Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 443: Eliminating the Cold Poison

These days, Fang Yang, of course, has to go to the mountains to look for spiritual herbs besides treating villagers.

Fang Yang also benefited a lot from the earth's medical books and classics.

Fang Yang is very familiar with spiritual grass, so he can find some every time he looks for spiritual grass.

Moreover, even though Fang Yang does not have a flying magic weapon now, relying on his superb wind control technique is much more convenient than ordinary monks flying in the air.

Fortunately, Fang Yang got a small storage bag from the Wushan Sect.

Therefore, he can also put the spiritual herbs he found inside, which saves him a lot of trouble.

Fang Yang started refining alchemy every day when he had time, but he did not have professional tools.

He just used some local medicine jars to refine low-level elixirs. The success rate was indeed not high, but it was enough for him and He Dong to take.

The lives of Fang Yang and He Dong seemed very peaceful, but there were huge waves in Pingzhou City down the mountain.

At noon that day, when Fang Yang was treating villagers, a whistle sounded.

A black off-road vehicle drove a middle-aged man and an old woman to the original Zou family's courtyard.

The middle-aged man has a Chinese character face, and his eyes look very determined, giving people a feeling that they can be relied on.

He was supporting an old woman in her seventies.

The old woman looked a little pale and coughed from time to time.

There was a driver and a young man beside the middle-aged man, who seemed to be a secretary.

Both of them are in suits and leather shoes and are very respectful to middle-aged and elderly people.

As soon as the car stopped, they opened the door neatly and held on to the roof to prevent the middle-aged man and the old woman from hitting the roof.

Every move they made seemed very well-trained.

The middle-aged man looked a little extraordinary, but he had no intention of jumping in line. Instead, he waited quietly at the back.

It was their turn half an hour later.

"Is this Doctor Fang?" The middle-aged man's determined eyes kept scanning Fang Yang and He Dong's faces like two sharp knives.

"There is someone below, but he is not a miracle doctor, he just has some knowledge of medicine!" Fang Yang said very calmly.

An ordinary person would have been frightened to death by this middle-aged man's murderous gaze.

Fang Yang's calm reaction surprised the middle-aged man.

"Doctor Fang? Can I see your medical qualification certificate?" The middle-aged man's tone was full of doubt.

But obviously he was wary of Fang Yangbao.

In his opinion, if Fang Yang was not a powerful hermit doctor, he must be a high-level liar.

And Fang Yang also felt the aura of the middle-aged man.

Fang Yang could conclude that this momentum definitely did not come randomly.

That is the aura that can only be cultivated by people who have been in high positions for a long time.

Moreover, Fang Yang felt that there was some righteousness in this middle-aged man, and it seemed that he was also a loyal and upright person.

That is the aura of famous officials in ancient times who dared to give direct advice.

Although this middle-aged man was a little rude, Fang Yang did not embarrass him but smiled and said: "The medical qualification certificate is not important to me, but I know that people with medical qualification certificates cannot cure the old lady. Sickness in the body.”

Fang Yang ignored the middle-aged man, but looked at the old woman and said.

"You...what are you talking about!" the middle-aged driver said somewhat unconvinced.

"If you don't have a medical qualification certificate, you are practicing medicine illegally and you are a liar!"

The secretary also said excitedly.

"Xiao Chen, Xiao Li, don't get excited!" the middle-aged man shouted to stop the two of them.

He stared at Fang Yang, as if he wanted to see through Fang Yang, and then asked: "Since Dr. Fang said that no one else can cure my mother's disease, why does Dr. Fang seem to be able to cure it?"

The middle-aged man was a little worried, but more of a longing.

"The old lady's illness is the root cause of the illness she suffered when she was young!" Fang Yang said, shaking his head.

"The old lady's face turned pale. She coughed from time to time and held her heart. Apparently, when she coughed, she was accompanied by chest pain."

"This is a problem with the lungs, and judging from the old lady's face, her eyes are also a little gray. It's already scorching hot, but the old lady is wrapped in thick clothes. It is obvious that the Yang Qi has been severely damaged, so she is chilling."

"I guess this is a disease caused by being exposed to water in cold weather for a long time when I was young!"

Fang Yang talked as if he had seen it with his own eyes.

When the old woman heard what Fang Yang said, her expression changed slightly and she said, "The doctor is right."

"I used to live in the north. Because my husband died early, there was a lack of labor. It was common to work in freezing water in winter!"

"Did the root cause of the disease remain at that time?"

After hearing what the old woman said, the middle-aged man's expression changed, and he seemed to trust Fang Yang a little.

The middle-aged man stopped asking Fang Yang whether he had a medical qualification certificate.

Fang Yang ignored the middle-aged man and continued: "Auntie, this is just one of the reasons."

"Auntie, you can tell from the calluses on your hands that you have worked hard all your life!" Fang Yang thought of his mother and felt sad.

The middle-aged man on the side also had red eyes when he heard what Fang Yang said.

But his expression changed immediately, and he suppressed the tears that were about to fall.

"Mom, thank you for your hard work!" the middle-aged man said excitedly, holding his mother's hand.

