Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 464: Monk of the Ma Family (Chapter 4 to)

"How is it possible?"

The group of old experts and professors who thought Fang Yang was talking nonsense just now all had their mouths turned into "o" shapes.

They never thought that such a miracle would happen.

And the time was exactly half past eleven as agreed.

Even if the other party was lucky, the time when the water level dropped was exactly the time promised by Fang Yang.

This made people even more puzzled.

Several old experts were complaining in their hearts: My God, is it his family who opened the underground river? If you think about it, you can figure it out.

Even if they don't believe that Fang Yang made the water level drop, they have to believe that Fang Yang can calculate.

"How could it be, is that guy also an expert in geology?"

Yang Ming had too many doubts in his heart at this time.

But thinking of the bet with Fang Yang, he couldn't help but start to get a little nervous.

More than an hour later, Fang Yang brought Qian Duoduo to the work shed of the command center again.

Fang Yang could have come out earlier, but he spent some time repairing the damaged mine and clearing the passage blocked by silt.

As long as the water recedes, the rescuers will probably be able to successfully open the rescue channel in one or two days at most.

Fang Yang walked towards Yang Ming with a smile. Surprisingly, what Fang Yang took out was a milky white rock.

"Disciple, Master will give you something!"

He put the rock in Yang Ming's hand.

Yang Ming took the rock and his face changed drastically.

"This is, this is a stone from the dark river karst area? Could it be?"

Yang Ming couldn't help but exclaimed for a moment.

You know, the dark river is also called "underground flow", which refers to the river below the ground.

This is a kind of underground karst landform, which is formed by the gathering of groundwater, or the infiltration of surface water into the ground along the cracks of underground rocks, and the underground river formed by rock dissolution, collapse and water transportation.

This kind of rock is generally only around the dark river, and it is difficult to fake.

Obviously Fang Yang was telling Yang Ming that he had opened up the rock between the underground mine and the dark river, and began to drain water through the underground dark river.

"You...how did you get in?" Yang Ming was a little speechless.

If it weren't for the fact that the instrument had detected the water level starting to drop, and Fang Yang had taken out the rock from the underground river, Yang Ming would have been really confused for a moment.

He felt that what Fang Yang said might be true, but how could Fang Yang get underground? Such questions puzzled him.

"Impossible, this must be fake!"

"Yes, yes, he must have found a stone from somewhere to make up the number!"

"Coincidence, all this is purely coincidence!"

Many experts and professors couldn't believe what Fang Yang saw.


Fang Yang sneered at these people.

But with Fang Yang's temperament, there was no need to argue.

Yang Ming had recovered at this time, but he straightened his body and said, "I believe you won't lie to me, and no matter what, the chances of the miners in distress surviving this time will be more than 90%!"

Although Yang Ming is an old scholar with a weird temper, he is still kind and upright in his heart.

Moreover, he and Fang Yang had a promise before, and he was just keeping his promise at this time.

"Master..." Yang Ming bowed to Fang Yang.

At the same time, a faint mosquito-like sound came out of his mouth.

Although Yang Ming is an expert in domestic rescue, he knew the situation of this mine disaster. With his original method, he was lucky to rescue more than a dozen people out of more than a hundred people.

And now Fang Yang's intervention has quickly solved the biggest problem of water seepage.

This seemingly unfair bet saved hundreds of lives behind it.

Just for the respect for life, Yang Ming should admit defeat!

"You are trustworthy!"

Fang Yang smiled. In fact, Fang Yang also saw Yang Ming's character.

Although Yang Ming is old, his character and spiritual roots are not bad, so he is also willing to accept such an apprentice.

"But since you worship me as your master, there will be benefits for you!" Fang Yang casually sent a stream of true energy.

Yang Ming felt that the hidden dangers left by his injuries when he was young in geological exploration gave out very comfortable warmth.

He felt much more relaxed all of a sudden, and looked like he was several years younger.

Of course, this was something that only Yang Ming could feel. The people around him just felt that Yang Ming looked better.

Yang Ming felt these changes at once, and his face was even more surprised.

It took him a long time to squeeze out two words from his teeth: "Thank you."

Yang Ming had already started to wonder: Could he be one of those people in the legend?

As an authoritative expert over the years, Yang Ming had participated in many major dangerous situations and had also met people from the country's secret organizations.

He knew something about monks and people with special abilities.

At this time, he had already classified Fang Yang into those people.

"Now the problem of water accumulation in the cave has begun to ease. Now we are also speeding up the use of pumps to pump water outside. When the water level drops, we will start rescue immediately."

"At the same time, the opening of the survival channel must also be carried out at the same time!"

