Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 523: Life and Death Illusion Formation

After Jian Rusheng and the other four were attacked by Fang Yang, they no longer looked down on Fang Yang.

Although Fang Yang's strength was only at the late Jindan stage, Fang Yang's Dharma-phase ability combined with the terrifying sword energy had already made Jian Rusheng, who was at the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, feel a little pressure.

Not to mention the other cultivators who were only at the early stage of the Nascent Soul.

Especially Jian Rumie was severely injured by Fang Yang as soon as he attacked.

He was deeply afraid of Fang Yang.

"Innate Yin and Yang, life and death are annihilated, the power is overwhelming, and the world is broken!"

With Jian Rusheng's roar, the four of them suddenly changed their shapes.

According to their respective positions, they began to arrange an extremely mysterious formation.

For a while, the auras emitted by the four of them began to connect with each other, and the momentum was constantly rising.

And a black long banner appeared in the hands of Jian Rusheng and the other four almost at the same time.

The flying swords of the four of them were suspended above their heads at this time, and sword energy continued to surge out.

Just like a shuttle, the sword energy kept shuttling back and forth in the sky.

Suddenly, the sword energy in the sky was brilliant and colorful.

At the same time, the mysterious power began to increase continuously.

Fang Yang even felt that the secrets around him were beginning to become a little obscure.

The golden dragon that Fang Yang transformed with the sword light was also trapped in the formation at this time.

Moreover, there were strong sword energy attacks from all around, and the powerful golden dragon just now was suppressed in an instant.

"Huh? Formation?"

Fang Yang instantly felt that the atmosphere was wrong.

He clearly felt that the space around him began to change dramatically under the joint efforts of the four people.

"I heard that the Shushan Sect has a mountain protection formation called the Liangyi Microdust Formation. It seems that the foundation of the life and death illusion formation of the four people is probably from the Liangyi Microdust Formation!"

Fang Yang also heard a little about the Liangyi Microdust Formation.

In particular, Fang Yang also had an insider planted in the Shushan Sect, so he got a lot of information.

It is said that in the Zhoutian world, all things in the world are developing from nothing to something, from one to infinity.

This development process can be simply described as: "Taiji gives birth to two yin and yang, two yin and yang give birth to four images, and four images give birth to eight trigrams."

The legendary two yin and yang dust formation uses the Hunyuan Yiqi Taiqing magic talisman as the main array magic treasure.

In the array eye, the Hunyuan Yiqi Taiqing magic talisman constantly changes the six phases of life and death, illusion, light and darkness, and releases the six phases of Hunyuan Yiqi, which makes the two yin and yang dust formation have the mystery of six phases of change.

And the life and death illusion formation arranged by these four people is probably a simplified version of the two yin and yang dust formation.

When this formation is activated, Jia and Yi belong to wood and are located in the east. Bing and Ding belong to fire and are located in the south. Wu and Ji belong to earth and are located in the center. Geng and Xin belong to gold and are located in the west. Ren and Gui belong to water and are located in the north, and the cycle repeats.

The five elements are mutually generated and restrained, becoming extremely mysterious.

You must know that Fang Yang practices the way of stealing the sky, so he can always guess a little about the secrets of heaven.

And now he clearly felt that the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches were mutually derived.

The Heavenly Stems are in five combinations, and the Heavenly Stems are in conflict. The Earthly Branches are in three combinations, and the Earthly Branches are in conflict, punishment, and harm.

No matter where he made a mistake, it would trigger the eye of the formation and trigger the power of the five elements to kill him.

"One talisman is in the sky, and all the elements are combined!"

In an instant, Jian Rusheng threw out a golden talisman, and in an instant the talisman became the size of a human face and floated in the center of the formation.

With the coordination of this golden talisman, the mixed aura of the entire formation began to be suppressed rapidly.

It became integrated all of a sudden, forming an absolute force to suppress Fang Yang.


Under the blessing of the golden talisman, the power of the entire formation burst out in an instant, and Fang Yang's Dharma Golden Dragon was suppressed and screamed.

At the same time, even if the golden dragon struggled with all its strength, it could not rush out of the formation.

Jian Rusheng and the others laughed when they saw this.

At the same time, he urged the long banner in his hand to bless the formation more vigorously, the sword light roared, and the sword energy was like a rainbow.

"Boom boom..."

The sword light continued to bombard the trapped golden dragon, and after a few turns, the golden dragon's Dharma image began to dissipate.

Fang Yang was proficient in formations. After seeing the power of the Life and Death Illusion Sword Formation, he was also shocked and no longer had the slightest intention of neglecting it.

Fortunately, Fang Yang let his inner ghost in Shushan get a lot of information about the formation.

He began to recall what he knew about all the formations of the Yin-Yang Micro Dust Formation.

"It is said that the full name of the Liangyi Microdust Formation is the Liangyi Microdust Formation of Life and Death, Obscurity and Illusion, which is the formation of Shushan Sect."

"This formation has six gates of life and death, obscurity and illusion, which guide the innate yin and yang qi and evolve the power of the five elements. If you take a wrong step, you will be transformed into pure air and your body and soul will be destroyed."

"You must carefully deduce the five elements of the mysterious art to enter the gate of death and exit the gate of life. In the formation, even if the physical body is dissolved, it is a waste of effort because the soul cannot get out."

When Fang Yang was still thinking, the sword energy in the sky hit him like fireworks, and Fang Yang was shocked.

Because he felt the extreme danger.

Seeing this, Fang Yang immediately blocked his tortoise shell in front of him.

"Boom boom boom..." A violent shock made Fang Yang tremble with fear.

And at such a fierce moment, the scene between heaven and earth suddenly changed instantly.

Suddenly, a beautiful scenery appeared between heaven and earth. In this space, the ground was flat like a palm, but it was lush and green, and there were many beautiful places.

"Oh my God, is this the spirit world? Or the fairyland?" Fang Yang was a little dazed for a moment.

Looking out from afar, I can see the misty forests and colorful lights.

The sky is full of mist and the heights are mixed.

It feels like the flowers blooming in the morning and in the evening; when I look closely, I can see flowers growing on various trees.

The flowers are like a sea, red and falling, competing for splendor.

"It's so beautiful. I'm afraid this is the most beautiful place in the spiritual world I can imagine!"

Fang Yang couldn't help but look far away.

In the distance, there are forests with tall trees, which decorate the grassland of the sea of ​​flowers with distinct layers.

And in the farthest distance, there is a row of tall snow-capped mountains.

The top of the snow-capped mountains is covered with white clouds, which cover the peaks and give people a sense of mystery.

And above is the blue sky as blue as a gem.

In the center of the grassland of flowers, there is a large lake in the middle, which actually occupies half of it.

It is as quiet as a mirror, without any waves, connecting the sky and the green, and the sparkling waves shine with a beautiful artistic conception.

Fang Yang was a little surprised. This seems to be a place with unusually rich spiritual energy.

Fang Yang was suspended in this space, but he was alert in his heart.

So he did not absorb any spiritual energy here.

"It's strange, such a beautiful place, there is no breath of any living creatures, although it is simulated as if it were real, but it lacks the vitality of nature!"

Fang Yang has a very deep understanding of the way of formations, after experiencing the sudden loss of consciousness just now.

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