Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 439 Miraculous Doctor Fang Yang

Ge Yali and many students were stunned.

"How...how could it be so fast..." Everyone's faces were filled with surprise.

"Thank you! I'm really conscious!"

Xiaobin's mother said excitedly, tears streaming down her eyes uncontrollably.

At the same time, she also tried hard to move her ankle. Although it was a small movement, it already made her and Xiaobin cry.

"Mom, that's great, your injury seems to be healed!"

Xiaobin's tears streaked down his face like a trickle.

"I didn't expect his medicine to have miraculous effects!" Ge Yali was already in admiration for Fang Yang at this time.

"Xiao Bin's mother's meridians have been severely damaged. My grandfather said that the meridians are the most difficult to repair unless there is a miracle cure!"

There are more and more questions in Ge Yali's mind.

"And he only spent a few days collecting some herbs from the mountains and then came to treat me directly. How advanced is his medical skill!"

Ge Yali continued to help Xiaobin's mother apply medicine and massage her some more.

With the blessing of the medicine, Xiaobin's mother's legs and feet became more and more flexible.

"Although my legs and feet are still a little numb, I can finally feel my legs again!" Xiaobin's mother struggled to move her legs with tears in her eyes.

Sure enough, the legs that were originally withered became able to move slightly.

"It's really good, mom is really good!" Xiaobin cried even harder.

And Xiaobin's mother hugged her son into her arms, and the mother and son burst into tears for a while.

In the past few years, their mother and son have suffered a lot of pain that others cannot imagine because of this injury.

At this time, the pain was relieved, and the release of pressure made it difficult for them to control themselves.

Fang Yang and He Dong walked gently into the door. Xiaobin's mother immediately asked Xiaobin to help her up and sat up with difficulty.

She said with tears in her eyes: "Xiao Bin, give it to Dr. Fang quickly. Benefactor Fang, kneel down and thank him!"

If Xiaobin's mother could stand up, she would probably kneel down to express her gratitude to Fang Yang.

Fang Yang smiled slightly, and a soft force supported the mother and son.

Fang Yang smiled and said: "Sister, your injury is not healed yet, don't move around and rest for a few more days!"

"After waiting, gradually practice walking. It is estimated that in two or three months, your legs will be able to jump around!" Fang Yang said very confidently.

Xiaobin's mother struggled and took out a red cloth bag from under the pillow.

She carefully opened the red cloth bag and said, "Dr. Fang, I'm sorry, I lied to you and said my family had no money."

"Xiao Bin's father died in a car accident here. The village sent a pension of 10,000 yuan... Please accept it!"

Xiaobin's mother said with great gratitude that this money was probably the last property of her family.

I'm afraid this is also the legacy she plans to leave to her children.

"Sister, I can't accept this money!" Fang Yang suddenly felt warm in his heart.

"I'm a doctor. This is what I should do. You can keep this money for Xiaobin to study. He is so filial and will definitely be successful in the future!"

Fang Yang rejected Xiaobin's mother's kindness.

Fang Yang spoke firmly, so Xiaobin's mother had no choice but to put the package back in its place.

Fang Yang felt the trust and gratitude of the mother and son, and felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

Just when Fang Yang was immersed in this feeling, suddenly this warm feeling suddenly penetrated into the body near Yuan Ying Zi Mansion.

The original seal seemed to be touched by this warm feeling, and the strength of the seal decreased slightly.

Fang Yang now secretly refines the seal in his body with the method of stealing the sky whenever he has time, but the progress is very slow.

But this force made the seal lower faster, and Fang Yang felt that he had mobilized a little more true energy than before.

"It's really strange. Normally, this seal is as solid as a rock. I have been refining it with the secret method of stealing the sky for many days without much effect. But why is it inexplicably loose today? Could it be?"

Fang Yang suddenly had some enlightenment, but he couldn't explain it clearly.

Fang Yang wanted to quietly feel this mysterious power and then said with a smile: "I'm a little tired from refining medicine these days. I'm going to the side room to take a rest!"

"Teacher Ge, please help my eldest sister to massage her muscles every half an hour to relax her muscles and activate her blood circulation."

"Don't worry, although I don't know how to make medicine, your massage may not be as good as mine!"

Ge Yali said with a smile.

Fang Yang nodded and went straight to the side room.

He Dong naturally noticed the difference in Fang Yang's expression and immediately followed him.

"Brother He, please help me protect the law. I seem to have feelings!" Fang Yang said eagerly.

He Dong nodded, and then stood guard at Fang Yang's door.

After Fang Yang arrived at the side room, he began to close his eyes and rest.

At the same time, he began to use the secret method of stealing the sky to feel the weak power and the struggle in the seal.

This power actually dissolved one ten thousandth of the seal.

Although it was very small, Fang Yang was already ecstatic.

After a while, Fang Yang opened his eyes.

He Dong knew that something must be wrong with Fang Yang, so he also meditated beside Fang Yang and did not dare to wake Fang Yang.

"Boss Fang, what's wrong with you? You're still a monk in the Qi training stage now, so you're not feeling dizzy too!"

When Fang Yang woke up from trance, He Dong said teasingly with a half-smile.

"Brother, I'm not kidding you! I just discovered a strange phenomenon!"

Fang Yang said with a solemn expression and very seriously.

Then he spoke out the wonderful feeling he had just had.

He Dong also felt extremely incredible after hearing this.

"Oh my God, this is too mysterious. You helped the mother and son. I am very touched and have a warm feeling in my heart, but you did not attack my seal. What is going on?"

He Dong said in surprise.

