Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 1645: Quiet and Silent Rain

The fire demon of jealousy is so powerful that it dares to act violently in front of the saints, which shows that its power is extremely domineering.

Even the saints have such a big reaction, let alone other heavenly beings.

Even many heavenly masters with deep cultivation, such as Zhenyuan Daxian and Yaochi Jinmu, began to sit cross-legged, trying to stabilize their minds and resist the influence of these vague jealous fires.

Some heavenly masters with insufficient hearts even had inner demons at this time. When they looked at the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda and Laojun Saint, their eyes turned red and their eyes were even more indignant.

"Humph, he can become a saint because he has too many treasures!"

"If it were in ancient times, I would have such treasures, and the position of saint should also be mine!"

"If this old man is injured, maybe I can take advantage of the fire to rob..."

It is obvious that many cultivators have been affected by the fire of jealousy and have no awe of saints.

The fire of jealousy looks like fire, but it is not fire, but it can make people feel strangely burning in their hearts and souls. The burning fire of jealousy is like a volcanic eruption, and it is like a frying pan, which torments the hearts and minds of all living beings all the time.

Anyone can become vicious as long as he has experienced what jealousy is!

The terrifying fire of jealousy burns, rages, and bewitches. Even the living beings in the three realms are affected at this time.

The disciple of the sage Laojun, the great master Xuandu, was furious when he saw the treasure of his master being roasted by the devil fire.

"Evil demon! Look at the talisman!" He immediately threw out the magic talisman he had refined. You must know that the great master Xuandu had the cultivation of a quasi-saint at the beginning, and he was deeply influenced by the true teachings of Laojun, so his magic talisman was quite powerful. Ordinary demons who were almost touched by his magic talisman would definitely not escape the fate of death.

In an instant, the lightning in his talisman was directly blasted at the faint blue fire of jealousy.

The lightning was fierce, and the powerful demon-killing divine thunder was even more powerful, even comparable to the power of a saint's attack. However, what was unexpected was that the lightning and the demon-killing divine talisman were only stained with a little bit of such magic fire, and they suddenly changed.

The powerful demon-killing divine thunder was lightly stained by the magic fire, and instantly turned into a dark blue color. It no longer had the righteousness of the demon-suppressing just now, but turned into an evil demon-like Yin thunder. Then, the fire of jealousy appeared on the lightning.

"Actually... the demon-killing divine thunder was also ignited!" Master Xuandu was shocked.

Then, the demon-killing divine talisman also became the fuel of the jealousy fire. What's more terrifying is that this jealousy fire actually began to invade his soul directly through the connection between the demon-killing divine talisman and his soul.

"Ah..." Master Xuandu was suddenly startled, and he felt the burning pain of the flames in his mind. He didn't expect that he wanted to help his master, but he didn't expect to burn himself and become a burden.

He did not dare to be careless, and began to use all his cultivation to protect his mind, trying to resist the burning of this extremely terrifying jealous fire, but his efforts seemed to be in vain.

"This devil fire is too terrible!" Zhenyuan Daxian and Yaochi Jinmu beside Master Xuandu were also terrified. They knew how powerful Master Xuandu was, so they became more vigilant about this jealous fire.

Except for top treasures, ordinary treasures will be burned if they approach, and the owners of the treasures will also be infected with the fire of jealousy, burn themselves, and then become slaves of the Lord of Jealousy.

When the Lord of Jealousy was just a remnant soul, he could secretly plot against the Immortal Emperor level. And he plotted against two Immortal Emperors at once. It can be seen that the jealousy that grows in secret is comparable to the most terrifying poison in the world.

At this time, the Sage Tongtian couldn't help but look bitter, and he understood more how many of his disciples fell into the jealous fire and were eventually involved in the catastrophe. "No wonder I couldn't stop my disciple from going down the mountain despite repeated orders. Alas!"

When the Saint Laojun saw his disciple's soul invaded by jealousy, he smiled bitterly and said, "Foolish disciple!"

Then the Saint Laojun sat on the green ox, with a cloud of celebration on his head, and rushed directly into the sea of ​​fire formed by jealousy.

The holy light of merit and virtue shone on him, and the powerful power of the saint burst out, suppressing the jealousy for a short time. Obviously, the power of the saint can only suppress it for a short time. Then the Saint Laojun began to chant the holy words.

"The reason why the river and the sea can be the king of all valleys is that they are good at being humble, so they can be the king of all valleys. Therefore, if the saint wants to be above the people, he must be humble with words; if he wants to be ahead of the people, he must be behind them. Therefore, the saint is above but the people do not feel heavy, and he is ahead but the people do not hurt. Therefore, the world is happy to push him and is not tired of him. Because he does not fight, no one in the world can fight with him..."

This word comes from the "Tao Te Ching·Chapter 66" in the "Tao Te Ching" passed down by the Saint Laojun. This chapter is to teach sentient beings how to restrain jealous words.

For a moment, the situation around suddenly changed. The words of the Saint Laojun made the world change suddenly, and the laws of heaven condensed into small raindrops and fell from the sky. This rain actually contained a supreme cool feeling, which suppressed the nameless jealousy in the hearts of all living beings.

At the same time, it was pouring down on the head of the Master Xuandu, soaking him through. However, the jealousy in his heart and even in his mind was quickly suppressed.

"Old demon, how about my cool and inaction rain?" The Saint Laojun said slowly with a smile.

The words of the Saint Laojun made the Lord of Jealousy even more angry. You know, the teaching established by Laojun is based on tranquility and inaction. If all living beings are tranquil and inaction, they will naturally not become the raw material of jealousy, and the jealousy will naturally have nowhere to hide, and can only be eliminated by themselves.

"Hmph, the jealousy you know is just an invisible fire, but I have already achieved a visible fire! Let you see it today!" Suddenly, the countless eyeballs in the deformed body of the Lord of Jealousy began to burn, and they sprayed out directly, becoming real fireballs.

Each fireball contains countless small fireballs. If this thing explodes, it will break the space, descend on the heavens and the worlds, and cause endless suffering to all living beings.

Some of these fireballs change into living beings, and some change into plants and trees, all showing colorful lights. If Laojun suppresses it, he will explode the flames himself, so that all living beings in the three realms of heaven will be burned by jealousy, thus creating endless killings.

"Stubborn!" The saint Laojun shook his head and shook the gourd on his waist. A huge fan flew out of the gourd and instantly became several feet in size. He thought about it, and then the gourd began to shake by itself, and instantly the huge fan began to fan violently.

In an instant, all the restless laws began to calm down quickly under the power of this fan!

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