Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 499: Murderous Intent

"No!" Zou Bin cried frantically.

He had already seen his mother's body dripping with blood, and the sword intent coming out of her was constantly destroying his mother's body and even soul.

However, Zou Bin is still being rescued by Fang Yang and is unable to do anything.

He could only let out heart-wrenching cries.

At this time, Fang Yang's face turned pale.

He did not expect that the Shushan sect, which claimed to be a well-known and upright sect, would be so shameless.

To actually do this to an ordinary mortal.

Obviously the two people from the Shushan sect never thought about reconciliation. Instead, he killed all of Fang Yang and the others in one go.

From the beginning, this was a killing game!

At first, Fang Yang and the others were not determined to confront the Shushan faction.

So he did things with a grain of salt.

Otherwise, they would not come with a negotiation mentality and only save people if the negotiations fail.

If Fang Yang and the others had secretly escaped to save people by stealing the sky in advance, or even secretly killed them, it would not be impossible to kill the two Jindan sword cultivators.

Fang Yang was very angry when he thought of this.

At this time, both Qi Long and Chang Rui ran out of the hut.

When they saw Fang Yang and the others trapped, they also had smiles on their faces.

"The two seniors are so powerful that they killed two bitches. It's really awesome! Hahaha!"

Chang Rui hated Fang Yang deeply. When he saw that Fang Yang was in a state of embarrassment, his face showed crazy ridicule.

"I didn't want to cause trouble, but I was forced like this!"

Fang Yang shouted.

At this time, Fang Yang was still furious.

But he was desperately trying to save people, so he had to completely suppress his anger in his heart.

"Hahaha, what can you do if I force you?"

"We will not only force you, but also kill you! Kill you, kill you into pieces!"

Taoist Jian Yi had a fierce look on his face.

They were looking at prey in a trap, with endless ridicule and contempt in their eyes.

At this time, Fang Yang used all his true energy to suppress the sword intent of the two apprentices.

And He Dong is also trying his best to save Zou Bin's mother.

"It's useless. Our sword intent can't be solved by you little bastards. Otherwise, our Shushan sect's subduing skills would be useless, hahaha!"

Taoist Jianyun simply did not believe that Fang Yang could resolve such sword intent.

"Boss Fang, I can't do it anymore, I'm not strong enough!"

"And their sword intent is very sinister, and they have already begun to invade the soul!"

He Dong felt that the seeds of sword intent planted on Zou Bin's mother had begun to invade her soul.

If the soul is destroyed, then even Fang Yang, an immortal, cannot save him.

"Hahaha, do you know now? It's too late!"

"We have tampered with her soul a long time ago. For a mortal to dare to encourage his son to join an arrogant sect like yours is a capital crime, hahaha!"

Taoist Jian Yi cursed at Zou Bin's mother.

"No, we must keep our soul!" Fang Yang already had a plan in mind.

As long as the soul is saved, if one recovers his cultivation and gets some treasures from heaven and earth, he may be able to be cured.

Otherwise, if we delay for a moment longer, we will never be able to save him!

Fang Yang's heart skipped a beat, and his thoughts had already reached the sky-swallowing gourd on his body.

Fang Yang immediately started to use the method of stealing the sky: "The way of heaven is misty, the sky is endless, the secrets of heaven are infinite, lead it with blood!"

Fang Yang bit the tip of his tongue and drew blood to bless the sky-swallowing gourd.

In an instant, a powerful force of attraction spurted out from the gourd, protecting Zou Bin's mother who was being tortured, and then pulled her soul out.

It is indeed a very appropriate thing to give up the physical body now.

When Zou Bin's mother's soul appeared, Fang Yang and the others were surprised to find that his mother's soul had many small flying swords embedded in it.

"These sword intentions can actually act directly on the soul. They are indeed overbearing and vicious!"

Fang Yang immediately activated the Heaven Stealing Technique to seal Zou Bin's mother's soul and sword intent.

Then it was collected into the sky-swallowing gourd.

This sky-swallowing gourd is originally the fruit of the fairy vine, and it contains a trace of fairy spirit.

It's perfect for nourishing the soul.

When He Dong saw that Fang Yang had left his soul, he immediately stepped back. However, without He Dong's blessing, the physical body of Zou Bin's mother instantly turned into a ball of blood mist.

"Mother..." Zou Bin's eyes were filled with tears at this time.

He saw with his own eyes that his mother's soul was saved and her body was destroyed.

The pain in his heart was beyond words.

This was also a great shock to his young mind.

"Child, don't worry. When your cultivation improves, you will definitely be able to save your mother and help her reshape her body!" Fang Yang comforted.

"Hahaha, it's easy to think!" Taoist Jianyun on the side laughed and said.

"The sword intent of my Shu Han secret method has invaded the soul. Unless it is of the bloodline of a close relative, and the cultivation level is at least Nascent Soul cultivation level, it can be slowly resolved!"

"It's just you bitches? Haha, you can never do it in your life!"

Taoist Jianyun has been practicing for hundreds of years, but he can't get the golden elixir, so he doesn't dare to count on Nascent Soul.

For Fang Yang and other casual cultivators, he despised them from the bottom of his heart.

"Hmph!" Fang Yang shouted coldly.

