Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 412: Qing Liuxing Huanglong Dynasty

The giant ship of Tianyuan Star is decorated with dense runes.

These runes formed a mysterious Tianyuan character, which exuded brilliant brilliance in the vast starry sky.

The upper door of Qing Meteor's giant shuttle ship was all yellow.

The entire shuttle is also inlaid with a golden carapace like scales, which is as dazzling as a giant yellow dragon.

"Tian Yuan Star, Qing Meteor, what is that?"

He Dong asked, looking at the approaching shuttle in the distance with a puzzled look.

However, he could already feel that the shuttles were beginning to form an encirclement around the flying shuttles.

There was also a hint of uneasiness in his heart.

"What a huge ship! Is that the terrifying existence of a high-level cultivation planet? But why are they targeting us?" He Dong asked.

"Hey, I really didn't expect them to be so fast and figure out my specific location so quickly!"

Mu Qingqing's face looked a little ugly as she slowly explained her situation.

Fang Yang saw the interstellar shuttles of Tianyuan Star and Qingliuxing gradually approaching.

He did not dare to neglect, and immediately controlled the jade jade and star map of the shuttle to change the flight path, and went all out to avoid being attacked by the opponent.

Mu Qingqing looked at the unkind star shuttle through the jade jade, frowned and said, "The universe is vast, and there are many cultivation planets, especially those near the Spirit-Comparing Stars. Many of them are high-level planets."

"Some people even say that these spiritual star clusters were once part of the spiritual world, but they were bombarded to the lower world due to the war in the upper world thousands of years ago."

"Although the Biling Star Group has left the spiritual world, the aura it contains is still unmatched by ordinary planets in the lower realm. Therefore, the high-level planets and powerful forces in the lower world are all in the Biling Star Group."

Mu Qingqing's voice seemed a little soothing.

"My brothers and sisters have mysterious skills and extensive knowledge. It seems that they are also high-level monks from the Biling Star Group!" He Dong nodded.

"No wonder my brothers and sisters have so many mysterious secrets and are so bold that they dare to join forces with Boss Fang to take down Tongtian Mountain. But do these high-level planets have anything to do with you?"

Mu Qingqing sighed and said: "I come from Tianyuan Star, which is indeed one of the Biling Stars, but it is considered a middle-class planet among the Biling Stars."

"And my family is the ruler of Tianyuan Star and established the Tianyuan Dynasty."

"Not only is the largest force in Tianyuan Star, but even in the nearby planets, my father is the emperor of Tianyuan Dynasty and has the middle and late stages of becoming a god."

"And our dynasty still has some old antiques. It is said that they are not only in the late stage of divine transformation, but even at the peak of divine transformation."

"What, the cultivation level of the late stage of divine transformation, or even the peak of divine transformation?"

Just like when Fang Yang heard the news, He Dong was also astonished from ear to ear.

"The highest level of cultivation in our Canglan Star is the early stage of divine transformation. Occasionally, some monks can advance to the middle stage of divine transformation." He Dong shook his head and said.

"Our Canglan Star space barrier is not very strong, so generally after reaching the middle stage of becoming a god, they will choose to find space nodes and then ascend to the spirit world!" He Dong said thoughtfully.

In He Dong's opinion, it should be very easy to ascend to the spirit world after reaching the late stage of spiritual transformation. Unexpectedly, there are still people who are unwilling to ascend and stay in the lower world, which makes him a little incomprehensible.

"Haha, in the late stage of divine transformation, peak monks are indeed powerful, but compared with some of the top forces in the spiritual world, they are nothing."

Mu Qingqing said, "It is very dangerous to soar through the air in the middle stage of becoming a god, because the power of the space crack is equivalent to the attack of the Void Refining Monk."

She explained that even a monk in the late stage of spiritual transformation would find it very difficult to resist, and even if he succeeded in flying, in the spirit world, his cultivation in the middle stage of spiritual transformation would still be very insufficient.

Therefore, in the lower world, these monks are called ancestors, but in the spiritual world, they are probably the lowest level beings. Not only do they have to rely on others, but they will also encounter many dangers.

"So in Bilingxing, people generally reach the late stage of becoming a god, or even the peak, before they ascend to the spirit world."

Mu Qingqing comes from the Biling Star Group, and his understanding of the spiritual world is not comparable to that of He Dong and Fang Yang.

"Indeed, in the future, I will not ascend until I am strong enough. Otherwise, even if I succeed in ascending, it will be a tragedy if I am still a bullied rookie in the spirit world!"

Thinking of this, He Dong was thoughtful.

"Of course, the stronger the cultivation level, the better. It is said that among some powerful spiritual stars, the ancestors of some sects even have cultivation levels in the Void Training Stage!" Mu Qingqing said.

"Refining...cultivation in the Void Refining Stage..." He Dong couldn't help but said in shock.

"Such a sect is the most powerful force in the entire human world. Even in the spiritual world, sects with monks in the Void Refining Stage will not be underestimated, let alone the lower world we are in!" Mu Qingqing laughed. .

"This is too scary!" He Dong said in shock, "Aren't they afraid of space repulsion?"

"Of course, the abilities of these monks in the Void Refining Stage have far exceeded the limit that the lower space can bear. They usually use some mysterious ancient secret method to hide their own aura, so they don't soar through the air!" Mu Qingqing explained .

"They are generally relatively low-key and are the most mysterious existences among the Spiritual Stars. The three most famous among these Void Refining Monks are known as the 'Three Void Immortals'."

