Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 1677 The Origin Demon's Calculation

The Lord of Greed then let out a long roar to the sky, and a huge evil thought spread out. The other demons also looked solemn after receiving the evil thought.

These ancient demons all had their own evil intentions, but they also mastered some secret back-up plans given by the demon ancestor Luohou. As the evil thoughts spread, many demons had a secret message in their minds.

Because these secrets were of great importance, the old devil of greed was afraid that the saints would guess the secrets, so he did not use the secret method of sound transmission, but spread it through evil thoughts.

In just a moment, the old demons who received the evil thoughts were shocked, and then they stopped besieging the saints Jieyin and Zhunti.

The five old demons gathered quickly, and it seemed that they wanted to fight with Fang Yang and the others. Their huge demon bodies were like mountains. The five demons gathered and their qi was connected to each other, which made them look more powerful and majestic.

"Be careful, they have another back-up plan!" said the saint Laojun vigilantly. The other saints also became a little nervous. Taking this opportunity, the Saint Jie Yin took the injured Saint Zhunti and quickly moved to the back of Fang Yang and his group. At this time, the two saints in the west were a little unstable after the beating just now.

Seeing this, Saint Nuwa immediately controlled the Mountain and River State Map to spray out the Merit Waterfall, nourishing the two saints with the majestic power of merit, so that their situation quickly improved.

At this time, the five old demons joined forces to merge the magic law. They were extremely huge and instantly generated a violent storm of magic law, forcing Fang Yang and his group to join forces to resist.

"Everyone be careful, these demons must be very powerful when they join forces with their bodies!" Saint Laojun said solemnly. At this time, Saint Laojun used his soul to explore again. His Tai Chi map was still blocking the void tunnel, and it was difficult to mobilize for a while, so he couldn't help but frown a little tighter.

"Look at our Ten Thousand Demons Devouring Heaven Technique!" Several old demons shouted, and the violent demonic power exploded. The already injured Zhunti Saint was horrified and immediately hid in the Merit Golden Lotus and retreated quickly, faster than the Void Rabbit. The Jieyin Saint also had to retreat to protect the injured Zhunti.

The Laojun Saint controlled the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, and the golden light of merit spread out and blocked in front of him. The Nuwa Saint used the merit power in the Mountain and River Society Map to condense the merit light shield as a protective barrier.

Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Saint condensed the colorful clouds above their heads to form a space barrier, preventing the demonic storm from invading.

And Fang Yang condensed a powerful barrier with the power of Qingyuan Immortal Mansion to resist the terrifying storm.

Taoist Zizhu immediately waved the six pure bamboos in his hand, and the faint green Taoist rhyme began to extend. The six pure bamboos cut off all evil thoughts. Combined with Taoist Zizhu's talent for destroying demons, these evil spirits and all methods naturally did not touch him, and had no effect on him at all.

However, the black magic fog that filled the sky was raging, covering the world, but also disturbed the saint's mind.

"No, it seems that these demons have other plans!" Yuanshi Tianzun felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Then he shook the Pangu Banner, and a powerful law gale suddenly rushed towards the evil spirits in the sky, sweeping away the laws of the magic in an instant, and returning the world to clarity.

However, the scene in front of them made the saints a little dumbfounded. They saw that the five old demons had rushed to the side of the last sealed Lord of Destruction, and the five of them worked together to pull the Lord of Destruction out at lightning speed.

"What's going on? Why did they take the initiative to pull out the last sealing rivet!" For a while, many saints were puzzled.

"Everyone be careful, there should be a backup plan!" said the Saint Laojun.

Because at this time, the sealing rivets transformed by the six old demons' bodies had been pulled out, and the originally shaking True Demon Realm and Heavenly Dao World calmed down instead, but the space began to break at the junction of the two worlds, which was also a sign of the separation of the two worlds.

At this time, the six old demons almost simultaneously cut their arms full of runes, and a stream of shining black and gold blood, like ink, flowed out, and soon covered the sealed land. Then they chanted strange spells, causing the demon blood to boil rapidly in the sealed land.

Afterwards, the Lord of Greed took out some fragments again. These were the demon ancestors' relics that were defeated by Fang Yang's sword. This thing quickly merged with their demon blood, and instantly generated an indescribable demonic rhyme.

At the same time, with the blessing of their demon blood, the seal that was almost collapsed became stable again.

"It seems that their blood is like a kind of law adhesive, which keeps the True Demon Realm sticking to the Heavenly Dao World!" The eyes of the Saint Laojun were blazing.

After many saints dispersed the demonic energy that just filled the sky, they confronted the six old demons again.

"You want me to break the seal by myself, but unfortunately you underestimate the means of the Demon Ancestor Luohou!" The Lord of Pride laughed wildly.

"Hahaha, do you think that the Immortal Realm and the True Demon Realm are mainly sealed together because of the six of us? You are too naive!" At this time, the Lord of Greed also laughed loudly and said slowly: "What really works is the sealing power blessed by the magic Dao rhyme of the Demon Ancestor Luohou!"

"Although our flesh can also play a certain role in strengthening, the more important role is to nail our body into the world of heaven, so that the power of the source of the magic can be added to the world of heaven! In this way, the power and laws of the magic can be gradually used to pollute the world of heaven. In this way, whether in the fairy world, the spirit world, or even the lower world where mortals live, as well as the heavens and the myriad worlds, there will be inheritors of our magic laws! Let our magic live forever in the world of heaven!"

"So, you have been fooled!" The six old demons all smiled happily at this time.

"Now we can seal it with the remaining power of the law of the demon ancestor, so that it can maintain stability. Now that our six demon bodies have escaped, we will work together to perform secret methods, and we will definitely be able to turn you all into ashes!" The six old demons all had fierce eyes at this time, and their eyes were full of endless murderous intent.

Such a change caught Fang Yang and many saints off guard.

Originally, Fang Yang and the saints wanted to plot against these old demons, and wanted to use their desire to regain their bodies to make them return to their demon bodies, break the seal, and thereby separate the True Demon Realm from the Heavenly Dao.

Then these old demons simply took advantage of the situation, not only regaining their original demon bodies, but also using the secret methods of the demon clan Luohou, using demon blood to strengthen the restrictions, greatly improving their combat power while also stabilizing the seal.

"What a tough opponent!" Saint Laojun was also surprised to see these demons use such methods.

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