Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 462 Gambling (Chapter 2 to)

Although Qian Duoduo's current incarnation is only in the middle stage of foundation building, he can still use his innate magical power of stealing.

This escape technique is naturally its forte.

After several operations, it has taken Fang Yang hundreds of miles away.

Following Fang Yang's instructions, they quickly found the vicinity of the mine.

When they arrived near the mine, Qian Duoduo and Fang Yang found a remote place to come out from underground.

Qian Duoduo touched the air with his nose, and then said thoughtfully: "Huh... I feel that the atmosphere over there is very chaotic!"

"It seems that there are a lot of people over there, it seems that something really happened!"

Qian Duoduo is very sensitive to smells, and he smelled something strange at once.

Fang Yang took Qian Duoduo and continued to rush to the vicinity of the mine.

When he arrived near the mine, he found that there were already thousands of people gathered here.

Not only were there firefighters and 120 ambulance personnel, but there were also many armed police to maintain order at the scene.

In addition, there were also the families of the miners, who let out bursts of heart-wrenching howls.

"Oh no, I'm afraid they've succeeded!" Fang Yang was very depressed.

He used his divine sense to find He Dong's location.

He was in a temporary shed.

He Dong and Kou Zhenggang, as well as Deng Ming, the deputy political officer in charge of security inspection, and Wang Yuanfeng, the director of the Municipal Safety Supervision Bureau, were already discussing how to rescue with several experts.

Fang Yang brought Qian Duoduo and used the stealth technique to bypass the armed police and the crowd, and soon arrived at the location of the shed.

Seeing Fang Yang suddenly enter the shed, Kou Zhenggang was not surprised at all.

Because he had seen Fang Yang's special ability and knew that Fang Yang was not an ordinary person.

Deng Ming, who was standing next to him, showed surprise on his face.

"You came at the right time!" Kou Zhenggang felt relieved when he saw Fang Yang.

If Fang Yang hadn't reminded him in time this time, I'm afraid the loss of the mine disaster would have been huge.

When He Dong saw Fang Yang, he was so surprised that he couldn't speak.

Because Fang Yang was only in the late stage of Qi training when he went out last night, but today he had reached the early stage of foundation building.

Such a shock made He Dong a little confused for a while.

When He Dong saw Qian Duoduo, he suddenly became happy, knowing that Fang Yang might have had a lucky encounter.

"Boss Fang, you actually brought Qian Duoduo with you, that's great!"

He Dong rushed over and rubbed Qian Duoduo's chubby head and said.

"What's the situation?" Fang Yang now only knows that a mine accident has occurred, but the specific situation is not very clear.

"This mine is called Pingzhou Coal Mine. It is an old mine that started mining 120 years ago."

"In recent years, the coal seam has gradually decreased, and the number of miners has also begun to decrease."

"Since five o'clock last night, there were three hundred people in the mine. Because we heard that someone was going to destroy the mine, we immediately sent people to ask for a shutdown and for the workers to go up the mine!"

"In the end, one hundred and eighty-three people went up the mine, and later a large-scale flooding accident really occurred in the mine. Now there are still 117 workers trapped underground!"

"But they also received a notice that they were not at the bottom of the mine where the water was flooded, but moved to a higher place before the flooding."

"But the mine collapsed, and it is very difficult to rescue them!"

Kou Zhenggang's thinking is very clear, but his tone is very heavy.

In addition to the person in charge of the city hall, there are several experts on the scene.

There are geological experts and rescue experts.

They were very surprised to see the chief executive respectfully introduce the situation to Fang Yang.

They even suspected that this young man might be a special inspection commissioner sent by Longdu.

But there are also people who are very disgusted with Fang Yang, and Yang Ming is one of them.

He is a professor at Longdu University. He flew to Pingzhou from Longdu in the morning.

He is a first-class expert in domestic rescue and has been present in several rescue operations.

He is not only familiar with Longdu officials, but also has a lot of opportunities to communicate with several Longdu bosses.

The plan he proposed was also highly valued by the superiors.

It can be said that at Longdu University, even the president dare not provoke him casually.

So he is also known as one of the most powerful professors at Longdu University.

"It's so unserious. He brought a pet to the rescue site! It's really outrageous!"

Yang Ming cursed with disgust.

Obviously, the pet he was talking about was Qian Duoduo.

Now Qian Duoduo has eaten too much, and his belly is bulging. He really doesn't look like a monster.

He looks similar to an ordinary pet fat dog.

When Qian Duoduo heard Professor Yang say that it was wrong, he immediately rushed up and scolded.

Fortunately, He Dong was on the side and quickly covered Qian Duoduo's mouth with his hand.

If he hadn't been covered, He Dong would have known without a second thought that Qian Duoduo would have used his catchphrase to scold him: You are the pet, your whole family is a pet...

"Excuse me, who is this?" Fang Yang asked with interest.

"This is Professor Yang Ming, a professor at Longdu University, an expert in disaster relief in our country!"

Kou Zhenggang introduced awkwardly.

Fang Yang didn't show any surprise after hearing Yang Ming's identity.

