Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 419 Seven-Colored Spiritual Soil and Mysterious Spiritual Roots

"However, this Blood Sacrifice Moro Curse also requires certain conditions to be cast, and the distance cannot be too far!"

Sun Shao and his two brothers had many confrontations, and each time they were taken advantage of by Five Elements Boy's innate magical power, so they became more and more unconfident.

In the past, they boasted about how powerful their secret prediction methods were, but later they were embarrassed again and again, so they wanted to be foolproof even more.

"No matter what, you two can't let me miss you again this time, otherwise you will get out of the worship hall!" Lu Pinxiao said fiercely.

"Governor, calm down. Although we did not stop them, we found out through the spies we installed that they had to take a long detour due to our encirclement, and it took at least twice as much time."

Sun Yi added. "I guess they have calculated that what they want to enter is the Wasteland of Stars. We will set up an ambush at the last stop, the Purple Star. That is the only way for them to enter the Wasteland of Stars."

"Okay! Let's not chase after them. We will go to Purple Star first, and then kill the Jindan monks for blood sacrifices, shield the secrets of heaven, and then wait for them to come and catch them all!"

Lu Pinxiao's face was full of murderous expression.

At this time, Fang Yang did not leave the Qingyuan Immortal Mountain, but began to realize the changes in his body.

At the same time, he further refined the Zhoutian Star Chart.

As Fang Yang refined the extremely mysterious "Pictures of Stealing the Sky" to the first level, the changes in the entire spiritual mind became more mysterious and abnormal.

Even though Fang Yang's current cultivation level is only at the peak of Nascent Soul, he can use the stolen Heavenly Dao opportunity to simulate many magical powers that can only be possessed by a god-forming monk.

And in terms of spiritual thoughts alone, the intensity of Fang Yang's divine thoughts is already comparable to that of many monks in the middle stage of divine transformation, or even stronger.

With these advantages, Fang Yang's sacrifice to the Zhoutian Star Chart seemed to go extremely smoothly.

Fang Yang's spiritual thoughts continued to be injected into the Zhoutian Star Chart, and then the stars in the stars began to move according to certain rules.

At this moment, Fang Yang seemed to feel that the star map in the sky was like a reflection of the real world, and he couldn't help but secretly marvel.

"Maybe... maybe this Zhoutian Star Chart is not as simple as the Lingbao level..."

Fang Yang has an updated judgment on the Zhoutian Star Chart in his mind. Fang Yang knows that the treasures are classified into magic weapons, spiritual weapons, psychic treasures, psychic magic weapons, spiritual treasures, ancient spiritual treasures, and those above the ancient spiritual treasures. It's an immortal weapon.

Of course, Qingyuan Immortal Mansion has surpassed the concept of ordinary magic weapons. It seems to be like a small world, which is probably incomparable to even immortal weapons.

But now that Fang Yang's cultivation level is low, the highest quality thing he has ever seen is this Zhoutian Star Chart.

Moreover, this week's star map is still somewhat damaged, so Fang Yang cannot judge its true condition, let alone how to repair it.

"Whatever, I can now use a lot of the power of this Zhoutian Star Chart. Even if I encounter that guy Lu Pinxiao again, I won't be afraid!"

Fang Yang practiced the Zhoutian Star Chart over and over again until he could control it more freely, then he stopped practicing.

However, at this moment, there was an inexplicable vibration on the mountainside of Qingyuan Immortal Mountain.

Fang Yang immediately rushed over and found that Qingyuan Immortal Mountain seemed to have changed again.

The cloud and mist restrictions that originally filled the mountain seemed to have weakened a bit, and the area of ​​five-color spiritual soil had expanded a lot.

"That's..." Fang Yang's eyes showed surprise.

I saw another small place exposed in the cloud restriction.

That place was just a small piece of land hidden in the mist-filled mountainside.

The place was only one or two feet square, so it seemed very crowded even if one person was standing there.

But in such a small place, the color of the soil actually shows seven colors: red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, and purple!

"Surprisingly... seven-color spiritual soil actually appeared!" Fang Yang's excitement was simply indescribable.

"This Qingyuan Immortal Mountain seems to be growing with me. As my cultivation level improves, Qingyuan Immortal Mountain is also constantly improving and progressing!" Fang Yang was a little surprised.

"This time, my cultivation level has improved a lot. I can even perform some mysterious techniques that are comparable to those of the monks who transform themselves into gods. I am afraid that the world of Qingyuan Immortal Mansion has also been affected by this, and the seven-color spiritual soil will appear." Fang Yang thought to himself.

"By the way, the spiritual root from last time can be transplanted to the seven-color spiritual soil!"

Fang Yang thought of the mysterious spiritual root he obtained last time.

Although the spiritual root was planted on the five-color spiritual soil, the five-color spiritual soil seemed unable to bear it.

Therefore, after many years, the growth of spiritual roots has been very slow, and the nearby spiritual energy has been swallowed up, almost forming a wasteland.

Fang Yang immediately called Fairy Yuzhu, who was good at arranging spiritual herbs, and asked her to transfer the spiritual roots with him.

Fang Yang and the others discovered that the roots of this spiritual root actually extended for tens of feet. Fortunately, Fang Yang's spiritual thoughts could control the operation of Qingyuan Immortal Mountain.

But even so, he and Fairy Yuzhu tried their best to transfer it.

Originally, the spiritual roots began to wilt rapidly after leaving the five-color spiritual soil, and it seemed that the seedlings that had just sprouted were about to die again.

But when it came into contact with the seven-color spiritual soil, the entire seedling suddenly glowed brilliantly.

"Elder Fang, this thing can indeed survive in the seven-color spiritual soil, and it seems that its growth rate has begun to increase!"

