Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 1708 Ancient God Orb

At this time, Fang Yang was using almost all his mana and luck to bless Qingyuan Mountain, suppressing the majestic power of Tao Yun and stirring up the entire space. The power of Tao Yun in Qingyuan Mountain and the power of Pangu influenced each other and resonated.

For a moment, the expression of Great God Pangu changed slightly, and pieces of secret information were passed to each other in this resonance. There is a lot of secret information that even the Great God Pangu didn't know before.

"So that's it...the treasure I've been looking for all my life is here!" God Pangu finally discovered the anomaly at this time.

When the Ancient God Realm was in chaos, it was because of a treasure called the Ancient God Orb that caused disputes. It is said that this is the embryo of the world bred by the world laws of the Ancient God Realm. If you get this object, you can create a new world and master the Ancient God. the highest power in the world.

Therefore, many powerful powers in the ancient gods went crazy and eventually triggered a world-destroying war.

At a critical moment, Pangu's father paid a very high price to allow Pangu to take the treasure and escape from the imminent destruction of the ancient god world.

In the end, many of the great powers of the Ancient God Realm died together in that shocking catastrophe, and the entire Ancient God Realm was also affected and destroyed. A great divine world was destroyed because of this.

As a result, Pangu became the only surviving creature in the ancient divine world.

However, after the Great God Pangu escaped from the Ancient God Realm, he could not find the most precious Ancient God Orb given to him by his father, and could only wander in the void of the universe.

Without the Orb of the Ancient God, it was extremely difficult for him to create a new world. However, he never gave up on his dream. In the end, after wandering for tens of millions of years, he met the Chaos Creation Qinglian who had the same ambition as him. They hit it off immediately, became best friends, and worked together for a common dream, which is to create a world that belongs to their own home.

At this time, with the resonance of the power of law, the great god Pangu obtained more and more information, and learned more about the secrets of what happened in the ancient god world.

"It turns out... I actually did not survive the world-destroying war in the Ancient God Realm. It's just that Father God used the most precious Ancient God Orb to bless my body, and turned the embryo of the world bred in the Ancient God Realm into my heart, so that That treasure is integrated with me, so I was able to escape the catastrophe of the gods, and my cultivation level skyrocketed!" God Pangu's thoughts flowed, and the light in his eyes kept flickering, and he was obviously agitated. "The treasure left by my father has always been with me, but I can never find it."

Only then did Great God Pangu understand why he had never seen this Qingyuan Mountain. It turned out that this thing was the product of his heart. "I thought I knew everything in the world, but I have never seen my own heart!" God Pangu said with a wry smile.

And after he created the world, his body turned into various resources in the world of heaven, and this ancient god's orb also turned into Pangu's heart, and finally integrated into the world of heaven.

Because this treasure has endless magical uses, it can realize the self-obstruction of divine objects. Even saints and Taoist ancestors could not deduce the cause and effect, so they could hide it in the world of heaven. In the end, Fang Yang got this thing by chance.

"It turns out that Qingyuan Mountain is the heart of Pangu!" At this time, Fang Yang finally realized the supreme secret between the Qingyuan Mountain and the Great God Pangu.

After all, he has become the ruler of the Qingyuan world, so he also feels all the feelings of the Great God Pangu in the resonance of the law.

"I can't believe that this thing is also authentic to Pangu!" Fang Yang discovered at this time that he was actually the inheritor of the mantle of Pangu, just like the Sanqing Saint, the Twelve Ancestral Witches, and Yue Tianya.

"Boy, you did a good job. You actually fulfilled my dream. Thank you!" Great God Pangu couldn't contain his excitement at this time, and expressed his gratitude to Fang Yang. If Fang Yang did not have the same desire to save the world as him, Kong Qingyuan World would not recognize Fang Yang as its master. Therefore, from this point of view, Fang Yang and Qingyuan World should complement each other.

At this time, Fang Yang's power and the power of Pangu merged with each other, which made Demon Ancestor Luo Hu even more frightened. "It turns out that Fang Yang is a secret move arranged by the Great God Pangu a long time ago. No wonder, no wonder..." At this time, Demon Ancestor Luohu seemed to be suffering from paranoia, wildly speculating on Fang Yang's possible plan.

"Let's all die, let's all die!" Demon Ancestor Luohu roared. This kind of behavior is obviously the result of anger and madness after feeling fooled. For a moment, the power in the God-killing Demonic Spear began to become uncontrollable, and the majestic power soared into the sky, as if it was going to tear everything in front of it into pieces.

After all, Fang Yang had just become a saint not long ago. Even if he tried his best, he was still a little inferior to a powerful person like Demon Ancestor Luohu. At this time, Fang Yang could only control Qingyuan Mountain with all his strength in order to deal with the powerful counterattack launched by Demon Zuluohou.

Demon Ancestor Luohu saw all the abnormalities in Fang Yang and Pangu at this time and concluded that they had used their last resort. If his act of self-destructing the God-killing Demonic Gun just now was still a bit of a show-off, then he has made the final decision at this time, and there is no longer any hesitation in his plan to self-destruct the God-killing Demonic Spear.

Demon Ancestor Luohu mobilized all the magic power and demonic charm that could be mobilized to accelerate the God-killing Demonic Spear. Suddenly, the God-killing Demonic Spear let out a mournful cry. This sharp scream of the treasure made all the treasures in the world begin to tremble.

The God-killing Demon Spear probably never thought that as the most powerful killing treasure in the world, one day he would be abandoned by others. Accompanied by this sharp cry, there was the most terrifying explosion of the God-killing Demonic Spear.

The powerful shock wave first caused the space to collapse in the void, and then suddenly exploded, tearing the entire space apart.

At this time, the God-killing Demon Spear was close to Pangu God, and the terrifying shock waves from the powerful demonic power rushed towards the body of the God like a terrifying sharp blade.

Pangu God's body-protecting treasure light, shattered, merit light, shattered, body-protecting qi, shattered... accompanied by waves of space trembling caused by the shattering, these explosive forces attacked Pangu God's body.

Then there were violent tremors and roars, and Pangu God's huge body was actually torn apart by these powerful forces.

Although this Pangu God was a clone, it was also extremely powerful. Even if the God-killing Demon Spear exploded by itself, it should not have suffered such a great damage, but Pangu God had actually lost too much just now.

He first pushed the True Demon Realm into the turbulent flow of the void, and then exploded the remaining power, trampling the six-headed Great Demon God into slag with all his strength. At this time, he was already exhausted. Facing the crazy self-explosion of the God-killing Demon Spear, his body could no longer hold on.

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