At this time, Fang Yang had used the method of stealing the sky to seal the sword intention in Zou Bin and his disciple Ruo Yunxi.

At this moment, Fang Yang suddenly activated his true energy, and instantly the sky and the mountain were shattered, and the light shone brightly.

Fang Yang cooperated with the power of Stealing Heaven's power and merit, and his whole body instantly overflowed with spiritual light.

The strength of spiritual power is constantly increasing.

Fang Yang handed over the two apprentices to He Dong.

He Dong immediately retreated, threw out the formation flag, and instantly deployed a defensive formation to protect the three of them and Qian Duoduo.

He Dong knew that this battle was very dangerous, so he arranged the formation regardless of cost.

The formation that instantly protected them was dazzling and looked majestic.

As a formation master, He Dong is not a vegetarian in this ability.

"I'm telling you two old bastards that in the future, my apprentice will definitely reach Yuanying and even become a god~~~"

Fang Yang spoke every word, and every word seemed to carry a power that shocked everyone.

This frightened both Jian Yi and Jian Yun.

They even suddenly felt that the person in front of them was a Yuanying monk, and he was a famous cultivator who had been in Yuanying for a long time.

"Hmph... You kid with a yellow mouth, you are talking nonsense, let me kill you!"

It took Taoist Jian Yi a while to react.

"Thousands of swords conquer demons, swords reach the world!"

In an instant, he suddenly activated the red flying sword in his hand, and at the same time, all the power of the sword array outside was mobilized.

Taoist Jian Yun also tried his best to cooperate, and in an instant the sword light fell from the sky like thunder and lightning.

"Hmph, since you are playing with swords, you may not be able to play with me!" Fang Yang sneered.

"Heaven's opportunity, blessing me, the great road is brilliant, irreversible! The Great Chaos Star Thunder Sword! Come out!"

Just hearing Fang Yang shout loudly, an extremely powerful aura suddenly emitted from his body.

At the same time, the power of the stars fused with the powerful aura in his hand suddenly formed the Chaos Star Thunder Sword.

The light on the sword also became brighter and more real.

Suddenly, Fang Yang's Great Chaos Star Thunder Sword took action.

The shadow of a giant sword is four to fifty feet long, and now the sword has the same substance.

The powerful sword intent and spiritual power fluctuations suddenly made the two Shushan sword cultivators who were so arrogant just now unable to shut their mouths.

"This... what kind of sword move is this? It's so powerful!"

Jian Yun and Jian Yi are both masters of swordsmanship, and they knew that Fang Yang's sword moves were very good upon seeing them.

"Senior brother, be careful, don't capsize in the hands of this rogue cultivator!"

Taoist Jian Yi said with an unusual expression.

Apparently they also began to re-evaluate Fang Yang's strength.

Fang Yang's sword light incorporated the power of stars, thunder and lightning, and the power of merit.

However, the mystery of the way of stealing the sky allows these terrifying powers to be cleverly integrated together, and the power of each other increases geometrically.

When Fang Yang's Great Chaos Star Thunder Sword bombarded them, Jian Yi and Jian Yun felt as if their sword light had fallen into a swamp, making it very difficult to move.

"Oh my God, what kind of power is this!"

"I even...I even feel the aura of when I passed through the golden elixir tribulation..."

Taoist Jian Yi was shocked.

Because he didn't expect that there was a trace of lightning power in Fang Yang's sword light.

The extremely violent energy made their two sword lights drift like a small boat in the sea.

"Hmph, I didn't want to be an enemy of Shushan, but you guys went too far!"

"Since you regard someone from the general side as the person who must be killed, someone from our side will not be polite to you!"

Fang Yang had no expression on his face, but he kept changing the seals in his hands.

In an instant, the sword light of the Great Chaos Star Thunder Sword turned into streaks of meteors, falling on Jian Yi and the others.

"Boom, boom, boom..." Under the crazy sword light attack, the sword array of Jian Yi and Yi was instantly riddled with holes.

At the same time, even though the two of them resisted with all their strength, the defensive aura on their bodies was even more vulnerable.

In an instant, the two of them were blasted to the point of vomiting blood.

"How is it possible, why...even Yuanying monks may not be able to benefit from our sword formation...how is it possible..."

At this time, Jian Yi and Jian Yun were only filled with endless shock.

They originally wanted to set up a formation to kill Fang Yang and the others.

But I didn't expect that when Fang Yang fully exploded, the attack power in his hands would be three points more powerful than the average Nascent Soul cultivator.

"Where does this guy come from? Why is he so powerful?"

"Fellow Taoist, it seems there is a misunderstanding between us. If you are willing to go back to Shushan Sect and explain to us at this time, we will never embarrass you!"

Taoist Jian Yi could smell the breath of death at this time, and began to feel fear in his heart.

"Humph, going back to Shushan with you guys? You treat me like a three-year-old child!" Fang Yang sneered.

Fang Yang didn't weaken the sword light at all, and slashed down suddenly.

The huge sword light made loud sounds in the sky.

It was like a death knell falling from the sky.

"Boom, boom, boom..." The Chaos Sword struck with all its strength.

In an instant, Jian Yi and Jian Yun disappeared into the air, turning into ashes.

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