Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 490 Dragon Eye Diamond

Shen Quan and Gao Zhe couldn't figure out why their bodies just went out of control.

However, seeing Fang Yang had entered the private room, they couldn't help but feel angry.

However, because of Ge Yali's face, they didn't get angry.

"Humph, this poor boy actually ran to such a place to act wild!"

"Humph, if he falls into my hands, I will definitely give him a good beating!" Shen Quan said angrily.

Although Fang Yang and He Dong were dressed in ordinary clothes, they had a temperament that made people admire them involuntarily.

In addition, they talked very gracefully and quickly integrated into the party.

You should know that many of Ge Yali's friends are descendants of high-ranking officials and have received higher education.

Shen Quan and Gao Zhe are indeed a minority of dandy scums.

Ge Yali was very happy to see Fang Yang and others successfully get to know and communicate with her good friends.

"Brother He is not only very knowledgeable, but also knows medical skills!" Ge Yali introduced.

"Oh, although Chinese medicine once had a brilliant culture, it is now declining!"

"Nowadays, Western medicine has almost become the mainstream. I wonder what opportunity Mr. He had to learn Chinese medicine?" An elegant woman who has a good relationship with Han Yiyi asked with a smile.

Judging from her conversation, she should have returned from studying abroad, so she doesn't know much about Chinese medicine.

She even has a deep prejudice.

Fang Yang smiled and said: "Chinese medicine emphasizes the unity of man and nature."

"People live between heaven and earth, in the natural environment, and are part of the entire material world. In other words, people and the natural environment are a whole."

"Whole?" The elegant woman seemed to be interested.

"For example, when the natural environment changes, the human body will also change accordingly. At the same time, people are part of the whole society, so changes in society will inevitably have an impact on the human body."

"Of course, people will in turn affect society. Society and the human body are closely connected and influence each other. They are an inseparable whole."

Fang Yang explained.

"This sounds very reasonable, but it's too mysterious!" The woman said with a smile.

"Can you give me some examples?"

"Of course!" Fang Yang said with a smile: "For example, the laws of the human body actually come from nature!"

"Huh? The laws of the human body and nature?" the noble woman asked.

"For example, in the morning, when the yang energy rises, people will wake up. At night, when the yang energy converges, people will sleep!" Fang Yang said simply.

"Humph, this doesn't mean anything!" The woman looked disdainful.

"This is simply listening to your words, which is better than a speech."

"I heard that traditional Chinese medicine can tell what diseases others have by looking, smelling, asking and palpating. Take me as an example. Can you tell what's wrong with me?" the woman asked provocatively.

"Haha, do you know how long it takes for a chick to hatch?" Fang Yang asked suddenly.

This question has nothing to do with the woman's previous question.

All of a sudden, everyone in the room was silent.

They were all descendants of high-ranking officials, so how could they know these details of rural life.

Suddenly, a man in his thirties with sharp eyebrows and bright eyes walked behind the noble woman and said, "It's 21 days, that is, three weeks to hatch!"

The middle-aged man looked heroic and had a terrifying aura when he walked.

At first glance, he was a martial artist who had reached the perfect stage of the acquired period, and he was considered a very powerful type among martial artists.

It seems that this man is the personal bodyguard of the noble woman.

But it seems that he must have cultivated a murderous aura in the army for many years.

"I'm asking you to look, smell, ask and feel, and want to test your magical diagnosis. Why are you asking such an irrelevant question!"

The noble woman was a little angry, but Fang Yang was not moved at all, and looked confident.

"How long does it take for a tiger to be pregnant?" Fang Yang smiled.

Fang Yang continued to ask in his own way.

Now even the bodyguard couldn't answer.

And Fang Yang looked at the woman's eyes calmly, making people feel that he was paving the way for what he was going to say next.

"It still has nothing to do with my problem!" The noble woman was a little angry.

She thought Fang Yang had no real talent, so he had to talk nonsense.

Her face gradually showed contempt.

Fang Yang smiled and said, "It's 105 days, 15 weeks!"

Fang Yang probably slowed down his tone, like a teacher who was deliberately guiding his students.

"But what does this have to do with it?"

The noble woman seemed a little puzzled. Suddenly she thought of something and said slowly, "By the way, human pregnancy is 40 weeks... How does this have to do with..."

She fell into deep thought for a moment.

"Yes, it seems that you know a lot about studying medicine and know that human pregnancy is 40 days!"

"Human laws are also natural laws. In fact, they are inextricably linked to the movement of the sun and the moon on the earth. For example... For example, a girl's menstruation is also such a law."

"If you are too tired for a period of time, the laws of the human body will be broken and disorder will occur, which will cause problems in various parts of the body, and even the temperament will change..."

As soon as these words came out, the noble woman's face flushed all of a sudden.

She has been working on a new project in the past few months.

She is eager to prove herself and is very busy.

And her menstrual cycle has been inexplicably disrupted in the past few months.

She tried several Western medicines but still couldn't get back to normal, so her temper became more and more irritable.