Although Kou Zhenggang didn't know how Fang Yang did it, this did solve the biggest problem for the rescue.

In fact, if Fang Yang hadn't broken through the foundation-building stage this time, and there was Qian Duoduo, who was in the middle stage of the foundation-building stage, it would probably not be an easy task for Fang Yang to solve this problem.

However, at this moment, He Dong suddenly sensed that his breath was disordered.

The defensive formation he arranged began to react. It was obvious that some cultivators wanted to invade the rescue site.

And the evil spirits on these people were extraordinary. They were obviously ruthless characters.

That's why the formation started to work.

"Captain Kou, check the surveillance around the mine. I seem to have found saboteurs!"

He Dong said thoughtfully.

"What? Saboteurs?" Many experts were also shocked when they heard what He Dong said.

The way they looked at Fang Yang and He Dong had changed a little.

Since receiving He Dong's warning yesterday, Kou Zhenggang had been prepared, although he was still a step late.

He did not prevent the mine disaster from happening, but he already knew that it was a person.

So while setting up the on-site command center, he also had people urgently set up surveillance.

Soon, the images of various major locations were displayed on the screen of the command center.

At this time, the formation arranged by He Dong had already detected several cultivators.

He Dong casually adjusted the camera slightly, and soon three middle-aged men in their forties appeared on the screen.

The three people looked around, sneaky but very natural.

Two of them quickly approached the cave entrance, and the armed police guarding the cave entrance turned a blind eye to them.

The other one rushed straight to the command center.

"What's going on? They were allowed to go directly to the mine cave. Are these armed police eating porridge?"

"How could they cross the cordon casually?" Kou Zhenggang exclaimed.

Even the rescue experts next to him widened their eyes.

"Don't blame them, these people are not ordinary people!"

Fang Yang asked He Dong to help guard the command center, and he quickly dragged Qian Duoduo, who wanted to sleep, to the miners.

He Dong held a white jade slip in his hand, which was the control jade slip for the Guiyuan Shouxin formation.

The three people who received the order to come and cause trouble this time were called Ma San, Ma Wu, and Ma Jiu.

In fact, they were not from the Ma family. They were just forced to drink Gu poison after offending the Ma family and became servants of the Ma family.

Although their skills were higher than Ma Qian, they were just equivalent to a group of high-level thugs raised.

And because they are special, they can only be mobilized when the Ma family is under fatal threat and someone in the Ma family has died.

Therefore, Ma Qian did not have the power to mobilize this force when chasing Fang Yang.

In fact, you should know that the three monks sent by the Ma family all used the art of concealment.

Therefore, they can come and go freely in a place with heavy security.

However, they never dreamed that a large formation had been set up here in advance by the formation master He Dong.

Therefore, their concealment has failed.

Although it still works for ordinary people who are close, it has lost its concealment function under the surveillance camera.

Ma San was walking towards the shed at this time.

He was the person in charge of this operation.

He asked Ma Wu and Ma Jiu to go to the mine. Even if they could not create an accident, they planned to poison the water and kill all the miners.

If it is convenient, they would not hesitate to take action when the rescuers entered, so that more rescuers would also be killed.

When Ma San just arrived at the door of the shed, he suddenly found that the muzzles of more than a dozen armed policemen were raised in front of him.

The black muzzle of the gun stunned him for a moment.

Just when he wanted to resist, he suddenly felt that the surrounding heaven and earth energy transformed into an extremely fierce breath to suppress him.

"Oh no, I'm trapped in the formation!" Ma San was shocked.

He Dong's true energy urged the jade slip, and Ma San felt that the true energy in his body was not flowing smoothly.

You should know that He Dong's formation cultivation is much stronger than Fang Yang. Ma San was attacked and his body began to limp.

The armed police rushed up and tried to handcuff him.

"How could this happen? Such a powerful formation, no, I can't be captured alive!"

Ma San shouted and bit his tongue, and the true energy in his body burst out in an instant.

The poison in his body began to take effect, and it began to burn all of a sudden.

"What a powerful poison restriction! In order to prevent himself from being captured alive, this guy actually triggered the poison in his body. It seems that they are just controlled by others. In order not to suffer, they will do this!"

He Dong took a breath of cold air.

As for the other participants, they were all scared to death. They didn't expect that someone would spontaneously combust in an instant.

"I wonder how Fang Yang and the others are doing?" He Dong couldn't help but look in the direction of Fang Yang.

However, not long after, Fang Yang appeared near the shed with two monks from the Ma family.

At this time, the two monks were covered with ice chips.

Obviously, Fang Yang froze them directly to prevent them from self-harming.

They didn't even have the chance to commit suicide!

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