Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 688: Shocking the Court

After Mu Wanyan took out this object, majestic pressure filled the hall.

The imperial dragon seal next to Emperor Mu Tiangang emits golden light to protect him and the emperor's throne, so the emperor is not affected.

In addition to Mu Tiangang, all civil and military officials in the Tianyuan Dynasty were under strong pressure.

Seeing such a scene, Mu Tiangang looked solemn and remained silent.

"Ancestor, you...you..." Crown Prince Mu Jinshan couldn't help but be shocked when he saw Mu Wanyan taking out this object.

"You still know how to call me ancestor, you said it's according to the rules, right? According to the rules, I hold the Tianyuan Star Staff, and I will beat up the emperor who is stunned, and I will beat up the slanderers! These are the rules!"

Mu Wanyan stared at Emperor Mu Tiangang and said: "Emperor, now the enemy forces have infiltrated into our Tianyuan Dynasty, and the young people in the dynasty are cheating on others, collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country. If you had not had a good son-in-law, I am afraid that the ten thousand years of foundation of our Tianyuan Dynasty would have been destroyed. Once it’s over!”

"Ancestor, please calm down!" Emperor Mu Tiangang looked a little moved, but he still maintained the demeanor of a superior, "Ancestor, please answer my questions."

"Fang Yang, let your dog explain what exactly happened!" Mu Wanyan shook her head.

"Yes, ancestor!" Fang Yang smiled.

For Mu Qingqing's sake, Fang Yang still maintained considerable respect for the Mu family.

Otherwise, he didn't just command Po Feng to roar, but directly killed people.

Fang Yang shook the Jiuyou Soul Chain a few times, Po Feng screamed, and then began to tell about Luo Rubin's recent whereabouts and plans.

"...Luo Rubin has always wanted to get involved in the Tianyuan Dynasty, so he bribed several high-ranking officials in the Tianyuan Dynasty with heavy treasures. He even used these chess pieces to successfully establish a secret alliance with the crown prince of the Tianyuan Dynasty..."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of Mu Jinshan, Jin Lang and others changed drastically.

"You're talking nonsense..." Mu Jinshan was about to retort, but Mu Wanyan waved the Tianyuan Star Staff at him and suppressed him forcefully, forcing him to lie on the ground, unable to move.

Then, Po Feng continued: "The reason why Luo Rubin wanted to marry the Tianyuan Dynasty was not for Princess Qingqing, but for the secret realm of the meteor!" As soon as Po Feng's words came out, everyone in the court was shocked.

"Luo Rubin also knows that if you want to enter the secret realm of the meteor, you must be comparable to the bloodline of the four dynasties of the Lingxing Group. For this reason, he conquers everywhere, not to obtain resources, but to obtain bloodline..."

"Get bloodline?" Mu Tiangang was shocked.

Po Feng continued: "Luo Rubin built the Black Frost Tower to communicate with the demon world for this purpose. He used the secret skills of the demon world to refine the royal children of the Xuanwu Dynasty and the White Tiger Dynasty, as well as those who opposed him within the Huanglong Dynasty royal family, into blood. Chi…”

These few words made everyone's hair stand on end.

As Po Feng tells, Luo Rubin's conspiracy gradually emerges.

Whether it was the Tower of Black Frost or the Boundless Blood Pool, or Luo Rubin's hook-up with the demon world...these contents made everyone, including Mu Tiangang, Mu Wanyan and others, tremble in their hearts.

Then Po Feng told how Luo Rubin bribed Mu Jinshan and made an agreement to protect Mu Jinshan from ascending to the throne as soon as possible in the future, which made many courtiers loyal to the emperor furious.

After Mu Jinshan saw that his plan was exposed, his face was filled with anger and fear.

But at this time, everyone was paying attention to Po Feng's story, and they didn't pay attention to him for a while.

Po Feng then revealed Luo Rubin's plan. In the future, he would use Mu Jinshan's power to get rid of Mu Tiangang, and then use the excuse of killing the rebels to get rid of Mu Jinshan who had ascended the throne.

In this way, Luo Rubin will take the opportunity to completely merge the Tianyuan Dynasty into the Huanglong Dynasty, thereby unifying all the great dynasties in the entire Biling Star Territory.

As for the royal family of the dynasty, he will push them all into the blood pool to refine their blood and obtain the blood to enter the secret realm of the meteor.

As soon as these words came out, Emperor Mu Tiangang and the spokesperson of the royal family in the court, Mu Tiandou, turned pale.

Even Mu Jinshan was covered in cold sweat. He always thought that he was leaning against the big tree of Luo Rubin, but what he didn't expect was that he was also a pawn in the opponent's plan, and he would probably be just a piece of flesh and blood in the blood pool in the future.

Above the court, the Mu family and many dignitaries were all frightened when they heard this, and some even started to tremble.

What made everyone even more shocked was that from Po Feng's mouth, they also learned that Luo Rubin had colluded with the Blood Demon Realm. Saint Ancestor Fulang behind Po Feng had long known about it.

Moreover, Holy Ancestor Fulang deliberately let this matter go, with the purpose of using Luo Rubin's power to make many dynasties fight each other. In the end, Holy Ancestor also wanted to obtain the secret realm.

It is estimated that even Luo Rubin himself does not know the plan behind this oriole.

As Po Feng continued to talk, everyone's expressions became more and more solemn.

Emperor Mu Tiangang's face gradually darkened.

Because he already knew that over the years, under his blind concession, the Huanglong Dynasty not only showed no restraint, but also intensified its efforts to seize the Tianyuan Dynasty's ten thousand year foundation.

He could even think that if he endured the humiliation and handed over his daughter Mu Qingqing, he might have pushed his daughter into Luo Rubin's blood pool himself.

At this time, he was filled with panic, fear, and even anger.

At this time, he stared at his beloved eldest son, Prince Mu Jinshan.

Mu Jinshan's eyes flickered at this moment and he didn't dare to look at him at all.

Seeing all this, Mu Tiangang still knew very clearly that his Tianyuan Dynasty was betrayed by these guys who cheated on them.

At this time, Mu Tiangang cast his eyes on Jin Lang, one of the prime ministers. Jin Lang is the uncle of the emperor and the prime minister. He is in a high position in the Tianyuan Dynasty, but Luo Rubin first contacted him.

If it weren't for Jin Lang's matchmaking, it would probably not be so easy for Luo Rubin and Mu Jinshan to form an alliance.

"Jin Lang, what else do you have to say?" Mu Tiangang's voice came. Mu Tiangang is the emperor of the current dynasty, carrying a majestic destiny. At this time, when he was furious, his power was very majestic.

Jin Lang's face changed drastically at first, as if he wanted to excuse himself.

But now that the evidence is irrefutable, he can't get away with it, and then a hint of ruthlessness appeared on his face. Jin Lang immediately took out a golden talisman and crushed it at lightning speed.

Jin Lang then laughed and said, "Mu Tiangang, since the truth has been revealed, I won't be hypocritical anymore. I am now a member of the Huanglong Dynasty. Moreover, I have obtained a life talisman made by Saint Fulang through the Emperor of the Huanglong Dynasty."

Instantly, Jin Lang's body was shone with terrifying spatial fluctuations. It was obvious that his talisman was the same as the life-saving talisman used by Pofeng before.

But obviously, his cultivation was far inferior to Pofeng, so he could not activate the full power of the life-saving talisman. However, Jin Lang was full of pride. He felt that he could use the talisman made by the Saint Ancestor to escape quickly.

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