This made Yang Ming feel even more indignant.

"Commander Kou, I wonder which unit this kid is from? Maybe I know the leader of their unit!"

Yang Ming said arrogantly.

He estimated that Fang Yang was from Longdu. Even so, he would definitely show off his familiarity with some big leaders so as to show off to Fang Yang.

"I... am from Pingzhou City No. 1 Middle School..." Fang Yang said with a smile.

"Huh? From Pingzhou No. 1 Middle School? Teacher?" Yang Ming asked.

"Student!" Fang Yang hasn't finished speaking yet.

Several experts and professors at the scene were so shocked that they almost fell to the ground.

"Nonsense, nonsense!"

Several experts and professors exclaimed in disbelief.

You must know that the reason why Yang Ming came here is because when he was framed and in trouble, the old man of the Kou family, Kou Zhenggang's father, was very kind to him.

That's why he rushed to help in order to repay his kindness.

At this moment, there was a loud noise outside, interrupting Fang Yang's conversation.

"Hurry up and save people, wow wow..."

"My father and my brother are still in the mine... Wuwu..."

"Sir, please save people..."

I don’t know who discovered this work shed and guessed it was the on-site command headquarters.

A group of people who didn't know the truth immediately gathered around.

"Huh? How did they know this was the on-site command headquarters?" Kou Zhenggang was a little confused.

However, when he thought about the clues Fang Yang provided yesterday, he couldn't help but suspect that someone was secretly adding fuel to the fire.

Thinking of this, he frowned even more.

"Sir Kou, there are a lot of family members of miners in distress kneeling outside the work shed. What should we do now?"

Kou Zhenggang's secretary hurriedly walked in and said.

"Let me go out and make promises to these people!" Kou Zhenggang was stunned.

He took long strides and walked out.

His secretary immediately stopped him and said: "Sir, you can't go now. The mine disaster is serious. If you are not careful, there may be serious problems."

In fact, Kou Zhenggang was not clear about this.

If we make a promise now, it will temporarily appease the angry masses.

But if people are not rescued by then, there will probably be huge consequences.

To put it mildly, it will get you into trouble, but to put it more seriously, if you are not careful, you will ruin all your future.

"I know this, but I have to go!" Kou Zhenggang bypassed the secretary and strode out of the work shed.

After a while, his loud voice came: "Dear folks, I am Kou Zhenggang, chief executive of Pingzhou City Hall!"

"Don't worry, everyone, we have mobilized the most authoritative experts in the country to save people..."

With Kou Zhenggang's promise, the crowd's doubts and cries soon became much less.

Ten minutes later, Kou Zhenggang walked into the work shed again, but he seemed to have aged ten years.

Fang Yang had a smile on his face and seemed to appreciate Kou Zhenggang's courage to face the masses' doubts.

Fang Yang turned to Yang Ming and said, "Professor Yang, don't pay attention to my situation first, you should come up with a plan to save people first!"

Fang Yang said with an old-fashioned look.

At the same time, he exuded a mysterious temperament, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

Although Yang Ming was dissatisfied with Fang Yang, he also knew that saving people was important and did not continue to pester him.

Yang Ming said to Kou Zhenggang: "There are three options available now!"

"The first is to pump out water with all our strength, and the second is to dig lifesaving wells to deliver food, air and water to the miners!"

"The third is to open up the life-saving passage. These three options can be carried out at the same time!"

Yang Ming has participated in many domestic rescues and has rich experience. He quickly provided three feasible methods.

"Professor Yang, how long will it take to get through this?" Kou Zhenggang asked worriedly.

"The terrain of the Pingzhou Coal Mine is complex, and there was a large-scale collapse during this water leakage accident. It is estimated that it will take seven days at the fastest to open the rescue shaft. As for rescuing all the miners, I am afraid it will take at least a month!" Yang Ming He said with a frown.

"A month?" Fang Yang shook his head.

He knew that the Li Group was behind this incident.

If it really takes that long, it will be enough for people from the Lee Group to manipulate the media to launch an overwhelming attack.

Moreover, the rescue time is too long. If the Li Group and the Ma family behind it poison or do other damage for revenge.

I am afraid that many rescuers have died.

But no matter what, Pingzhou and Pingzhou City Hall will be greatly harmed by then.

In this way, the Li family's goal of revenge will be achieved.

"Humph, one month is already the best plan!" Zhao Ming was very unhappy when he heard Fang Yang's question.

"You little brat, what can you do? If you keep talking nonsense here, I will kick you out!"

"What if I have a better plan?"

Fang Yang said tit for tat, almost making Yang Ming, the most awesome old professor, so angry that he almost belched.

"You...if you have a good method, I will become your teacher!" Yang Ming roared angrily.

Fortunately, Yang Ming is an intellectual. If he had a bigger temper, he would probably be beaten directly.

Unexpectedly, Fang Yang said with a playful smile: "Everyone has heard it! Don't be unconvinced after losing!"

(The desperate Moon Dancer is here again! Hahaha, it’s so cold in the middle of the night update, please bring some warmth!)

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