, "Last time in the Void Abyss, we had clearly suppressed him, but he actually used the strange power of the world's laws to withstand the power of our formation. We originally wanted him to kneel down and break his Dao Heart, but he didn't expect that the laws would collapse as soon as he knelt down, causing us to be seriously injured!" Thinking of the scene at that time, these old demons were a little angry, but more of them were afraid.

"This guy is just a mere Golden Immortal, but he has such a strong strength?" The Devouring Lord was also stunned.

"Everyone, if Pangu has a backup plan, we will definitely be in danger. Although I don't want to revive the Demon Ancestor Luohou and let us become his vassal, I'm afraid we have to do it now!" The Lord of Pride said worriedly. Although the other old demons had their own ulterior motives, they all felt uneasy.

"In that case, we can do both. We can revive the Demon Ancestor while dealing with Fang Yang and other ants." The Lord of Destruction said gloomily.

Soon, these old demons began to frantically summon demon thoughts from the heavens and the worlds.

For a time, under the urging of the magic array, the surrounding space began to vibrate wildly. More and more demon thoughts began to gather. Even the demon mosquitoes in the sky began to be strangled one after another, turning into pure demon power to supplement the array.

You must know that every demon mosquito is the incarnation of the Taoist Mosquito. At this moment, he was strangled instantly, which made his heart bleed, but he had become a demon slave and he had no way to deal with it.

These demon powers began to gather frantically, and the hideous and terrifying runes began to merge continuously. At the same time, the six old demons moved in unison, quickly dug out their own black blood, and began to merge into the big array.

In just a moment, the six old demons' auras weakened instantly, and their faces turned pale. However, a huge vortex of the law of the magic has formed in front of them. Various forces began to gradually gather and condense.

After an incense stick of time, a huge black lotus appeared on the Kaitian Six Demons Formation. This black lotus seemed to have integrated all the evil forces between heaven and earth, and runes began to wriggle on the lotus petals. And there seemed to be a terrifying roar coming from the black lotus, which made people terrified.

What's more terrifying is that the magic laws between heaven and earth began to gather here like worship.

The whole world seemed to tremble at this time, as if it had encountered an extremely terrifying thing and couldn't help trembling.

"We will devote our efforts and cooperate with our formation to revive His Majesty the Demon Ancestor!" The Lord of Greed said in a very fierce voice.

At the same time, a terrifying breath spread in the hearts of all living beings.

"This is... such a powerful and pure magic power, which seems to be able to control all the evil thoughts!" He Dong couldn't help but show a look of horror at this time. He faintly felt that the breath of a magic king began to gradually spread.

"Black lotus... could it be the Demon Ancestor Luohou?" Qian Duoduo, who was carrying the ancient heritage, couldn't help but feel a little disappointed at this moment.

Of course, because most of the power of the magic realm began to merge into the black lotus, the suppression of Fang Yang and the others was relaxed for a while. Of course, they couldn't break out of the realm of the Kaitian Six Demons Formation at all.

At this time, the Heaven Masters who were fleeing outside the formation were also horrified, because they also felt a kind of demon power that looked down on the world beginning to form.

"It's the Demon Black Lotus! How dare they do this!" Zhenyuan Daxian exclaimed.

"These old demons actually want to revive the Demon Ancestor Luohou. If the Demon Ancestor is resurrected, they will probably become slaves!" The demon commander Bai Ze looked extremely gloomy.

At this time, all the Heaven Masters felt that they were facing the great catastrophe of heaven and earth again. It can be said that they have been the Heaven Masters who are high above in the Heavenly Dao and can decide the life and death, disaster and fortune of others for too long. Suddenly facing the great catastrophe today, they are still a little confused.

"It was all Yue Tianya who lied to me that becoming the ruler of the sky would allow me to live as long as the heaven and earth..."

"Humph, he said that if I could integrate into the way of heaven in the future, I would be able to suppress those bastards in the demon court..."

"Bah, I listened to him in the beginning, just to wipe out the remnants of the witch clan, so I joined..."

"I was also tricked by Yue Tianya!"

"Humph, it's a pity that when I was in charge of the thunder punishment, I didn't kill him!"

At this time, many sky masters actually began to curse Yue Tianya, as if Yue Tianya had deceived them into entering the Heavenly Dao and becoming the Sky Masters, which was the endless harm to them and made them face this disaster.

At this time, Yue Tianya, who was hiding in the Eternal Abyss to heal his wounds, sneezed dozens of times in succession.

He also felt strange, but thinking about the fight with the old demon at the saint level just now, he also shuddered. He also thought that this might be the sequelae of fighting with the old demon, so he didn't care too much.

Those sky masters continued to curse Yue Tianya, but they seemed to have not seen those old demons who were doing evil and the huge black lotus that was growing majestically.

Seeing such a scene, Zhenyuan Daxian, Yaochi Jinmu, Xuandu Dafashi and many other sky masters who took the initiative to enter the Heavenly Dao could not help but shake their heads.

"When the saints fell, the luck of heaven returned, allowing many later generations of cultivators to get the opportunity to advance to quasi-saints. However, their character and merits are still not as good as those of the ancient quasi-saints. It can be said that this also sowed the seeds of disaster for the heaven to have such a calamity!" Master Xuandu sighed.

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