Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 451: Desperate (Chapter 7)

With a "pop..." sound, the black jade slip was smashed to pieces.

With a "puff..." sound, when the jade slip broke, a trace of black gas leaked out, like a fart.

Although the sound was not loud, the conference room was silent at this time.

The sound of the jade slip breaking was particularly harsh.

Even all the other officials present held their breath.

It seemed that the sound of the explosion also announced that Wei Shaozhong and Kou Zhenggang had completely torn their faces.

"You are so rude, throwing things at an emergency meeting?"

Kou Zhenggang said with dissatisfaction.

But his face showed a strong contempt.

Kou Zhenggang had learned all of Wei Shaozhong's plans from Ye Leng.

If Ye Leng succeeded, it would mean that Kou Zhenggang's soul was controlled.

And smashing this black jade slip would trigger the restriction in Kou Zhenggang's soul, causing Kou Zhenggang's soul to be severely damaged instantly, turning him into an idiot or a psychopath.

Kou Zhenggang's scolding was also stunned for a while.

Wei Shaozhong's originally cold smile suddenly seemed to be frozen by the cold air.

At this time, Wei Shaozhong's face suddenly froze, forming a weird expression that seemed to be neither smiling nor crying.

Not only Wei Shaozhong, but Fu Pingshan beside him also turned pale.

"How is it possible? We have also seen the skills of Master Lai's disciple Ye Xiaoshi. Although he is not as good as Master Lai, his skills are also very good. This time, the formation he specially arranged in advance, could it be ineffective?"

Fu Pingshan was puzzled.

He couldn't help but blame Ye Leng, thinking that Ye Leng was a guy who was not reliable in doing things and had ruined the big thing.


Wei Shaozhong lost his leisurely stroll and ease just now, and became hesitant.

"How could you..."

Wei Shaozhong wanted to ask "Why don't you go crazy? Aren't you in the formation?"

However, he suddenly remembered that he was still in the venue, so he swallowed the words on his lips again, and his face was full of embarrassment.

Wei Shaozhong's face was surprised at first, but then turned into doubt, and then into fear.

He opened his eyes wide and stared at Kou Zhenggang as if he was looking at a monster, looking very out of control.

"How is it possible that the formation is ineffective on him?"

Wei Shaozhong's heart was like drinking a bottle of old vinegar, and he regretted it indescribably.

He hated himself for trusting Ye Leng, and hated himself even more for not taking the initiative to get rid of Kou Zhenggang directly.

Now that Kou Zhenggang had evidence and successfully held a meeting, his heart was like a building collapsing.

He originally wanted to use Ye Leng to implement a strategy of cutting off the source of the fire.

He made Kou Zhenggang, the chief administrative officer, become an idiot in front of many superiors, and turned all his evidence into a shoddy "micro-movie" made by a lunatic.

Originally, his strategy was perfect, but Fang Yang and He Dong became his biggest variable.

"Political Officer Wei, what's wrong with you today?"

Du Wei, the executive deputy political officer at the side, asked curiously.

Although he was not on good terms with Wei Shaozhong, he had always known Wei Shaozhong's character. He was not only eloquent, but also scheming. He had never seen him hesitant like today.

"Officer Wei, I hope to continue discussing Fu Shaojie's issue at today's meeting!"

"Since the evidence provided by Fu Shaojie involves some city officials, I hope to report it to the province!"

"At the same time, the relevant officials involved in the handling of this matter should avoid it!"

Kou Zhenggang said while the iron was hot.

"I object!" Wei Shaozhong was still a little dazed during Fu Pingshan's visit.

He knew that something was wrong, and immediately objected: "This so-called evidence is only Fu Shaojie's one-sided words, which is not worthy of trust, and it cannot be ruled out that someone has controlled Fu Shaojie and made him do something unconventional. I think this matter is strange!"

Fu Pingshan wrote doubts on his face and said very angrily.

"Yes, this is indeed one-sided from Fu Shaojie, but there are many chains of evidence to support it. One million was found in the safe in Fu Shaojie's office today, which is consistent with what he said. Isn't this a chain of evidence?"

Kou Zhenggang said tit for tat: "Not only that, Fu Shaojie can report himself, which also shows that our anti-corruption work is solid, allowing him to recognize the situation at the last moment and take the initiative to admit his mistakes!"

"And even if it is a one-sided statement, shouldn't the Inspection Department take the initiative to start an investigation after receiving the report?"

Kou Zhenggang's questioning made a female officer present a little uneasy.

Her name is Ma Xiaoyan, and she has been the leader of the Pingzhou City Inspection Department for two years.

During this period, she kept a distance from both Fu Pingshan and Kou Zhenggang.

Although she is also a practical person, the past two years in Pingzhou are also the two years when she is most angry.

Her impetuous personality cannot be fully exerted here, and sometimes she can't even carry out normal work.

Ma Xiaoyan finally just stopped caring and let Wei Shaozhong do whatever he wanted, becoming a clay Buddha who didn't care about worldly affairs.

Today, the conflict between Kou Zhenggang and Wei Shaozhong has reached the point of a final explosion.

And it has pushed Ma Xiaoyan to the forefront.

Ma Xiaoyan cleared her throat and said, "I think this matter should be investigated further. I think a special investigation team should be set up and no leniency should be shown!"

