Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 732: Immortal World Spiritual Herbs

There is also a white jade lotus platform under the four-image array in the sky. There is nothing on the lotus platform, but it has a strong mutual attraction with the blood-colored array in Fang Yang's hand.

Fang Yang used the secret technique of stealing the sky and found that the qi between the bloody compass in his hand and the white lotus jade platform were intertwined with each other, as if they were originally one body. Fang Yang was shocked and asked, "Is this jade platform the place where the Blood Compass is placed?"

"Are you saying that the compass and the lotus jade platform are one body? If the compass is put back to its original position, does it count as repairing the formation?" Mu Hongyun asked curiously.

Fang Yang then stepped forward and carefully placed the bloody compass on the lotus jade platform.

With a sound of "Buzz...", the entire formation suddenly vibrated.

Fang Yang felt something strange, as if the formation in the entire hall was instantly well blessed. The place that had been operating obscurely began to repair itself.

"Sure enough, this bloody formation disk and this lotus jade platform are one and the same, and they are both the key to the formation here!" Fang Yang suddenly realized in his heart.

A burst of information from the formation compass entered the minds of Fang Yang and Mu Hongyun.

"Hey, good brother-in-law, why is it that this formation disk that you sacrificed to me actually has a blood connection with me!" Mu Hongyun at the side looked puzzled.

Fang Yang felt embarrassed, and he was too embarrassed to explain: It's just that, brother-in-law, I took all your wool and used your essence and blood to activate the array.

Fang Yang thought for a while and said, "Your ancestors are the Phoenix Commanders of this fairy island. In addition, I once used a drop of your blood to bless the formation disk, so the formation disk naturally regards you as its master."

"That's it!" Mu Hongyun nodded, obviously not expecting that the large amount of blood that blessed the formation was also extracted by Fang Yang.

Fang Yang continued: "Now that the power of your bloodline has completely controlled this bloody compass, perhaps if you use the method of sacrificial refining to refine the array of this white jade lotus platform, you may be able to completely control the prohibition of Weiyang Immortal Island!"

"It's actually possible!" Mu Hongyun was naturally delighted. He happily sat in front of the white jade refining platform and began to perform the sacrificial refining method. In just a moment, he established a mysterious connection with the White Jade Lotus Platform, but it may take some time before he can fully control it.

Then, Fang Yang went to the bookshelf nearby and looked through the ancient jade slips left by the Immortal Lord Sixiang.

Fang Yang quickly discovered some records about Weiyang Immortal Island and the Four Elephants Immortal Lord from the classics.

It turns out that the Four Elephants Immortal Lord is an ancient immortal monarch in the Guanglan Immortal Domain of the Immortal World.

He was obsessed with formations. In order to understand the true meaning of the two rituals and four images, he simply opened a separate courtyard on a remote island in the fairy world, introduced the four holy beasts, and continuously rehearsed the four-image formations, thereby continuously improving his understanding of the formations. .

"No wonder there are inheritances of the four holy beasts here!" Fang Yang understood the ins and outs from the classics and couldn't help but feel enlightened.

Although there are not many ancient jade slips here, there are many records about the spiritual world and Guanglan Immortal World. Perhaps it was the cultivation notes of Immortal Four Elephants back then, especially the records about some elixirs and herbs, that opened Fang Yang's eyes.

Among them are records of the immortal spiritual plants Yin Yang Longevity Grass, Taixu Lingmaple, Nine Spirit Treasure Cover Tree, etc. that Fang Yang just discovered this time.

Qing Ning Blue Immortal Grass is the best spiritual grass in the spiritual world. If it grows for thousands of years, it can become a first-level fairy grass. It can convert the rich spiritual energy into the spirit of the fairy spirit. It can refine the spiritual elixir and improve the absorption of spiritual power by monks. Ability.

Yin Yang Wanshou Cao, a second-level fairy grass in the immortal world, has strong medicinal properties. If you take it directly, you will die if you are not a cultivator. Its medicinal properties need to be reduced before it can be turned into elixirs. Guanglan Life Extension Pill and Taiyi Transformation Tribulation Pill can be refined to help future generations improve the probability of advancing to Mahayana and ascending to the immortal world.

Taixu Lingfeng, the second-level fairy grass in the fairy world. Ling Maple matures into a huge fairy maple leaf in 100,000 years. Three mature fairy maple leaves can be used to refine the invisible fairy treasure "Taixu Ling Maple Clothes". It is a third-level fairy treasure and cannot be seen through those below the true fairy.

The Nine-Ling Baogai tree is a third-level spiritual grass in the fairy world. It takes one million years to mature and can produce the Nine-Ling Baogai fairy fruit. It has uncertain magical effects and extraordinary medicinal effects.

"This magical effect is uncertain, what the hell is this medicine with extraordinary effects..." Fang Yang couldn't help but complain about such a description.

Of course, there are also records about Ruiyun Flying Immortal Grass, Nine-Turn Resurrection Wood, Glazed Nine-Heart Lotus and other immortal plants, but Fang Yang did not obtain these things, so he did not pay too much attention to them.

Fang Yang then discovered two jade slips recording immortal world skills from among these ancient jade slips, which made Fang Yang very happy.

One is the "Tai Shang Xuan Huang Immortal Code" for improving one's cultivation. To practice this technique, you need to practice at least the Void Refining Stage, and you can practice it to the True Immortal Stage at the highest. In other words, this Immortal Book contains a lot of advanced and ascension secrets. It is probably a book that the Four Elephants Immortal Lord practiced before he became an immortal.

Now Fang Yang is practicing the mysterious "Pirates of the Sky", but this means that many of the techniques are absorbed and deduced into his own techniques. This way the foundation of cultivation is very solid, and there are almost no There are too many bottlenecks, but the speed of cultivation advancement is too slow.

If he has this thing by his side, he can continue to understand many high-level immortal world cultivation secrets, and can also steal the secrets of using the immortal energy to practice, which will be of great use to his cultivation.

The other one is "Tai Xuan Ling Guang Sword Technique". This is a classic book on swordsmanship. The content is extensive and profound. It is probably inherited by the Four Symbols Immortal Lord. As a sword cultivator, Fang Yang naturally cherishes this book very much.

Fang Yang's current swordsmanship is terrifying sword moves such as the Great Chaos Star Sword and the Great Chaos Thunder Water Sword, which he created based on the secret technique of stealing the sky. They are quite powerful but lack variety. Whether he comes or not is a matter of killing him with one sword. If he cannot kill with one sword, it means that the opponent's strength is too much higher than his.

Fang Yang immediately put these classics away, and then asked his clones Fang Qiang, Fang Yi and Fang Er to come out of the Immortal Mansion and guard the main hall. At the same time, let them add fairy jade to the bloody compass on the white jade lotus platform, and use the fairy jade to strengthen the formation to resist attacks from outsiders.

Although this is a very extravagant act. You must know that fairy jade is very scarce in the lower world. Even the great monks in the spiritual world regard fairy jade as a treasure. However, Fang Yang has now mastered the use of Nine Color Immortal Pond. As long as he has a piece of fairy jade, he can use the nine-color fairy pool to continuously copy the spirit of the fairy into fairy jade. That's why he is so wealthy.

Fang Yang himself came to the ban in the hall, thinking about how to sow discord and try his best to hold back Qi Jinchan and the Black Hell Demon Lord.

You know, if Mu Hongyun completely controls the restrictions of the Immortal Mansion, and with the help of Immortal Yu, it may not be too difficult to resist them. Moreover, since they came from the lower world, they do not have the strength to continuously replenish their energy. The longer time passes, the worse it will be for them.

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