Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 1673 Fortune and Misfortune

Although the saints have already used their own methods, these old demons have completely transformed into the most original evil thoughts, so their speed is so fast that it is unbelievable.

You should know that although many demons were at a disadvantage just now, they were unwilling to surrender because they had the terrifying restrictions left by the demon ancestor Luohou in their bodies. Therefore, they could not disobey the will of the demon ancestor at all and could only hold on.

At this time, they were just trying to find their own bodies in order to gain greater combat power. In this way, they would not be considered to be escaping from the battlefield, and naturally they would not be restricted by the restrictions. And with their magical powers, even saints of the same level would find it difficult to stop them.

For a while, although Fang Yang and his men had taken advantage, they had no better way to stop them from escaping.

If they gave up the Dharma God regardless of everything and fled in the form of evil thoughts, even saints would find it difficult to stop them.

"It's a pity, if my Buddhist Golden Lotus can achieve preparation, maybe it will transform into a cave heaven Buddha kingdom to stop them from escaping!" The saint of Jieyin sighed. After all, his Buddhist golden lotus has a powerful restraining power. Although it is only of the ninth grade, it can still form a huge void Buddhist kingdom, covering thousands of miles. Although this cannot completely seal these demons, it is indeed feasible to prevent them from escaping in a short time.

Unfortunately, because the Saint Zhunti was seriously injured just now, the Saint Jieyin had to use this golden lotus to protect the Saint Zhunti and help him heal his wounds. Otherwise, if the Saint Zhunti was attacked by the God-killing Demon Spear just now, his body would probably be broken and his cultivation would not be preserved.

At this time, Fang Yang's face was also very solemn. He had just made a confident sword, and he thought that he would definitely stop these old demons from escaping. However, he underestimated the cruelty and determination of the old demons. He did not expect that they could give up their Dharma bodies and escape as pure demon thoughts.

Fang Yang's mind moved, and he immediately controlled his void octopus to set up a huge space barrier at the place where the demon world and the fairy world were compatible, and surrounded this place.

And the power of this space barrier spread down, which did have a certain impact on the six brain membranes. However, the situation was critical at this time, and the six old demons could not care too much. Even if they began to attack the barrier frantically, even if they let themselves spread into pure origin laws, they would not hesitate.

Because these old demons fought so hard, even if Fang Yang's space barrier had trapped most of the demon thoughts, some of the demon thoughts still penetrated the power of the space restriction and rushed directly to the six demon bodies that had turned into rivets.

"It's bad! I didn't expect that these old demons would have such unexpected means when they turned into pure demon thoughts!" Tongtian Saint couldn't help but look extremely solemn when he saw this scene.

"We have tried our best, but still failed to stop these demons. I'm afraid this is God's will!" Laojun Saint sighed.

Many saints fought against these old demons. Although they gained an overwhelming advantage with the help of treasures and Fang Yang, they could not completely eliminate the escape of their equal opponents.

Just when Fang Yang and others were still thinking about desperately resisting the resurrection of the six demons, at this time, the space channel sealed by Nuwa Niangniang changed again. Obviously, while destroying their bodies, these six old demons also drove the many demons in the Ten Thousand Demons Abyss at all costs, causing the demon tide to erupt, which Nuwa Saint could no longer resist on her own.

"The passage cannot be broken, otherwise the sentient beings of the Heavenly Dao will fall into the demon disaster!" Laojun Saint immediately mobilized the Tai Chi diagram to form a large formation again to cover the space tunnel of the demon world, forming a closed space loop again. In this way, Nuwa Saint escaped. However, she had already dissipated a lot of merit power at this time, and the merit giant hand was also corroded by the power of the demon path, showing layers of mottled.

"These old demons actually used the Dharma body as the best and triggered the demon tide, just to make it difficult for us to stop them from finding their bodies!" Tongtian Saint said angrily at this time.

"Hahaha... We are going to find our bodies back!" The devilish thoughts of the Lord of Greed laughed unscrupulously. Other old demons also made various strange sounds.

"Thank you, the stubborn little saint Fang Yang!" The Lord of Jealousy mocked, "If you hadn't destroyed our Dharma bodies with one sword, we wouldn't have been able to escape the encirclement of the saints so easily!"

"Thank you, little saint Fang Yang!"

"Thank you, little saint Fang Yang!" The Lord of Fear, the Lord of Destruction, the Lord of Devouring, and the Lord of Pride also shouted in a yin and yang tone. They hated Fang Yang very much, and they naturally wanted to throw dirty water on him when they had the chance.

For a moment, the faces of the saints Jieyin and Zhunti also became a little ugly, and when they looked at Fang Yang again, they inevitably looked down on the newcomers.

However, Fang Yang's face was serious, and he seemed to not care about these contemptuous eyes at all.

Soon, those original magic laws quickly wrapped around the huge rivet and quickly merged into it, obviously wanting to revive the flesh again.

At this time, the saint Laojun and Fang Yang looked at each other. A playful smile flashed in their eyes, as if everything just now was also deliberately prepared by them.

Seeing this scene, Jie Yin Saint and Zhunti Saint were quite puzzled.

Yuanshi Tianzun was about to ask, but Laojun Saint spoke first.

"Everyone, get ready!" Laojun Saint said with a smile, "Good fortunes are intertwined with disasters, and disasters are intertwined with good fortunes. When these old demons find their bodies again, it is also a great opportunity for us to separate the True Demon Realm from the Heavenly Dao!"

Laojun Saint's words also made the other saints brighten their hearts.

You know, if the Saint Laojun had forced all the power of the Tao rhyme in the Tai Chi diagram just now, he might have been able to stop these old demons, but Fang Yang used a sword at this time.

Although this sword was extremely powerful, it not only broke the Demon Ancestor's relics, but also made these old demons unable to avoid being hit. Then the old demons gave up their Dharma bodies and turned into the original magic law, which was even more difficult to stop.

This was just like Fang Yang's sword just now did a good thing but did a bad thing, but instead made these old demons spread everywhere and difficult to control. But now I think that Fang Yang and the Saint Laojun have already made a plan.

"Brother Dao's plan is so far-reaching, I admire you!" The Saint Jieyin also smiled at this time. And the Saint Zhunti was even more mixed. You know, he is also a veteran saint. However, when fighting against several old demons today, Fang Yang was at ease, but he was injured and even almost died, so he was a little dissatisfied with Fang Yang in his heart.

Later, Fang Yang's "mistake" in a sword caused the evil thoughts to scatter, which made him even more contemptuous of Fang Yang. However, he did not expect that all of this was just a trap set by Fang Yang and Laojun.

At this time, when Zhunti Saint looked at Fang Yang again, his eyes no longer showed contempt for a new saint, but turned into extreme respect.

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