"Three Great Immortals!" Fang Yang and He Dong both remembered them in their hearts.

"Actually, the strength of Qing Meteor Star is similar to that of our Tian Yuan Star. It's just that they happen to be slightly distantly related to one of the three great virtual immortals, so their status is much higher than that of our Tian Yuan Star!"

Mu Qingqing said a little unconvinced.

"I escaped from Tianyuan Star this time because of the trouble caused by the monks from Qingliuxing!" Thinking of this, Mu Qingqing said angrily.

They learned more information from Mu Qingqing.

Even though Tianyuan Star has cultivators at the peak of their spiritual transformation, they dare not provoke Qing Meteor.

However, Luo Rubin, the crown prince of the Huanglong Dynasty, the largest force in the Qing Dynasty, coveted Mu Qingqing's beauty and wanted to make her his concubine.

Naluo Rubin even planned to ask Tianyuan Star to send several planets under its jurisdiction as betrothal gifts.

Mu Qingqing's father may agree to their request due to pressure from the government.

"After I got the news, I escaped secretly. However, I was hunted by two forces. I had no choice but to escape near the rioting star stream, so I could escape the pursuit!"

Because the violent star stream can confuse the heavens and make all calculations fail, that's why she ran away like this.

Fang Yang and the others already knew what happened next, although the violent star stream allowed Mu Qingqing to throw away the pursuers.

But it also caused serious damage to her flying boat, and she managed to escape with serious injuries.

In the end, I had to make an emergency landing on Blue Wind Star, because the cultivation power here was very weak, and there was no shuttle to leave.

Therefore, she had to sneak into Luo Yunshan, pretend to be Taoist Zhengui and borrow her identity, and mobilize the resources of Luo Yunshan for her own healing and cultivation.

"I didn't expect that they actually invited a few old monsters to use their magical powers to calculate your position. You have just left the Blue Wind Star and are far away from the violent star stream. They calculated your position and came in a fierce manner!"

He Dong said with a solemn expression.

After understanding the ins and outs of the matter, He Dong also felt that the matter was not trivial.

Nowadays, Mu Qingqing's status is very special, and if she is not careful, she will cause a big disaster.

"Qingqing, you damn girl, you are running around everywhere this time, causing my father to order me to look for you for more than ten years!"

A spiritual wave sent a rich voice transmission.

This voice seemed very angry, and at the same time, it also revealed his love for Mu Qingqing.

Although this is a "sound", it is simulated through spiritual thoughts, so it can travel through the void.

"This, this is the voice of my second brother Mu Hongyun!"

When Mu Qingqing heard this voice, she moved and looked a little nervous.

"My second brother has been the best to me since I was little. My father knows that I am willful, but I have the best relationship with my second brother, so I asked my second brother to come to me!"

"Miss Qingqing, you made it so difficult for our prince to find him!"

A sharp voice was also sent through the spiritual energy fluctuations. This voice came from the giant ship on the side of Qing Meteor.

This person was obviously not that polite.

"You are my crown prince's concubine, and you can run around wherever you want. If anything happens that involves losing your virginity, you will completely disgrace our Qing Meteor and Huanglong Dynasty!"

A sharp voice, neither male nor female, made people very uncomfortable.

"Qing Meteor Huanglong Dynasty actually sent Lu Pinxiao, the chief chamberlain in the middle stage of becoming gods, to hunt us down!"

Mu Qingqing's face turned a little livid.

It is said that the chamberlains of the Qingliu Huanglong Dynasty all practiced a mysterious method, and when the time came, their bodies would become neither male nor female.

In this way, the cultivation speed increases very quickly, but they are still considered monsters like the eunuchs in the human world.

Although this Lu Pinxiao was in the middle stage of becoming a god, he had a lot of treasures on his body for self-defense, and the exercises he practiced were so domineering, and he was ruthless and full of tricks. Most monks in the late stage of becoming a god were not willing to provoke him.

Lu Pinxiao obviously wouldn't let it go, and started to insult him one after another.

"You are a yellow-flowered girl. If you lose your virginity, then our Huanglong Dynasty and Tianyuan Dynasty will really have a war. By then, your loss of virginity will be a small matter, but the Tianyuan Dynasty's collapse will become a big issue. Hahaha..."

Lu Pinxiao's voice was sharp and harsh, making people feel sick just listening to it.

He not only insulted Mu Qingqing, but also the Tianyuan Dynasty.

"You just lost your virginity, your whole family lost their virginity, you damn shemale..."

Mu Hongyun was obviously irritated by the sound and cursed loudly.

Mu Hongyun had the best relationship with Qingqing. Hearing Lu Pinxiao's insult, he immediately cursed.

"You damn shemale, my sister will never agree to marry your bullshit Huanglong Shi Dynasty!"

"If it weren't for your coercion, my sister would not have run away from home and almost died in the riots."

Mu Hongyun said with a strong attitude: "You guys go away quickly, I will explain to my father that I will not let her get married even if we fight!"

For a time, the two sides were tit-for-tat and tense.

"Qingqing, why don't you come with us, I will do my best to get rid of them!"

Fang Yang finally couldn't help talking at this time.

"Brother Yang, although I really want to go with you, I really do!"

"I want to explore the earth with you, go back to Canglan Star where you are, go to Dafeng City where you used to be, and the Wanxiang Sect where you once joined the Tao. I want to be with you, all the time. "

"But now is not the time..."

Mu Qingqing had tears in her eyes, but she spoke rationally.

(1.3 million words, thank you readers for your support! Thank you!)

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