"Son, this is what mother should do. You are very good now. Mother is very happy. Even if mother dies, she won't feel any regrets!" the old woman said movedly.

A few days ago, she had been sentenced to death by the best hospital in Pingzhou City, and she only had more than a year to live at most.

And she still couldn't find the cause, which made her almost despair.

The middle-aged man turned his head, and the way he looked at Fang Yang changed a little, and he said sincerely: "Doctor Fang, do you know if my mother's disease can be cured?"

"Of course. Although it's a bit troublesome, it's not difficult to cure!" Fang Yang said confidently.

"No way, you actually said it can be cured? And you said you're not a liar. Experts from Pingzhou City Hospital and Longdu said..." The secretary on the side interrupted unconvincedly.

"Xiao Chen, don't talk nonsense!" The middle-aged man was a little anxious.

He was afraid that someone around him would accidentally offend Fang Yang and make Fang Yang give up treatment.

Fang Yang smiled and said: "However, it seems that with this symptom, the cold air must be removed as soon as possible, otherwise it will be difficult to cure after the cold air completely invades the lungs! If you use ordinary medicine to kill yourself, I am afraid you can live for up to a year. !”

The time Fang Yang mentioned coincided with the time prescribed by the doctor for the death penalty.

This time is the result of multi-expert consultation and is confidential.

Fang Yang was able to say this casually, which made the middle-aged man a little more convinced.

"Please ask Dr. Fang to prescribe medicine for my mother. We will take it as soon as we get back!" the middle-aged man said eagerly.

Fang Yang smiled and said to the middle-aged man: "This gentleman seems to be a filial son. Your mother is kind and your son is filial. I will prepare a medicine immediately today and let your mother drink it here."

"Drink here?" The middle-aged man was a little surprised.

"The method of brewing my medicine is different from ordinary ones, and drinking it while it's hot is more effective. If it doesn't work, you can just arrest me. Don't worry about me running away!"

Fang Yang said very openly.

"Then there's Doctor Labor!"

Since Fang Yang was so confident, this middle-aged man simply wanted to see Fang Yang's level.

Fang Yang knew that the cold poison in the old woman's body was already very powerful.

So he used yang-tonifying medicines such as aconite and dried ginger, and he also added qi-tonifying medicines such as astragalus.

Of course, Fang Yang also added a set of refining materials for the low-level spiritual pill Fire Cloud Pill to the pill recipe.

Fang Yang happened to have the spiritual herbs needed for this set of materials in the past few days, and only a small piece of Fang Yang's century-old Polygonum multiflorum was used.

So he can also add some hundred-year-old Polygonum multiflorum to enhance the efficacy.

Of course, the refining process is also very important.

Fang Yang immediately started refining the medicine using earthen pottery pots in the backyard. As Fang Yang continued to add spiritual herbs and refined the medicine using mysterious techniques, soon the entire small courtyard was filled with a fragrant aroma.

When Fang Yang brought out a bowl of brown soup, the old woman stopped coughing when she smelled the aroma of the soup.

"It's really amazing!" The old woman was a little surprised.

The middle-aged man did not dare to neglect, so he immediately blew the medicine cold for the old woman and drank a little first.

He felt that Fang Yang's medicine was sweet and delicious, and it had a faint power that made his body warm.

The middle-aged man has also seen the world and has seen many rare treasures. He knows in his heart that this medicine is probably very precious.

He carefully fed his mother a spoonful of medicine.

After drinking this small bowl of soup, the old woman's face became much rosier.

"It's so comfortable. I felt cold in my bones just now, but now I feel relaxed all over my body!"

There was a smile on the old woman's face, and she seemed to feel much better all of a sudden.

"Thank you so much, Doctor Fang!" Seeing that his mother recovered so quickly, the middle-aged man trusted Fang Yang even more.

But Fang Yang smiled and said: "The cold poison has not been completely eliminated yet, we have to wait a little longer!"

Fang Yang's words made the middle-aged man's expression become more solemn.

"Sir, if you want your mother to get better quickly, help your mother massage the Dazhui point on the back of her neck now, and pat her back from time to time. This can stimulate the effect of the medicine even more!" Fang Yang suggested.

The middle-aged man did not dare to neglect Fang Yang's words and immediately began to massage gently.

"Ahem..." At this moment, the old woman seemed to cough violently again, which surprised the middle-aged man.

Fang Yang seemed to have everything under control, letting the middle-aged man continue to pat his mother on the back.

Following a violent cough, the old woman spit out a mouthful of blood and debris with a "Wow..." sound.

If you look carefully, you will find that there are many broken ice crystals in the blood dregs!

"Mom, are you okay?" the middle-aged man asked anxiously.

"Gang'er, I'm much better now. I don't feel cold at all. I feel very relaxed. I feel like I am ten years younger!"

The old woman was very excited.

Her face gradually began to regain its rosiness, and she looked at Fang Yang and immediately said, "Thank you, Doctor Fang!"

The old woman was filled with gratitude and had tears in her eyes as she spoke.

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