Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 5 Uncle Qi

At the critical moment when the carriage rushed over, Fang Yang used all his strength to drag Tie Niu to the side to avoid it.

With a sound of "Shua...", the carriage rushed past Fang Yang.

"What are you doing!" Fang Yang said angrily.

If Fang Yang had not reacted quickly just now, Tie Niu would have been crushed under the wheels and his life would be in danger.

At this time, the fat boy in the carriage suddenly stuck his head out and looked at Fang Yang and the others.

The little fat boy laughed and said, "Dad, we were almost able to crush these two bastards to death! Dad, crush them to death, I want to see a good show of 'bastards' blood splashing on the city gate'."

The rich businessman not only did not stop him, but laughed and said, "Bao'er, there are so many bastards outside the city gate. We have urgent things to do today. When we get home, we will catch a few more escaping bastards like this and crush them one by one with the carriage for you to watch!"

The rich businessman talked about killing people, just like killing dogs, without any hesitation.

Hearing such a conversation, Fang Yang was so angry that he trembled.

Although he knew his current situation, he had already developed the unyielding character of a scholar despite his young age.

Because of his anger, Fang Yang stared at the fat boy with his eyes, and his teeth were chattering.

"Dad, look, hahaha, this bastard hates me with his eyes, he hates me with his eyes, do you see it!"

"The bastard dared to stare at me, I will dig out his eyes!"

The fat boy shouted viciously.

The rich businessman seemed to be in a hurry and didn't care.

The rich businessman wanted to urge the coachman to leave, but unexpectedly, the coachman spoke first.

"Master, if you want to see, I will gouge out his eyes now!"

The fierce coachman who was driving the carriage said very flatteringly.

As he said that, the coachman jumped out of the carriage and pulled out a dagger from his boots.

The groom showed a vicious smile on his face, gestured with a dagger, and was about to gouge Fang Yang's eyes.

The disaster victims around saw this scene and fled in fear, and no one dared to speak.

The soldiers guarding the gate not far away turned a blind eye, and Fang Yang couldn't help but panic.

"You... in broad daylight... you..." Fang Yang was young after all, and was a little at a loss for a moment.

"Hahaha, you are scared, you dare to stare at my young master and provoke, you are dead today!" The groom said arrogantly.

"Hahaha, you can watch the dog's eyes being dug out." The little fat man laughed loudly, and he seemed very excited.

At this moment, a foul smell came, and many people in the crowd covered their noses.

I saw an old man in his sixties or seventies pushing a dung cart and hurriedly walked out of the city.

"Mr. Qian, please be magnanimous and spare my distant nephew. He is ignorant. I kowtow to you."

The old man who pushed the dung cart put down the dung cart and immediately rushed over and knelt down, kowtowing like pounding garlic.

"It's Uncle Qi!" Fang Yang recognized the old man at once. It turned out to be the old hunter Qi from the same village.

The old man's wife died early, and he and his only son depended on each other in Tulin Village.

The son of the old man Qi was a good hunter, and his family lived a good life.

Unexpectedly, the son of the old man Qi was killed by a tiger when he went hunting in the mountains three years ago.

Old man Qi was old and could not hunt, so his life was extremely difficult.

It was from then on that the Fang family often helped Old Man Qi.

Later, while it was still peaceful, Old Man Qi simply went to the city to find a job of shoveling dung and pushing a dung cart.

Although this job is dirty and smelly, it is much easier than fighting tigers in the mountains, and it can support oneself.

"Humph... stinky dog ​​shit! It's stinking me to death." The fierce driver pinched his nose and kicked Old Man Qi down with one foot.

"Uncle Qi, are you okay?" Fang Yang immediately went over to help Old Man Qi up.

"Yang'er, kneel down quickly and apologize to Master Qian." Old Man Qi said while pulling Fang Yang.

"Daddy, it stinks, let's go! There is an old dung beetle dug out of the manure here, and there are two small dung beetles, let's go! I'm about to vomit."

The fat boy named Qian Bao protested while pinching his nose.

Mr. Qian was also uncomfortable with the stench at this time.

"It's really unlucky today, I encountered a few pieces of stinky dog ​​shit!" Mr. Qian snorted at Old Man Qi and Fang Yang, and then gave up and let the driver drive away quickly.

Old Man Qi was relieved, almost collapsed to the ground, and said weakly: "Yang'er, it was a close call, you almost died."

Fang Yang wanted to ask about the origin of Mr. Qian, but was interrupted by Old Man Qi, "This is not the place to talk, follow me."

Fang Yang nodded and put Wang Tieniu on the manure cart.

They followed Old Man Qi and first went to the manure pond beside the field outside the city to pour the manure water, and then came to the north outside Dafeng City.

Outside the north of the city, next to the city wall, there are all low shanties.

The densely packed low shanties look like ant nests from a distance.

But the occasional smoke from cooking makes this place have a breath of life.

Old Man Qi lives in a small wooden house less than ten feet square in a remote place here.

"Yang'er, why didn't you tell me that you came to Fengcheng, where are your parents?" Old Man Qi asked with concern.

Fang Yang told Old Man Qi about his hardships along the way, which shocked Old Man Qi.

Before Fang Yang could finish his words, Old Man Qi immediately covered Fang Yang's mouth.

"Yang'er, don't tell anyone about this!" Old Man Qi was so scared that he immediately closed the window tightly.

The already dim little house became even darker.

Fortunately, because Old Man Qi was a manure dumper, no one wanted to live close to him, so his little house was very remote.

"If this gets out, I'm afraid we will all die." Old Man Qi said tremblingly.

"Also, it's right for you not to go back! Otherwise, the children with you will all die. If you go back, others will ask about it, and it may cause great trouble, and even implicate your family!"

Old Man Qi's words startled Fang Yang suddenly.

"Well, I remember it." Fang Yang nodded and said.

After the life and death trials of the past few days, Fang Yang's originally calm personality has become even more resolute.

"Uncle Qi, what is the origin of that beast named Qian?"

Fang Yang was so angry when he thought of Mr. Qian and the fat boy named Qian Bao just now.

"Hey... the one surnamed Qian is an outer disciple of the White Gate, and he also manages the business of three or four farms outside Dafeng City. In this chaotic world, they are all ruthless people."

"White Gate? What is that?" Fang Yang asked puzzled.

"Hey, the White Gate... is the sky of Dafeng City!" Old Man Qi pointed to the sky and said, "The White Gate has the power of life and death over us ordinary people in Dafeng City, isn't it the sky above our heads!"

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