Ma Xiaoyan knew that with Kou Zhenggang's personality, this matter would have been reported to the provincial government long ago.

If she continues to help suppress it, I'm afraid she will get involved in the final outcome.

Although Ma Xiaoyan's principle is still not to help each other, she also clearly feels that the balance of victory is already on Kou Zhenggang's side.

"I think Ms. Ma's suggestions are very good!"

Du Wei had long been very dissatisfied with Wei Shaozhong and his group, and he would reconsider immediately if he had this opportunity.

"I think this matter should be reported to the higher-ups in a timely manner, and the provincial party committee inspectors should be invited to come to Pingzhou to investigate to avoid interference in the work."

"Don't make this matter too big!"

Deputy Administrative Officer Zheng Guoli frowned and said.

He was considered a general of Wei Shaozhong's line, and he immediately wanted to fight for his master's interests.

"Don't leave a bad influence on our Pingzhou to the higher-ups. Moreover, Fu Shaojie cannot shirk the responsibility for this matter, but it cannot be expanded to avoid hurting innocent people!"

"Anti-corruption and safeguarding fairness and justice are the foundation of the country. How can it be a trivial matter!" Ma Xiaoyan said angrily.

"Now there is a lot of evidence that there is a protective umbrella of evil forces behind Fu Shaojie. If we cannot find out the truth of the matter, what is the difference between this and covering up!"

For a while, several officers expressed their opinions.

However, Kou Zhenggang's side obviously had the advantage. You should know that provincial inspectors were arranged to observe the meeting.

This shows that Kou Zhenggang has asked the province to intervene.

If this matter is suppressed again and the facts of these cases are found out, who dares to bear this responsibility.

Wei Shaozhong suddenly found that the people he usually commanded at will had switched sides and sided with Kou Zhenggang.

The meeting quickly drafted a plan, which was improved according to Kou Zhenggang's ideas.

"Let's vote on the plan first. At the same time, I suggest that Shaojie be suspended first. In accordance with the principle of avoidance, I hope that Fu Pingshan will be temporarily suspended from his duties!"

Kou Zhenggang dropped another bombshell.

If it were before, this proposal would probably seem crazy and ridiculous.

But now it seems so natural.

Fu Pingshan's face turned pale for a moment, and he looked at his master Wei Shaozhong.

However, at this time, Wei Shaozhong didn't seem to have figured out why Kou Zhenggang allowed the black jade slip to be disabled and sit intact at the venue.

Therefore, Wei Shaozhong seemed a little absent-minded.

"I object!" Deputy Administrative Officer Zheng Guoli shouted immediately.

His voice was deliberately raised in volume, perhaps because he wanted to remind Wei Shaozhong that Kou Zhenggang could not be allowed to continue to play.

However, Kou Zhenggang did not give him a chance to continue speaking: "Sirs, let's vote by a show of hands!"

Soon all nine officers began to vote by show of hands.

Soon after the voting ended, five city leaders sided with Kou Zhenggang, and Kou Zhenggang himself took up 6 at once.

Naturally, Wei Shaozhong, Zheng Guoli, and Fu Pingshan voted against it.

"Okay, the resolution is passed!"

Kou Zhenggang said solemnly: "According to the meeting rules, an investigation team is now being formed. Fu Shaojie will be suspended and will be investigated by the Inspection Department, and Fu Pingshan will temporarily stop working!"

Kou Zhenggang's voice was sonorous and powerful, like a heavy hammer hitting Wei Shaozhong and the three of them.

Wei Shaozhong suddenly felt as if a big knife was flying towards him, trying to chop off his left and right hands, and then slowly kill him like a boiled frog.

The hatred in his heart suddenly surged to its peak.

"Kou Zhenggang, don't do it too harshly!" Wei Shaozhong's voice had become very strange.

"Administrative Officer Wei, it's not that I'm too cruel, but that Fu Shaojie has done too many things that violate laws and disciplines!"

"In the face of corruption and evil, we must not tolerate it!"

If someone else had said this, it might have been a bit false, but when Kou Zhenggang said it, it was very sonorous and powerful.

And it has a powerful aura, just like the spiritual pressure of a cultivator.

Although they are different in nature, they are also very mysterious.

"Humph, you forced me to do this!" Wei Shaozhong said harshly.

At the same time, his very vicious eyes were shot at several people's faces.

Those who usually stayed by his side suddenly lowered their heads and did not dare to look at his eyes.

"Kou Zhenggang, since you forced me to this extent, you can't even think of walking out of this door alive!"

Wei Shaozhong's voice sounded very crazy, and his ferocious words made everyone else feel as if they had fallen into an ice cellar.

"Wei Shaozhong, this is the venue, please be serious!" Kou Zhenggang said angrily.

However, he was also slightly surprised in his heart. Knowing that Wei Shaozhong could do anything, he couldn't help but feel shocked.

"Wang Hu, come on, kill them!"

Wei Shaozhong's voice sounded like it was coming from hell, full of malice.

Next to him, Wang Hu, who was like a bodyguard and Ye Leng's senior brother, suddenly jumped to his feet.

This person's skill is much stronger than Ye Leng, and he has reached the middle and late stages of Qi training.

He rushed over, really like a tiger, his aura was very powerful.

(Chapter 7 is here, don’t let your support weaken! Thank you! There will be another chapter tonight!)

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