Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 22 Notes on Ancient Seal Script

The first two pages of this book are actually the preface written by the ancestor of the Fang family.

From the preface written by the ancestor of the Fang family, Fang Yang knows a lot of secrets.

The ancestor of the Fang family was a master of ancient literature and was proficient in various ancient seal characters. That’s why he was selected as an editor in the Hanlin Academy.

By chance, the ancestor of the Fang family got this "Records of the Four Immortal Continents" and studied it painstakingly and became obsessed with it.

The ancestor believed in the immortals and exercised according to the ancient methods in this book. He was in good health and lived to be a hundred years old.

But unfortunately, he did not practice the so-called immortal magic, which made the ancestor of the Fang family quite regretful.

Fang Yang regarded this book as a treasure.

Because the notes above have a very systematic explanation of ancient seal characters!

This made it very convenient for Fang Yang, who already had a good foundation, to read, and solved many of his previous doubts.

Fang Yang studied this book hard every day and finished it in less than three days.

"My ancestors' notes have a lot of insights, which actually helped me solve the problems in my mind."

With this precious notebook, Fang Yang was able to integrate "Qi Training Jue" and "Shangyuan Qi Training True Explanation" at once.

After Fang Yang had a small gathering with his family, he took food and found a quiet valley to practice.

Fang Yang expected that after Luo Sanlie died, Luo Liang would definitely not give up.

Although he went to the ground with a shady hand, it was not impossible to find out.

There might be another storm at that time, and he must quickly improve his strength if he wants to protect his family and himself.

"I really can't believe that this "Qi Training Jue" and "Shangyuan Qi Training True Explanation" are really inextricably linked."

Fang Yang sighed after meditating in the valley.

Now that Fang Yang has integrated it, he found that this "Qi Training Jue" is simply a messy and simplified translation of "Shangyuan Qi Training True Explanation".

Among them, there are not only many fallacies, but also many ordinary martial arts mental methods mixed in.

It is simply a hodgepodge of half-baked translation of ancient seal characters, combined with some martial arts techniques.

"The True Explanation of Qi Training in Shangyuan" is divided into six levels, while the Qi Training Technique only has the simplest routine. It is estimated that the person who translated it at the time had very limited skills in ancient seal characters!"

The simplified translation deleted many of the essences, leaving only the simple and easy-to-translate dregs.

Fang Yang also found that the True Explanation of Qi Training in Shangyuan has many complicated breathing methods.

And the text also pointed out that only by practicing according to this method can one practice the true energy mentioned in the True Explanation of Qi Training in Shangyuan.

However, these breathing methods are extremely complicated, and translating these ancient seal characters is extremely difficult.

Therefore, the person who translated the Qi Training Technique simply used ordinary internal energy breathing methods to directly replace them.

In the end, it was mixed into a low-level internal energy classic that was almost a waste.

According to the records of the Four Directions Immortal Continent Records, these true energy forces are the foundation of the so-called immortal master.

In addition, the "Four Directions of the Immortal Continent" also records two so-called immortal arts, one is the ritual and the other is the fireball.

Of course, this must be controlled by the true energy.

The ancestor of the Fang family was extremely obsessed with this, but he only had this "Four Directions of the Immortal Continent" travel notes, but no practice method.

Therefore, although the ancestor of the Fang family was obsessed with this, he was unable to practice the true energy, and finally regretted it for the rest of his life.

Fang Yang practiced "Shangyuan Qi Training True Explanation" again in the valley.

And he has laid a good foundation for practicing "Qi Training Jue" for a year, and the operation of internal energy is even more familiar.

However, unlike before, he strengthened the practice of breathing.

And Fang Yang also found that as recorded in the "Four Directions of the Immortal Continent", if you practice in a so-called spiritual place with lush vegetation and clear air, you will get twice the result with half the effort.

These days, Fang Yang finally chose to meditate on a rock under a huge pine tree in the valley.

Because here, he actually had an indescribable refreshing feeling.

"Breathe, breathe, huhu, inhale, breathe, huhu~~~"

A series of complex breathing movements, combined with the operation of the internal force in the body, allowed Fang Yang to quickly enter a state of selflessness during his practice.

Fang Yang had been practicing in the valley for three consecutive days. In addition to the necessary life, he was practicing hard during these days.

Fang Yang's sense of crisis was also constantly spurring him on.

Then, Fang Yang continued to practice on the rock with five hearts facing the sky.

The so-called five hearts facing the sky means that after sitting cross-legged, the two soles of the feet and the two palms are placed on the legs, facing the sky.

In addition to the Baihui point on the head facing the sky, this is collectively called five hearts facing the sky.

After four days of hard practice, when he finished another day of breathing, something strange happened.

A faint heat flow flowed into his body from his palms, soles of the feet and eyebrows.

Then, this heat flow slowly merged into his body.

Unlike the internal force, this warm current is more than ten times purer than the internal force Fang Yang had obtained from previous practice.

Fang Yang used his mind to control the warm current, running it through his body, and guiding it back to his dantian.

However, Fang Yang did not open his eyes, as if he was savoring the wonderful feeling just now.

"Oh, how can I see the blood in my body? It's so strange!"

Fang Yang even saw that a gas mass had formed in his dantian. Although it was very small, he could feel the warm energy.

"Wow! It stinks!" A strong stench rushed into his nose.

Fang Yang opened his eyes suddenly, and he was shocked by his situation.

He was covered with black, greasy stains and felt very uncomfortable.

It was obvious that this was the dirt that was forced out of his body when he was practicing martial arts just now.

"It can temper the body. This is something that only masters with extremely high martial arts skills can do. I didn't expect that the true energy would have such a magical effect. It's amazing."

Fang Yang was extremely surprised.

