Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 1633 How could I be a demon?

At this time, Daozu Hongjun thought about Fang Yang's means of fighting against the devil, and felt a little happy in his heart.

However, thinking that Fang Yang had been his master for many years, he felt that Fang Yang seemed to have taken advantage of him, and he couldn't help but smile bitterly and shook his head.

You know, Daozu Hongjun once merged with the Heavenly Dao, and merged with the Dao himself, so he was also a part of the Heavenly Dao Law. In this way, he could use all his strength to display the Jade Book of Creation and the Heaven-stealing Atlas to seal the Demon Ancestor Luohou in the chessboard of heaven and earth.

At the same time, because of the powerful magical power of the chessboard space of heaven and earth, he was also trapped in this space, and he couldn't even sense the situation outside.

Coincidentally, Fang Yang pretended to be him in the Ten Thousand Immortals Demon-Slaying Formation, calling himself "Daozu Hongjun". With such a coincidence, they established a mysterious connection that transcended the law.

It was also because of this that he could discover through this leaked mysterious secret that Fang Yang actually imitated him in the outside world and performed a big drama. This induction was extremely mysterious, making him angry and amused.

In fact, above the saints and the way of heaven, there are higher-level ways, but they are more difficult to show.

For example, when Nuwa was reborn as a little girl with the Nuwa Stone, she never dared to let others call her Nuwa, otherwise it would be a revelation of the secrets of heaven, and there would be traces to follow, and the devil might know that she had been reborn.

In the same way, although the space was sealed inside the chessboard of heaven and earth, and it was a world of its own, Fang Yang had an inexplicable connection because he played the role of Daozu Hongjun, so that Daozu Hongjun broke through the ban of the world law of the chessboard of heaven and earth, and thus sensed a trace of the secrets outside.

Demon Ancestor Luo Hou fought against Daozu Hongjun for several calamities, and he soon found that Daozu's mouth corners were raised, which was obviously something happy.

Demon Ancestor Luo Hou frowned, but he used the mysterious magic of the magic way to constantly sense, but he could not penetrate the ban of the chessboard of heaven and earth at all. So, his face became more and more gloomy.

Because according to his understanding of Daozu, Daozu must have gained something from using the dark chess in secret. However, Demon Ancestor Luohou could not sense the outside world, which made him more and more anxious.

"It seems that this sanctimonious Hongjun Patriarch should have planted special means in the outside world. If he forces me hard, I am afraid that I will have to use that means in the end!" Thinking of this, Demon Ancestor Luohou's eyes became more gloomy, and even showed a strange resentment and cruelty.

Daozu Hongjun naturally also noticed the change in the expression of his old rival Demon Ancestor Luohou. He just smiled and said nothing, and then he and Demon Ancestor Luohou, confronted each other, and began to control the chess pieces of the rules of the chessboard of heaven and earth to continue playing chess.

At this time, Demon Ancestor Luohou held the black pieces, killing decisively, and the chess path was sinister and changeable. The black pieces on the chessboard were like a ferocious black dragon, showing the ferocity of killing all around.

Daozu Hongjun played white chess pieces. His chess moves were magnificent, open and close, and he was cautious step by step. At the same time, he was also meticulous in details. The two sides met each other. For a time, the various laws of the chessboard space began to entangle with each other.

This was a confrontation that transcended the power of the law. It was completely their own "Tao", crushing each other.

Although it seemed that the two were just playing chess in silence in the chessboard space, it seemed ordinary, but the confrontation of the Dao at this time had made the laws of the surrounding forces tremble. Even if a saint encountered such a terrifying duel, he would probably choose to retreat.

At this time, the Dao pressure and law power of the two peerless powers intertwined.

As a result, the entire chessboard space of heaven and earth was filled with a solemn and murderous atmosphere.

The Dao laws of both sides fought madly. One side seemed to be desperately protecting the world and giving birth to all things, while the other side was full of destruction and damage. The battle between the two Daos became more and more intense at this time.

However, Daozu Hongjun seemed more and more calm at this time.

Obviously, because Fang Yang played him, he established a mysterious connection and could observe the outside world through Fang Yang, so his control of the overall situation became clearer.

"Fang Yang should be good at something, and I think he can give me a chance to implement my plan!" Daozu was more and more surprised and expectant about Fang Yang, the young monk who had once been his master.

At this time, Fang Yang's Ten Thousand Immortals Demon Slaying Array was still running in an orderly manner.

The script killing was still interpreting the Heavenly Dao world planned by Fang Yang.

At this time, some of the original demon creatures had been brainwashed by Fang Yang, and with the purple bamboo spirit liquid and demon-repelling spiritual objects that were billions of years old, they had completely escaped from the demon book and became upright Heavenly Dao creatures in the script killing.

However, the six Immortal Emperor-level demon puppets that entered the Ten Thousand Immortals Demon Slaying Array became aliens. They were originally condensed by the power of the original law of the Demon Dao, but because they wanted to encroach on the Heavenly Dao's luck, they were refined into the appearance of the later Immortal Emperor.

They were originally the source of the devil, so even if they used endless means, they could not be converted.

Therefore, Fang Yang directly sent down the heavenly tribulation and thunder punishment to stimulate their devilish nature.

"How is it possible? How could I be a devil!" a Daluo Jinxian said angrily. In fact, he was originally a demon puppet, but because he was brainwashed for several kalpas by the power of the laws of the immortal world and the script killing, he had long been blinded to his original memory.

There were five people with similar situations. The brains of these five people were also full of confusion at this time.

In their broken memories, they were either creatures born from the Heavenly Dao, or puppets of the Demonic Dao derived from the Demonic Dao. Various strong stimulations touched their souls.

The torrent of consciousness filled them with pain.

You know, in their consciousness, they had already regarded themselves as creatures of the Heavenly Dao, and hated the Demonic Dao to the bone. And now they were suddenly said to be puppets of the Demonic Dao, so they fell into self-denial, which was completely a means of killing people and destroying their hearts.

"Impossible, impossible, I am the dignified Langhuan Immortal Emperor, a creature of the Heavenly Dao, and I once followed the Taoist Ancestor to listen to the Tao in the Zixiao Palace. How could I be a demon!" Langhuan Immortal Emperor roared.

"Is there something wrong with the laws of the Heavenly Dao?" Some people had a trace of doubt!

"The Taoist Ancestor has already merged with the Dao, how can there be a problem with the Heavenly Dao! I'm afraid you are the demons, and at this time, you are still acting!" A Daluo Jinxian scolded.

"Humph, still acting, and you don't stop even after being caught by the Heavenly Dao!" Another cultivator scolded.

"If you are not a demon, you can go to the Immortal Execution Platform and swear a poisonous oath!" a cultivator said.

With a leader, other cultivators also began to follow suit.

"Yes, if you are not a demon, would you dare to go to the Immortal Execution Platform and prove the truth under the innate magic mirror and the oath of the Heavenly Dao!" a cultivator continued.

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