Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 753 Elders’ Meeting

This Zhang Taixu is Taixuzi of the past.

He is a cultivator from the spiritual world. Thousands of years ago, he fought a great battle with the devil and was defeated and hid in the mortal world. His soul was also controlled by the senior cultivator of the Skeleton Sea who inherited the devil world, and suffered in the magic lamp.

Later, Fang Yang destroyed the Skeleton Sea and rescued him. After that, Fang Yang helped him restore his body and let him be reborn.

After a hundred years of cultivation, he is now at the peak of the Nascent Soul, and it is just around the corner to advance to the God of Transformation in the future.

On the round table, Fang Yang's sister, Fairy Yuefang, the founders of Yanmu Fairyland, Nuo Po and Zhang Lin, the representative of Cangyuan Continent, Xinmeng Wuhen, the representative of the demon race, the God of Transformation cultivator Lu Shaojing and Dulong Jiao, these elders are sitting upright.

This is the highest authority of Yanmu Fairyland, which is considered the core center of the country.

In addition, there are mortal representatives, craftsman representatives, and casual cultivator representatives on the round table... They are not formal elders, but they also have the right to participate in politics.

In addition to the formal representatives, there are many attendees outside the round table.

Many outstanding mortal disciples who have been enrolled in the Imperial Academy have now grown into new forces in the Immortal Kingdom.

For example, Zhao Xi with the Thunder Spiritual Root, Song Moran with the Heaven Spiritual Root, Zhao Lingyue with the Ice Spiritual Root, Zhou Xiaotian and Li He, the geniuses of formations, Du Muyan, the mortal scientist, and so on.

In a hundred years, a group of powerful and very loyal disciples have also emerged from the Imperial Academy and become the pillars of the country.

Whether it is the formal elders or the representatives of all parties, they are all people who have made a lot of contributions to the Yanmu Immortal Kingdom, and can be said to be the pillars of the country.

It is very rare for mortals to become the rulers of the country in the East China Sea.

It can be said that among the many forces in the East China Sea, only the Yanmu Immortal Kingdom truly respects mortals.

This also makes mortals have a real sense of belonging here from the heart.

A hundred years ago, the cultivators in the East China Sea were arrogant and domineering in front of mortals, and even regarded mortals as pigs, dogs and goods.

And one of the biggest innovations of the Yanmu Immortal Kingdom is to implement the national policy of equality before the law.

The situation in which cultivators could slaughter mortals at will in the Yanmu Immortal Kingdom has disappeared.

Over the past hundred years, Nuopo has begun to promote the ancient physical cultivation technique on a large scale, and mortals without spiritual roots in the Yanmu Immortal Kingdom have also begun to embark on the path of warrior physical cultivation.

Some physical cultivators are even as powerful as cultivators in the foundation-building period, but they cannot cultivate and do not have a long lifespan.

The Yanmu Immortal Kingdom treats mortals as human beings, but cultivators outside the Yanmu Immortal Kingdom do not have such awareness.

The continuous growth of the power of the Yanmu Immortal Kingdom has made the corrupt forces such as the Qunxian League and the Nietian League feel uneasy.

Even some cultivators who are inherently cruel have arrogantly slaughtered some mortal villages in the Yanmu Immortal Kingdom, which is considered a violation of national law. The Yanmu Immortal Kingdom immediately came forward to strongly demand justice.

You must know that there are mortal representatives in the legislative body and the Senate of the Yanmu Immortal Kingdom, who can exert pressure and force the army of the Yanmu Immortal Kingdom to take action.

In recent years, many cultivators who dared to commit crimes in Yanmu Immortal Kingdom have indeed been killed.

After a while, the cultivators in the East China Sea understood that the mortals in Yanmu Immortal Kingdom are also human beings and have the same right to survive as the cultivators.

Although mortals are still humble in the eyes of the cultivators, they are no longer controlled by the cultivators at will.

The influence of such a system shocked the entire East China Sea. Yanmu Immortal Kingdom can guarantee the interests of mortals, which makes the mortals in the East China Sea try every means to go to Yanmu Immortal Kingdom despite all the hardships.

Many mortal islands managed by other sects even had multiple uprisings when they were exploited too badly by the cultivators.

In the end, the cultivators in the God Transformation Stage of Liuli Immortal Sect took the lead and launched a large-scale strangulation of Yanmu Immortal Kingdom.

Of course, in the end, Duanli Demon Lord caused trouble to the world, Liuli Old Woman and Evil Fire Dragon King were executed, Yanmu Immortal Kingdom won a great victory, but Fang Yang and He Dong disappeared.

It was also this war that completely defeated the original forces of the Group of Immortals and the Evil Heaven Alliance, so Yanmu Immortal Kingdom has the current prosperity.

Now, the Evil Fire Dragon King has made a comeback, so the previously dormant forces in the East China Sea have also begun to stir.

The whole situation is very unfavorable for Yanmu Immortal Kingdom.

At this time, Lu Shaojing said worriedly: "This time the Evil Fire Dragon King has come again and has launched several attacks on our Wanling Water Whale Palace. If it weren't for the large number of new defensive weapons prepared by Elder Zhang Lin for us, I'm afraid we would be in danger."

"According to the battle reports from various places, there are as many as seventeen dragons in the God Transformation Stage this time! Including the Evil Fire Dragon King, there are a total of eighteen! This is incredible!" Zhang Lin said solemnly.

"Where exactly is Panxu Haiyin, and why are there so many terrifying dragons!" Fairy Yuefang asked.

Lu Shaojing sighed, "It is said that this Panxu Sea Hidden is a small world opened up by the powerful demons in ancient times. It is said that there are many powerful people in it."

"But logically speaking, it is difficult to return to the East China Sea after entering Panxu Sea Hidden... But I don't know why, this evil fire dragon king not only returned by himself, but also brought so many dragons out of Panxu Sea Hidden after being defeated last time..." Dulong Jiao sighed.

Drug Dragon Jiao has a place here because of his outstanding achievements in the war that year.

Dulong Jiao sighed, "Because the evil fire dragon king was defeated by me several times before, now he began to use insidious tricks to constantly harass our outer islands. When we began to mobilize and plan to deal with them, they began to flee again."

Nuo Po said: "Hmph, these dragons are too shameless. If I fight alone, I can deal with one, but they come in a large group and make trouble everywhere. It is difficult to deal with them. It is really abominable!"

Nuo Po is now at the peak of the Nascent Soul, but his combat power is already comparable to that of a Divine Transformation cultivator. Moreover, his physical body is strong, and he has practiced the ancient inheritance of the Aotian Battle Will Art. His combat power is indeed not inferior to that of a dragon in the early stage of Divine Transformation.

Now several immortal cities under the command of Yanmu Immortal Kingdom have been harassed by the Evil Fire Dragon King and his gang.

"According to our intelligence system, what is more dangerous now is that the Evil Fire Dragon King and his gang have begun to fight with the demon cultivators, and even some large sects are ready to move!" Fairy Yuefang said angrily.

When everyone heard this, their faces became more solemn.

After Fang Yang left, Fairy Yuefang began to be responsible for the intelligence system. This system was established by Qian Duoduo and Fairy Yuyan back then.

It is precisely because of the existence of this intelligence system covering the East China Sea that the offensive of the Evil Fire Dragon King was greatly curbed.

Because of the existence of Yanmu Immortal Kingdom, many sects had to give up some of their interests to the mortals within their sphere of influence, otherwise the mortals would go to Yanmu Immortal Kingdom and their inheritance would be cut off.

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