Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 1609 Yue Tianya will fall

Thinking that their plan was about to succeed, several demons laughed wildly and hideously.

At the same time, the greedy hand, under the blessing of their various magic powers, exuded an extremely terrifying might.

The fire of jealousy, the light of fear, the thought of destruction, the air of arrogance, the evil of devouring... all kinds of terrifying magic origin powers blessed each other, allowing this magic hand to bloom with endless magic power in the void.

As long as there are sentient beings infected by it, even if they just see it, they will probably be infected by these magic origin powers, and thus fall into the endless magic abyss, never to turn over.

The magic power contained in this magic hand is extremely magnificent, even if Fang Yang exerts the power of the rules of the fairy world with all his strength, he can't resist it at all.

Soon, this huge magic hand that has integrated six magic origins directly broke through the layers of void and soon came to the secret space where the Qingjiao Baosezhu of Fang Yang's family was stored.

Fang Yang was shocked and angry at this time, but he was powerless.

He could only exert his innate magical power, the Eye of the Void, to the fullest, to see through the obstacles of space and explore the situation outside the endless void.

At this time, Yue Tianya, relying on his spatial talent, had already arrived in front of this life-saving void.

The shadow of the moonlight behind him became stronger and stronger, and the powerful force began to extend continuously.

He held his head high, and his body seemed to exude a righteous spirit, and he blocked the life-saving space.

Although Yue Tianya was alone at this time, his power and the broken Heavenly Dao Law were actually integrated with each other. There was a shadow of Pangu God behind him, as if the God was holding up a huge full moon with his hands, trying to resist the attack launched by the terrifying magic hand.

At this time, Yue Tianya seemed extremely small in front of this magic hand, but his eyes were full of determination.

It can be said that in terms of momentum, Yue Tianya was no less powerful than any ancient powerful man with high magic power. Even because of the blessing of Pangu's bloodline, his power had risen to the level of a saint in a short time.

Obviously, Yue Tianya also used all his trump cards this time.

"Fang Yang, if you can't resist this time, then I really can't do anything!" Yue Tianya sighed, but his power began to burst out crazily, and without any hesitation, he rushed towards the terrifying devil's hand.

"Buzz..." The powerful full moon transformed by Yue Tianya collided violently with the greedy devil's hand.

In an instant, the powerful force tore the space apart, as if it had the power to destroy everything.

In the endless void, layers of space began to break. Even in the Kaitian Six Demons Formation, there was a violent roar.

Even the entire Tiandao world was shaking because of this unprecedented battle.

"What happened?"

"What kind of war can cause such a strange phenomenon!"

Many people who control the sky couldn't help but be stunned at this time, but because of this incident, the Tianzhu Great Formation below the formation actually began to operate slowly.

Of course, this is also because Fang Yang and others continued to repair the saint runes in the earth veins with the power of merit.

"My strength has recovered a little! I can already control some of the power of heaven!" Bai Ze exclaimed. Soon, many sky masters began to recover some of their control over heaven.

"Take advantage of this opportunity, we must unite as one and fight the enemy together!" Xuandu Master also smiled and said loudly.

"I hate these demons the most. If they hadn't instigated us, we wouldn't have fought the witch clan to death!" Ying Zhao, a strong man of the demon clan, said angrily.

At this time, Zhenyuan Daxian immediately said: "Many of us have existed since the prehistoric times. Naturally, we understand that whether it is the battle between dragons and phoenixes, the battle between witches and demons, the destruction of the ancient demon court, or even the decline of Buddhism, they are all related to these demon cubs. At this time of life and death, we must kill the demons!"

"Kill the demons! Kill the demons!"

Zhenyuan Daxian is old and virtuous. He raised his arm and called, and naturally responded like a tide.

Many sky masters joined forces to control the way of heaven. The power of the laws of heaven gathered, and the void thunder tribulations blasted towards the six demon formations of Kaitian like a violent storm.

On the other side, although Yue Tianya had played all his cards and even used the blood of Pangu, he still showed a weak trend in the face of the full-strength attack of six powerful old demons.

Soon the phantom of the full moon in front of him began to collapse, the moonlight shattered and dissipated, and even the power of greed, jealousy, fear, destruction, arrogance, and devouring began to corrode his soul.

Even after countless years, Yue Tianya couldn't help but feel a little sad: "Is it going to die? Is everything over?"

At this time, Yue Tianya's mind was turning, as if he had returned to his childhood, the era when his spiritual wisdom had just opened up, that was the prehistoric world full of endless miracles.

Listen, that was the bell of Zixiao Palace.

He and many innate creatures came to Zixiao Palace.

"My name is Hongjun. From today on, I will preach the way of heaven and create the way of all living beings..." A white-haired old man sat high on a cushion. His voice, like a bell, tore through the ignorance of all living beings.

Years passed slowly. In Zixiao Palace, Yue Tianya and many brothers and sisters spent endless years together to study the great way.

"Teacher, the way you talk about is great goodness, but only the fair and just way of heaven can balance all living beings. If the way of heaven is selfish, it will inevitably lead to chaos." The young Yue Tianya was worried.

The white-haired old man smiled and nodded when he heard this.

Time passed quickly, and the catastrophes of heaven continued. Yue Tianya became more and more worried.

"Teacher, the demons are out in full force this time. If you leave the Heavenly Dao to join the battle, if there is a danger, I am afraid that the Heavenly Dao will be in danger!" Yue Tianya knelt under the sky and pleaded.

"If we die, you can find a strong person among all living beings, become the one who controls the sky, and protect all living beings!" The white-haired old man said kindly.

"Teacher, you must not do that. If the Heavenly Dao is selfish, it will become a huge flaw, and if the Heavenly Dao is flawed, it will inevitably be destroyed..." Yue Tianya smiled.

The white-haired old man smiled slightly: "If it is destroyed, it's fine. That is also the law of the Heavenly Dao. The cause and effect of all living beings should be borne by all living beings themselves." As he said, the old man and the six saint disciples around him rose from the sky.

Afterwards, the Heavenly Dao shook violently, and then the light was bright, and endless sorrow suddenly arose in the hearts of all living beings.

The Taoist ancestor, died!

The saint, died!

"Teacher, although you and your senior brothers and sisters joined forces to successfully eliminate the devil and defend the Way, the Way of Heaven has begun to decline and go to destruction without you, and chaos will arise! However, I have made up my mind. Even if I die, I will continue the will of the Way of Heaven. I will do whatever it takes to let the Sky Master prolong the life of the Way of Heaven..."

The soul-destroying Yue Tianya had a trace of determination in his eyes.

Soon, Yue Tianya did everything he could to cheat and find forty-nine quasi-saints, so that they could finally complete the Sky Master Array left by the saint with him.

And now, Yue Tianya showed a smile at the corner of his mouth: "I didn't expect... I would also fall."

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