Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 676 Thank you for waiting for me

"The Blood Demon Sky Centipede is a top-grade spiritual treasure of the Blood Demon Realm that has been refined. It has no soul. How could it be uncontrolled?" Luo Rubin's face became more and more solemn.

Just when Luo Rubin was puzzled, he heard a flash of white light and a "Baji..." sound.

The gorgeous white phoenix instantly swallowed the blood centipede directly.

"Swallowed? Damn it, how dare you swallow my Blood Demon Sky Centipede?" Luo Rubin was furious after he reacted.

"Luo Rubin, today is your death!"

Suddenly, an extremely loud voice came from the sky. A very handsome young man fell from the sky.

His eyes were deep and unfathomable, and he exuded a monstrous murderous intent, which made the entire space seem to be solidified.

This murderous intent startled Mu Wanyan and Pofeng who were fighting each other, and both sides stopped immediately.

The person who came was Fang Yang.

At this time, Fang Yang was like a god descending to the world, with amazing power.

But now Fang Yang exudes the power of stars in order to hide his identity.

For a moment, Mu Qingqing didn't recognize him.

"Baji, Baji..." A chewing sound suddenly sounded, breaking the silence.

The Ice Phoenix Fang Bingbing probably got along with Qian Duoduo for a long time and was about to become a foodie.

"This broken centipede, the taste is really not good!" It was eating and complaining.

In an instant, the huge light and shadow turned into a woman in white, wearing a gauze, looking like a fairy in the sky.

The speed of the woman's movement was like lightning, and there was a trace of blood at the corner of her mouth.

It was obviously left by swallowing the centipede just now.

"Bold witch, you dare to hurt my spiritual treasure, I will take you down and torture you every day!"

As Luo Rubin said this, he moved his body and threw out a blood-red bracelet, which instantly turned into eighteen blood-red skulls and turned into blood-red light, trying to capture the woman in white in one fell swoop.

Luo Rubin's treasure is called the Eighteen Evils of the Blood Cave.

This is a top-grade magic treasure made from the skulls of eighteen cultivators in the God Transformation Stage. It is extremely powerful.

It even has a trace of intelligence, which is far beyond the reach of ordinary magic treasures.

This item is also the inheritance of the Blood Demon Realm. Only a royal disciple like Luo Rubin can refine it at great expense.

These eighteen skulls are extremely fast. Even cultivators in the late stage of the God Transformation Stage may be killed directly.

However, the woman in white just smiled and stepped into the void in an instant, like a fairy floating on the water, and was in the sky in an instant.

She was walking leisurely in the garden, but she seemed to be teleporting, so that the blood skulls in the sky and the blood light sprayed by the blood skulls could not even touch the corners of her clothes.

Fang Yang, who was standing by, also smiled when he saw this scene.

"What a fast speed!" Pofeng was shocked. He clearly felt that this woman was probably not a human cultivator, and her body skills were probably not much lower than their master. He couldn't help but become solemn in his heart.

Just as the girl in white dragged Luo Rubin out, Fang Yang moved and grabbed Mu Qingqing, saving her to a safe place.

"You are Brother Yang..."

Although Fang Yang's appearance and breath had changed, when he held Mu Qingqing, Mu Qingqing still recognized him at once.

"Qingqing, I'm sorry for making you suffer!"

Fang Yang looked at Mu Qingqing with pity in his eyes.

"Thank you for waiting for me for a hundred years!" One sentence was like a thousand words. For a hundred years, Fang Yang was chased by the stars and had to flee into the turbulent star stream, hiding on the earth, and even his magic power was sealed.

However, Fang Yang fought hard just to make himself a high-level cultivator.

Now he finally succeeded.

The sentence "Thank you for waiting for me" contained too much, making the entire time and space seem to solidify.

"Brother Yang, I knew that you would... You would definitely come and would not let me down..." Mu Qingqing was a little speechless.

Mu Qingqing had also endured a lot for a hundred years.

She struggled hard in adversity and constantly improved her cultivation, from the peak of the Nascent Soul a hundred years ago to the peak of the early stage of the Spiritualization now.

Her cultivation speed was extremely fast. At the same time, she not only had to use secret methods to protect the fetus, but also had to cover the child in her belly to avoid any harm.

At this moment, Mu Qingqing felt that all her efforts were extremely worthwhile.

As she spoke, tears rolled down from the corners of her eyes like pearls, like a crystal necklace in the wind.

At this time, Luo Rubin certainly saw this scene, but he was dragged by the girl in white.

"Humph... What can I do if I'm fast..."

Luo Rubin silently recited the secret method, and in an instant, eighteen skulls chased her all the way.

And they also knew some simple encirclement.

After all, the speed of eighteen skulls plus the terrifying blood light was also very impressive, and with some layout, the girl in white was immediately surrounded.

"Clang..." A high-pitched voice came from the girl.

She no longer fled, but turned back suddenly, and a white flame instantly spurted out of her mouth.

This flame was not hot, but extremely cold. In an instant, the temperature of the entire space dropped a lot.

In just a moment, this white flame pierced through one of the skeletons like a flying sword.

The entire skull lost control and began to burn madly. In the blink of an eye, it completely became a fire skeleton burning with white flames.

This sudden change caused the formation arranged by the Eighteen Evils of the Blood Cave to be in chaos.

The ball of white flame turned into a firebird and began to attack continuously. The terrifying thing was that these skeletons would be completely ignited as long as they were touched.

Because the skulls of the Eighteen Evils of the Blood Cave were quite intelligent, they were in a state of confusion for a while and wanted to escape so they ran directly to Luo Rubin.

Luo Rubin was shocked. If the skull ran towards him, he would probably be ignited by the white flames.

He roared and threw out another blood-colored magic ball.

"Boom..." With a sound, a huge blood light extinguished the white flames in the sky.

At the same time, all the skulls were completely destroyed.

You should know that this blood-colored magic ball is called the Thunderbolt Blood Demon Bullet. It is a disposable magic weapon he refined with the essence of many monks. It can emit a powerful explosive force and directly resist the skull. This thing is already one of his means of protecting himself and saving his life.

"It's so powerful..." Luo Rubin was shocked by the opponent's means and his mouth opened wide, but he became more and more angry in his heart.

As he was about to activate the secret technique, he was stopped by Pofeng.

"Han Ji Bing Yan, Crown Prince, this person is probably not a human cultivator, but a demon cultivator who has transformed, and he also knows how to pass on the secret technique. He is probably a demon beast inherited from ancient times." Pofeng reminded.

"Ancient beast?" Even Mu Wanyan couldn't help but start to wonder.

You know, ancient beasts generally have mysterious inheritances. As long as you practice to a certain stage, many inherited talents and their own magical powers will automatically revive, and their strength will be very powerful.

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