Fairy Yuzhu has been taking care of this spiritual root these days. Now that the spiritual root has finally resumed growth, she is of course very happy.

The spiritual root seemed like a thirsty traveler in the desert who fell into the water, frantically absorbing the spiritual energy from the seven-color spiritual soil.

However, it seemed that the spiritual energy in the seven-color spiritual soil was endless, which provided the spiritual roots with excellent nourishment. Fang Yang found that the spiritual roots began to sprout at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"This spiritual root seems to be a kind of vine spiritual grass. I'll just use some magic tools to build a shelf for it next to it, so that it can grow better!"

Fairy Yuzhu soon discovered the difference in this spiritual root and immediately began to cultivate it through corresponding methods.

At this time, Fang Yang also received the spiritual message from the Five Elements Boy.

When Fang Yang saw that the matter was settled, he immediately left the Qingyuan Immortal Mountain.

After Fang Yang left the Qingyuan Immortal Mountain, he found that the Five Elements boy was very anxious and was pacing back and forth.

"What happened to the Five Elements boy? Why are you like this?" Fang Yang asked in confusion.

You must know that the Five Elements Boy has always seemed to be in control of the overall situation because of his innate magical powers. Today's performance is indeed very extraordinary.

"My innate magical power has failed, and I can't figure out their whereabouts no matter how much I calculate!"

The Five Elements boy said with a frustrated look.

"The result of my current calculation is that the Huanglong Dynasty has given up the pursuit, but they have been chasing and killing them for so many years, and even idiots know that they will not stop!" Five Elements Boy said with a bitter smile.

"At most, it turned light into darkness, but I didn't find anything. They must have used some kind of magical power to block the secrets of heaven!" The Five Elements boy was unhappy because of this.

"The Five Elements Boy is right. Although the Five Elements Boy did not predict their conspiracy against us, I quietly went to several planets the day before yesterday and found that the Huanglong Dynasty is still secretly wanting us!" He Dong said worriedly.

"That is to say, they didn't give up, but they stopped us from seeing their opportunities!" He Dong said with a bitter look on his face.

After hearing what Five Elements Boy and He Dong said, Fang Yang was also stunned.

Then Fang Yang said slowly: "Indeed, now the enemy is hiding us and exposing us. If this continues, it will be very detrimental to us!"

However, Fang Yang thought hard for a while, and then said with a smile on his face: "It is true that they can block the secrets of heaven, but now that my cultivation level has improved, I am no longer afraid. Soldiers will block it, water will cover it, and we will cope with the changes by staying the same! "

"Hmm..." Wuxingtongzi and colleague He Dong looked at it carefully and couldn't help but be very surprised.

He Dong smiled and said jokingly: "Boss Fang, you took the wrong medicine, right? How come you have been in seclusion for ten years and you have reached the peak of Yuanying from the late Yuanying stage? If you have any secret recipe, please hand it over!"

"It's just a fluke. The technique I practice is also very special. When the opportunity comes, I will definitely help you improve your cultivation!" Fang Yang suddenly smiled.

"Five Elements Boy, I have now completed the ritual refining of the Zhoutian Star Diagram. Although I cannot fully display its power, I have found that when the Zhoutian Star Diagram operates, it seems that there can be many opportunities for heaven. I will now hand this diagram to you. Enlightenment!”

As he said that, Fang Yang handed the Five Elements Boy the Zhoutian Star Chart he had just completed.

The Five Elements Boy was also very interested in this picture and quickly took the catalog to Qingyuan Fairy Mountain.

He immediately began to comprehend under the Five Elements Fruit Tree of his own body, and soon entered a mysterious realm.

As He Dong was still unable to enter the Qingyuan Immortal Mountain, Fang Yang shared with him his insights from this retreat, which benefited him a lot.

Soon He Dong went to retreat, and the shuttle was controlled by Fang Yang and Xuan Ming.

Fang Yang was a scheming person. Since he knew that Lu Pinxiao and the others might have a plan at this time, he simply found an unknown planet and started practicing.

Although the spiritual energy of the planet Fang Yang was looking for was extremely thin, there were enough elixirs in Fang Yang's Qingyuan Immortal Mountain, which were enough for Fang Yang and the others to practice.

Fang Yang and the others have been hiding for two years.

During this period, Fang Yang, He Dong, and the many plant elves in Qingyuan Immortal Mountain all benefited a lot.

Now, with the improvement of Fang Yang's strength, the spiritual energy in Qingyuan Immortal Mountain has become more abundant.

The mysterious spiritual root also took shape because of the seven-color spiritual soil.

According to Fairy Yuzhu's many investigations, it was found that the spiritual root seemed to be a rare gourd vine.

But no one knows what this thing is specifically.

After Fang Yang and the others went through some supplies, they wandered toward the Purple Star.

Unlike Fang Yang and the others, Lu Pinxiao and the others had been waiting for more than two years near Ziluo Star.

Although this time is only a blink of an eye for high-level monks, you must know that Lu Pinxiao came out with a secret edict.

It would be extremely detrimental to him to drag it out like this.

Moreover, the blood sacrifice spell arranged by them by sacrificing a hundred Jindan monks made it difficult for them to get off.

If he gave up, the gains would outweigh the losses, so Lu Pinxiao had to hold on under tremendous pressure.

"Reporting to Governor Qi, we have figured it out. Fang Yang and the others are already very close to us. They will probably arrive in ten days. They are already within the range of our blood curse. We can plot against him, but he cannot plot against us! "

Sun Shao reported the situation immediately after discovering the situation.

(Thanks to all book friends, you are YYDS. Today the ranking of this book has been improved again. Thank you! I look forward to your continued support. Thank you!)

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