Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 1611 The Saints Who Fear Deduction of Merit

At this time, Yue Tianya's body was wrapped in black energy, and his body was also filled with demonic power, glowing black. Just like a burnt roast chicken.

Obviously, after resisting the greedy hand of this old demon, he was exhausted and seriously injured. Only his soul was protected from the evil thoughts because of the protection of Pangu's power.

"The power of these demons' combined attack is too strong. I'm afraid Junior Brother Yue's body may not be saved." At this time, the six saints were surrounding Yue Tianya with solemn expressions.

The leader among the six saints is none other than the white-haired Taishang Laojun riding a green bull. Saint Laojun is extremely kind, but there is a sacred aura escaping, and there are auspicious clouds rising above his head. The demonic aura that originally filled the sky has been completely cleared by waving his sleeves.

Beside Laojun, a middle-aged Taoist with extremely outstanding temperament was sitting cross-legged in the void in the light. The Taoist has a handsome look and is extremely sacred. There is a halo of light behind his back, which makes him even more majestic. This saint is none other than Yuanshi Tianzun.

Yuanshi Tianzun has a sharp-eyed young Taoist beside him. Three flowers gather on the top of the head of the young Taoist, the five qi are rising towards the yuan, and the auspicious clouds are rolling. His gaze was as sharp as a flying sword, making people dare not look at him. This person was none other than the leader of Tongtian Cult.

Opposite the leader of Tongtian Cult, there was a bald Taoist with a wide smile, wearing a wide robe and long sleeves, with golden light shining on his body, and he was walking on a colorful lotus platform. This is the Western sage who guides Taoists.

On the side of the Taoist who was guiding him, there was a skinny Taoist with radiant divine light on his body, holding the Seven Treasures Tree in his hand, and the light shone brightly.

The last saint has the head of a snake and a human body. She has a graceful and noble face, like a loving mother, and the holy light of merit shines all over her body. This saint is none other than the saint Nuwa. Her appearance is also very similar to the little girl who led Fang Yang and the others into the abyss of the void.

"I really didn't expect those demons to be resurrected before us!" Saint Tongtian said with a sullen look on his face. "Hmph, these devil bastards have done many evil things. I only regret that I didn't kill them all!" As he spoke, Saint Tongtian exuded a powerful killing aura.

But then, the power of merit in him actually decreased a bit. It was almost as if data like -1 floated out of the auspicious clouds above my head. Such a scene seems mysterious and confusing.

"Junior brother, be careful! Look, merit is deducted again!" Saint Laojun shook his head and smiled.

Saint Tongtian also realized that he had made a mistake, so he had to shut up and look a little depressed.

"It's really troublesome now. If you say something wrong casually, you still have to deduct merit!" After a pause, Saint Tongtian muttered dissatisfiedly. Obviously he was very dissatisfied with having his merit deducted.

It turns out that many saints were directly created by relying on Nuwa's special skill - using the power of merit and the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil. Therefore, they can be regarded as merit saints, so they can be resurrected in advance.

However, there are also many restrictions. You can't say bad words, you can't be too extreme... Anyway, you are bound by a lot of merit power. This made it difficult for many saints to adapt for a while.

"These demons are resurrected in advance. We must be careful. After all, the holy body formed by the power of Nine Heavens Breathing Soil and Merit has not fully restored our strength!" Yuanshi Tianzun said.

"Everything is the fault of the heavenly beings! The heavenly beings harbor greed, anger, ignorance, pride, and suspicion! And the human race is even more so. Over time, evil thoughts will inevitably arise. Therefore, the lord of greed, the lord of jealousy, and the lord of fear The Lord of Destruction, the Lord of Arrogance, the Lord of Devouring and other demons can continue to be nourished for endless years. Therefore, it is not difficult to be resurrected before us," Saint Zhunti shook his head and said! .

Although there is some truth to the words of the sage, it is indeed biased to put all the blame on the human race, the protagonist of heaven. The other saints couldn't help but look at the saint Nuwa beside them.

Upon hearing this, Nuwa's face suddenly changed. She was a little unhappy, and then said angrily: "They are just children!"

At this time, Saint Nuwa protects the human race, just like a mother protects her children. Even though he knows that his children have many bad behaviors and increase the strength of many demonic powers, he still protects them because this is a mother's instinct.

At this time, the sage Nuwa simply put the labels "I am in charge of my children" and "a loving mother often loses her children" directly on her face.

Hearing what Saint Nuwa said, Saint Sanqing smiled and said nothing, while the two Western saints showed embarrassment on their faces.

After all, they were able to be resurrected this time because Saint Nuwa used the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil as the foundation and cooperated with the merits of heaven. The one who helped them resurrect and become saints, Nuwa Empress, could be said to have the merit of reincarnation for them, so it was not easy for them to refute for a while, but the saint's face was inevitably embarrassed and tarnished.

Saint Laojun immediately changed the topic and said: "Junior brother Tianya is also a loyal person this month. He upholds the laws of heaven and protects our resurrection. Moreover, he is protecting the law for us. Our contribution to resurrecting him is also great. We He must not be allowed to fall into the devil's path."

Immediately, the six saints took action together, and all kinds of mysterious saint mana rushed into Yue Tianya's body, directly entangled with the power of the six demons of Kaitian.

Suddenly, the power of the six saints formed six colorful rings in his soul, and the demonic power fought to balance each other. The balance was maintained for a while, so that he would no longer be attacked by the demonic power in a short period of time. soul.

Then Empress Nuwa took out some Jiutianxi soil and wrapped it around Yue Tianya's body, and then the saints worked together to freeze it directly, letting him fall into dormancy in the frozen soil of Jiutianxi soil.

"Our magic power is limited, and we can't completely suppress the power of the six demons now. We can only freeze them and save them slowly in the future!" Nuwa Saint shook her head and said.

"Yes, now that the demons are rampant, our power must constantly consume the power of merit. If we use too much at this time, I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with these demons!" Laojun Saint said. Then Nuwa Saint directly put Yue Tianya, who was frozen in the frozen soil of Jiutian Xiran, into the Shanhe Shejitu.

The saints then turned their heads and looked at the place where the Kaitian Six Demons Array was located outside the infinite starry sky.

Almost at the same time, the Kaitian Six Demons trembled in their hearts and immediately looked at the endless void. The six old demons also looked directly at the saints.

In an instant, the six ancient demons and the six saints' eyes crossed the endless void and intertwined, as if the entire void caused a strong tremor.

"It's them! The saints are resurrected!" The Lord of Greed showed panic on his face. The other demons also trembled wildly in their hearts.

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