Fortunately, Fang Yang wanted to practice "Turtle Swimming Skill", so there was a pond in the valley he specially selected.

The pond was formed by the confluence of mountain springs, and the water was particularly clear and sweet.

Fang Yang drank water here these days.

Fang Yang jumped into the small pond with a "plop" without saying a word.

Fang Yang played in the small pond for a while, and couldn't help but practice "Turtle Swimming Skill" again.

What surprised Fang Yang was that after having the true energy, "Turtle Swimming Skill" became even more handy to practice.

And the speed in the water became very fast, not inferior to the fish swimming in the water at all.

Moreover, Fang Yang felt that practicing the Turtle Swimming Technique at this time not only did not consume the true energy, but even increased it.

"It's really strange. I didn't expect that the feeling of practicing the Turtle Swimming Technique after practicing the true energy would be so different."

Fang Yang was happy, but also confused.

"It is said that the Turtle Swimming Technique was created by the predecessors of the White Fan Sect by observing the old turtle, but why do I feel that it can be regarded as a method of practicing true energy like the "Shangyuan Qi Training True Explanation"? Could it be that turtles also know how to practice qi?"

Fang Yang was stunned.

"Who cares? I'll take care of myself first. I don't care whether the turtle can practice qi!"

After thinking for a long time, Fang Yang shook his head and smiled.

He quickly washed himself and continued to sit back on the rock under the pine tree to continue practicing.

Fang Yang practiced hard in the valley for a few more days until the group of true energy in his body became stable.

Fang Yang knew that this was the first level of the "Shangyuan Qi Training True Explanation".

Fang Yang has been exploring the mystery of the true energy these days.

When practicing the turtle swimming skill, he can use the true energy in his chest and stay underwater for more than half an hour without feeling suffocated.

He can also guide the true energy into his legs. At this time, he can fly over the eaves and walls with the light skill, and jump more than ten feet high, which is comparable to the top-grade light skill.

When Fang Yang was practicing the turtle swimming skill boxing and the small grabbing hand, he directly injected the true energy into his hands.

In this way, Fang Yang can actually smash the stone slab directly.

And the small grabbing hand can even grab a large piece of tree trunk from a big tree.

Such a powerful power surprised Fang Yang.

However, Fang Yang also found that these will consume true energy.

In order to make up for the consumption, he needs to meditate and practice the turtle swimming skill in the water to recover.

After these uses of the true energy, Fang Yang became more interested in the two immortal arts in the "Four Directions Immortal Continent Records", the sacrifice and fireball.

This ritual is to use this technique to practice the spiritual objects and establish a connection with oneself.

Through this method, spiritual objects can be controlled.

Even cultivators can use this technique to refine spiritual objects into treasures and manipulate them at will.

Because it is only a ritual method, there are only a hundred words, and Fang Yang quickly memorized it.

"It's a pity that there are no spiritual objects in heaven and earth, otherwise I can try to practice this method."

Fang Yang shook his head helplessly.

Fang Yang practiced the ritual well, but because there were no spiritual objects, he had to start studying another fairy technique "Fireball Technique".

The formula of this method is only more than 200 words, and the content is to convert the true essence in the body into fire elemental force and condense it into a fireball to defend against the enemy.

"It turns out that the five internal organs of the human body correspond to the five elements." Fang Yang now has a very clear understanding of the human body.

"Fireball Technique" records that the five internal organs and five elements of the human body are lung gold, heart fire, liver wood, kidney water, and spleen earth.

This fireball technique is to convert the true energy through the heart meridian into pure fire energy, forming a fireball in the palm.

Then use telekinesis to control the fireball to defend against the enemy.

The fireball formed by the true energy is the heart fire energy, which is difficult to extinguish with ordinary water and has a very high temperature.

It is indeed a very useful thing for defending against the enemy.

Although the content of the fireball technique is simple, Fang Yang finds it very difficult to practice.

And Fang Yang's low true energy makes it difficult to support.

Although he can use the true energy in his hands, he cannot transform the true energy into fire energy, let alone let it leave the body to defend against the enemy.

However, Fang Yang was not discouraged at all, but practiced more vigorously.

Once, twice, one day, two days~~~ After three full days, Fang Yang finally formed a peanut-sized miniature fireball in the palm of his hand.

Although this fireball technique is not yet a big deal, it also makes Fang Yang ecstatic.

"Even if the fireball technique is not powerful now, if it is used to attack suddenly during a fight, even martial arts masters may find it difficult to defend against it."

At this moment, Fang Yang heard a rustling sound in the bushes not far away.

Fang Yang's senses are much more sensitive now, and he can even draw his true energy into his eyebrows.

In this way, he can clearly see things far away around him, but this also consumes true energy.

Fang Yang saw a big white mink more than three feet long jumping out of the grass more than one foot high.

The white mink was holding a little white mink that had just opened its eyes in its mouth.

Not far behind the white mink was a red python more than two feet long and as thick as a small barrel.

This python has a tumor on its head and looks majestic. It is chasing the big white mink.

"Shua~~" the red python's tail raised and swung over like a whip.

The big white mink seemed to have eyes on its back and quickly moved to the left to dodge.

The red python's tail missed and hit a bowl-sized poplar tree next to it.

"Pala~~" it actually broke the one-foot-thick poplar tree in two.

"Heh~~ what a powerful python, this attack is comparable to that of a martial arts master, even stronger than my true energy."

Fang Yang couldn't help but be secretly surprised.

The python saw that it didn't hit the white mink, but instead slowed down its speed, and couldn't help but get angry.

It opened its bloody mouth and spit out a breath of black air at the big white mink.

The big white mink dodged left and right and avoided the black air.

However, the red python still did not give up. It shrank its body and suddenly jumped forward, jumping three feet high, and went straight to the running big white mink.

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