When she heard Fang Yang say this, her heart skipped a beat.

She already understood that Fang Yang had already told her the question she asked.

It's just that Fang Yang used an extremely obscure way.

"I am not very knowledgeable now, so I can't see the problem of this lady, but I can talk to you briefly about the rules that Western medicine is not good at!" Fang Yang was discussing the theory of "harmony between man and nature" with her on the surface.

In fact, he had already secretly mentioned her physical problems.

And he said it very obscurely, which gave her enough face.

This made her feel a little grateful.

"What you said makes some sense. If the rules change and hurt the human body, how can it be repaired?"

The noble woman asked.

"Of course, it is through the balance of yin and yang. If you have dry mouth and tongue, and the condition of yin deficiency and yang hyperactivity, you can use yin-nourishing Rehmannia, Ophiopogon japonicus, Ice Flower, and Moonflower!"

"If you are afraid of cold, you can use dried ginger and aconite. If you are too tired, you need to rest. As long as the body's yin and yang are balanced, the five elements in the body, the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys are in their proper positions, and they will naturally recover."

Then she suddenly realized and said, "So that's how it is. I finally have a new understanding of traditional Chinese medicine. I will improve myself in this area in the future!"

The woman stretched out her hand and said, "My name is Yang Suling, graduated from the Royal John Medical College. Nice to meet you!"

Obviously, after the confrontation just now, she was still impressed by Fang Yang's demeanor, character, and knowledge.

"My name is Fang Yang!" Fang Yang shook hands with Yang Suling very calmly.

You should know that although Yang Suling is a descendant of a high-ranking official, she likes medical skills and thinks highly of herself.

She actually took the initiative to stretch out her hand, which obviously expressed her approval.

From her eyes, everyone also saw a trace of admiration.

"Oh my god, what kind of shit luck did this guy Fang Yang have? He actually let Miss Yang introduce him herself?"

Miss Yang, who is usually so arrogant, changed her character today.

Not only did she not get angry, but she discussed academic matters with the other party very seriously.

In the end, she even showed a "learned" look, which surprised everyone present.

Shen and Gao looked at Fang Yang and his friends chatting and laughing with everyone in a graceful manner, and they felt like they were stabbed by someone.

You know, the old man in Yang Suling's family is also an elder-level figure with real power in China.

The Yang family is also a hot family now.

When they thought that Fang Yang actually got the approval of Miss Yang, they were full of jealous flames in their hearts.

"Isn't he just a freshman at Longdu University? What's so great about him!"

"A set of cheap street stall goods, probably less than a thousand yuan in total, Ge Yali, that girl, actually brought such an animal to this noble place, it really pissed me off!"

Shen Quan cursed angrily in his heart.

At this moment, footsteps were heard.

A group of men in black surrounded a handsome young man in a suit and leather shoes and walked to the door of the private room.

The young man was about twenty-four or twenty-five years old, and his hair was carefully groomed to look shiny.

Behind him followed four men in black, three of whom were in the middle stage of Qi training, and one was in the middle stage of foundation building.

"Haha, sorry, I'm late for Sister Ge's party!"

The man shouted loudly as he walked in, as if he was afraid that others would not know his existence.

Shen Quan and Gao Zhe smiled flatteringly as soon as they saw the young man.

"It's Young Master Qi!"

Seeing this person, Han Yiyi and Wu Ping's faces changed.

They both showed a hint of disgust.

And Yang Suling still looked high and mighty and ignored the other party's existence.

This Young Master Qi, his full name is Qi Long.

His old man is the same as the old man of the Ge family and the Yang family. They are all powerful elders in China and have great power.

This person's character is an exception. He has been spoiled since childhood, so he is very arrogant and domineering.

"Except Uncle Chang, you guys wait outside!" Qi Long said to the bodyguards around him.

Then seeing the expressions of the crowd, he said with some pride: "The Senate is expected to be replaced recently. The old man ordered that Uncle Chang must protect my safety before I can go out. It's really troublesome!"

On the surface, Qi Long showed disdain, but everyone could hear the pride in his bones.

He was clearly telling others that his old man was in power in the Senate, and your old man was going to be out of date.

While Qi Long was talking, his eyes kept looking at Han Yiyi and Ge Yali.

Everyone could see his disgusting feeling.

"Well, who is this?"

Qi Long looked at He Dong and asked.

The noble descendants here have grown up together since childhood and know each other well.

He looked at Fang Yang and He Dong, who looked very simple in school uniforms, and his face showed contempt.

Shen Quan and Gao Zhe, who were standing by, were just frustrated, and then they came to Qi Long and muttered something.

"Humph, a poor boy wants to eat swan meat, no way!" Qi Long showed disdain on his face.

He smiled and said to Ge Yali: "Sister Ge, you celebrated your birthday in Dizhou last time, this time as your brother, I will give you a gift!"

As he said that, he took out a box from his arms and gently opened it. In an instant, a crystal clear, dazzling diamond appeared in front of everyone.

“This is… this is the Longyan Diamond?” a voice exclaimed.

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