"Is this the legendary power of merit?" He Dong guessed.

"The power of merit?" Fang Yang asked very puzzled.

"There are many myths and stories about merit and virtue on our planet, and I have seen quite a few of them in ancient books!" He Dong explained excitedly.

"For example, in ancient times, some people were able to achieve perfection in their cultivation, but they could not break through the final bottleneck!"

"He was stuck in his original state for many years. Later, he chose to save the world and take pleasure in doing meritorious deeds. Later, after he made three thousand meritorious deeds, he inexplicably succeeded in advancing to the next level..."

As a native of Earth, Ho Tung has heard many such stories since he was a child.

"I have felt the power of faith before and absorbed some of it, but today after doing good deeds, I feel very comfortable in my heart. It seems that this is the legendary power of merit?"

After listening to He Dong's words, Fang Yang still had many doubts.

However, Fang Yang was a little unreasonable, because this real power could offset the restrictions in his body, and knowing this was enough.

"Boss Fang, it seems we should do more good things!"

After receiving the wonderful use of the power of merit, He Dong also planned to do more merit so that his power could be restored as soon as possible.

"But where should we start making merit?" He Dong asked.

"Just practice medicine first!" Fang Yang has always been proficient in alchemy and medicine, and he is at least a monk in the Qi training stage now, so it would be very appropriate for him to practice medicine.

He Dong thought for a while and nodded seriously.

Fang Yang said: "By the way, where is your family? Let's go and visit it if we have the chance. This is probably what you want to do most when you return to Earth!" Fang Yang said with a smile.

He Dong nodded and said: "My hometown is Longdu in China, but it is very special. It was famous for its strict security back then. We don't have a suitable identity now, so let's take it easy."

"We will go back after we have done enough meritorious deeds, dissolved the seal and improved our strength!" At this time, He Dong inevitably felt more timid about being close to home.

Zou Bin, mother and son, respected Fang Yang as if they were gods.

After Zou Bin begged hard and his mother was very supportive, Fang Yang finally agreed to accept Xiao Bin as a registered disciple.

In the next few days, Fang Yang taught Xiaobin a set of guidance skills and a set of martial arts.

This guidance technique was carefully selected by Fang Yang. It is neutral and peaceful, and it is extremely effective. Even on the earth with weak spiritual energy, as long as Xiaobin practices hard, he should be able to develop true energy in half a year.

If by chance you can even reach the first level of Qi training, you may not even become the lowest level monk.

As for that set of martial arts, what Fang Yang taught him was the small grappling technique he had learned when he was a mortal.

This set of Kung Fu can move a thousand pounds in four ounces and is suitable for weak people.

Xiao Bin's situation is somewhat similar to Fang Yang's back then, and it couldn't be better to use this set of exercises.

After a few days, Xiaobin's mother's body recovered quickly.

Xiao Bin also practiced martial arts like crazy and made rapid progress.

"Xiao Bin has good qualifications and good spiritual roots. If he were on a cultivation planet, he would probably be able to refine his true energy in just a few days."

Fang Yang was very satisfied with this registered disciple.

During this time on Earth, Fang Yang discovered a strange phenomenon.

It seems that the people here have a very high probability of having spiritual roots.

In addition to Xiao Bin, Fang Yang also secretly tested Ge Yali and several college students. Almost all of them had spiritual roots.

"The earth is such a magical place, why are there so many mortals with spiritual roots!"

Fang Yang guessed that Huaxia might be the holy land of cultivation in ancient times, and his ancestors had great achievements.

Therefore, mortals with spiritual roots will be extremely tall if their bloodline is passed down.

But later, for some unknown reason, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth declined, so not many monks were born.

In the next few days, word spread that Fang Yang cured Xiaobin's mother.

Many villagers came at once, hoping to see Dr. Fang for medical treatment.

Fang Yang knew that this was a matter of merit, so he did not refuse anyone who came.

Many villagers here don't have much money at home, but Fang Yang collects a little bit symbolically every time.

The people who came to see him for medical treatment all had difficult and complicated diseases. Within a few days, the name of the miracle doctor from all over the country spread out.

At this time, Ge Yali and the others had basically finished their internship inspection with students.

"Brother Fang, I plan to go back to school to contact you and ask Xiaobin to study in the high school attached to our university."

"But I don't want to leave mom..." Xiaobin said, shaking his head.

"This is a small problem. Xiaobin's mother is almost recovered from her injury. I can help arrange work in the school cafeteria so that mother and son don't have to be separated!"

Ge Yali said with a smile that her family was not ordinary, and such a thing was a piece of cake for her.

Fang Yang also understood what Ge Yali meant. These days, Ge Yali and Xiaobin's mother and son have established a deep relationship.

And Ge Yali is not an ordinary person. She knows in her heart that after dealing with Gong Gang and Jiang Biehai this time, if Jiang Biehen takes revenge, Xiaobin, mother and son may be the first to suffer.

This is a kind of protection for Xiaobin and his mother, and also a cover for Fang Yang's kindness.

Fang Yang also agreed with Ge Yali's opinion.

They went to discuss with Xiaobin's mother.

Xiaobin's mother heard that Xiaobin could go to a school in the city and the tuition could be reduced, so she was of course very happy.

After that, Ge Yali called home and asked her cousin who worked in the school department to help.

This matter was arranged quickly.

At this time, there was a commotion outside the courtyard of Xiaobin's home.

A group of law enforcement officers wearing red armbands surrounded them.

"Who is Doctor Fang, pretending to be a ghost, come out to me!" A fat bald man yelled outside.

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