Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 1638 My Path is Not Alone

At this time, the six old devils were shattered. In their opinion, although the red hydrangea is powerful, it can only be used to hit people. If it kills many demonic creatures, they will probably be more happy to see the result.

However, they never thought that this red hydrangea was the most innate meritorious treasure in charge of marriage, and it could directly turn a large number of demonic creatures into love brains. For a time, many demons turned into crazy men and resentful women, each one crazily resisting their control and wanting to pursue free love.

This change happened so quickly that the six demons were caught off guard. Although they have tried their best to turn the tide and control a large number of demonic creatures, Saint Nuwa borrowed the innate treasure faster. In just a few breaths, the pink light has illuminated the demonic clouds in the sky.

A large number of demonic beings have become love brains, and they have almost staged one earth-shattering demonic relationship after another. They frantically resisted the control of the six original demons, desperately trying to gain freedom.

A three-headed demon wolf ambiguously hugged a big blood-red spider with its thick wolf claws and said lovingly: "Spider, I only have eyes for you!"

The big spider's body is covered with eyes, and each eye is shy and shining with pink light: "Three wolves, I listen to you in everything, even if I am shattered to pieces, I will never regret it!"

In the darkness of the magic cloud, a giant centipede was chattering and ambiguously entangled with a big bat: "You are ruthless, you are cruel, you are unreasonable!"

"Then you are not heartless? Not cruel? Not unreasonable? "

"Where am I heartless? Where am I cruel? Where am I unreasonable..." The two monsters began to be crazy about love.

All kinds of mindless love quotes were spoken one after another, which made the six old demons feel their bones numb.

Situations like this are common among demonic creatures. The originally ferocious demonic beasts began to stage scenes of alliances, love and hatred, and no trace of ferocity.

In an instant, the army of demons all turned into an army of love and fell apart, and the black demon clouds in the sky began to turn pink. Those who elope, break up, and escape, many monsters have their own thoughts and fall into madness for love.

At this time, the six old devils were so angry that they gritted their teeth: "I wanted to use these monsters to defile these saints, but I didn't expect that these low-level monsters can't resist the power of the red hydrangea!"

As more and more monsters lost control, Saint Laojun said with joy on his face: "Without the protection of many monsters, we don't have to worry about losing the power of merit when we take action!" Said Saint Laojun's control Tai Chi Diagram and the Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda of Heaven and Earth, if you want to find a suitable devil, you have to take action. At the same time, the crutch in his hand also shone with light, seeming impatient.

Yuanshi Tianzun moved his hands at this time, holding the Three Treasures Ruyi in one hand and the Pangu Flag in the other, and he also looked like he was about to fight. You must know that the Pangu Banner has the power to tear through the chaos of Hongmeng and shatter all the heavens and space. This thing shakes the void as soon as it comes out.

Saint Tongtian turned the treasure piercing lock into a golden dragon floating above his head, and the Qingping sword in his hand also trembled. The extremely sharp sword energy has completely locked the direction of the six demons of Kaitian.

As for Saint Nuwa, although she has been controlling the red hydrangea, the map of mountains, rivers, and the country behind her has already flown out and spread out. The mountains and rivers are vividly displayed on the paper, and inside they are shining with the bright light of merit. It is obvious that as long as the saint Nuwa has a thought, the golden light of merit will pour out from the sky and drown all the demons.

The two men, Jie Yin and Zhunti, were not idle either. They activated the Golden Lotus of Merit and Virtue, released the golden light of Buddhism, and all kinds of magical powers to subjugate demons were ready to go.

For a time, all the saint's methods were ready to go, and the terrifying pressure made the six old demons feel terrified.

"No, without the protection of the demon cubs, we are no match for these saints holding innate treasures!" the Lord of Destruction said with some fear.

"Since these demonic creatures are useless, why not wipe out all their souls!" The Arrogant Lord said coldly, "Erase all their intelligence and completely turn them back into walking zombies, which can be considered waste utilization!"

These demons looked at each other with ferocious looks in their eyes, and then they used the power of the demonic origin to activate secret techniques. Just for a moment, the demonic creatures all over the sky let out bursts of miserable howls. Some of these demonic creatures' eyes were broken, and some of their heads seemed to be struggling. Their terrifying howling sounds shook the entire space.

At this time, even the many demonic creatures coming from the Demonic Abyss in the space passage sensed danger from the screams and stopped moving forward. In this way, many monsters blocked the space passage, which also caused the passage to be blocked.

In just a moment, many monsters had their consciousness wiped away. Their eyes lost any sparkle and turned completely into wood. For a moment, Moyun, which was noisy just now, suddenly became quiet and fell into deathly silence.

"These monsters probably spent an unknown amount of time cultivating themselves in the Abyss of Demons before they were born with spiritual wisdom, but they were directly wiped out by these guys!" When the saint saw how ruthless the demon leader was, he couldn't help but frown.

The demonic creatures that had just broken up and fled were forcibly gathered together by the six demons of Kaitian, guarding them around them. The confrontation between the two sides suddenly reached a deadlock again.

At this time, many saints could not help but look at the golden barrier formed by the Ten Thousand Immortals and Demons Killing Formation in the sky.

"I guess we have to rely on little friend Fang Yang to break the situation this time!" Yuanshi Tianzun felt something in his heart and said slowly.

You must know that at this time, the Saint and the Demon maintained a strategic balance, and Fang Yang and the Ten Thousand Immortals Demon-Slaying Formation he arranged were particularly critical.

If Fang Yang failed, they would face the siege of the demon creatures, and even if they could protect themselves, it would be a situation where both sides would suffer losses. Only if Fang Yang succeeded and successfully held back the ordinary demon creatures, they would not worry about losing merit and thus have a chance to defeat the six old demons.

At this time, the light in the Ten Thousand Immortals Demon-Slaying Formation shone, and the originally golden formation actually evolved into a rich purple aura.

At the same time, the space of the Qingyuan Immortal Mansion also underwent drastic changes at this time. The entire space seemed to have life after absorbing the Hongmeng purple air, and the power of the law began to continuously improve itself. And Fang Yang's cultivation also began to advance by leaps and bounds.

At this time, the six saints also sensed more and more Hongmeng aura emanating from Fang Yang.

"It seems that little friend Fang Yang also has an unparalleled adventure!" The old saint said with a happy face. "It seems that our way is not alone!"

For a while, the faces of the saints were different.

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