Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 784 Wood Spiritual Root

Fang Yang knew that it would not be easy to help his brother resolve the calamity of the inner demon this time, and Chiku was the key.

If Chiku's soul was too weak, it would be a hindrance.

Fang Yang then took out some pills to nourish the soul, and directly extracted the medicinal power from the pills and injected it into the soul of Chiku Demon Lord.

Instantly, his soul was much more solid.

"Thank you, my lord! Thank you, my lord!" Chiku Demon Lord's soul thanked Fang Yang profusely.

Fang Yang then used the secret method of the soul of "The Way of the Infinite Soul" and soon his soul left his body.

However, because Fang Yang had a lot of merit, he radiated seven-color light, and even his soul body was like a god.

Fang Yang then controlled the Langhuan Jade Book and the Xuantai Jade Book. After the two immortal artifacts were combined, he protected Fang Yang and the others with the spirit of the immortal spirit, and then quickly flew into the light cocoon.

Their souls soon entered a world of emptiness.

Here, there were golden weapons and iron horses, and smoke and dust filled the sky.

This scene was the battle for the unification of the whole country of Yang.

Then in the illusion, Fang Mu continued to win.

Then, the puppet sent by the Red Cave Demon Lord appeared and quickly gained his trust.

After returning to the court, Fang Mu, as the emperor, was very happy and was urged by the puppet to go to the Tianyang Shengjun Temple to offer sacrifices to the sky.

However, Fang Yang did not appear this time.

The demon appeared, took over the body successfully, and then bloodbathed Yang.

Billions of lives in the whole country became sacrifices for the Red Cave Demon Lord.

Then, Fang Mu's soul continued to fall into the next reincarnation.

Although Fang Mu continued to fight against fate, he still became the food of the demon and was eventually devoured by the demon.

And with each reincarnation, Fang Mu's soul became weaker. If he was always trapped in such an endless cycle of horror, it would not take long for Fang Mu's soul to dissipate.

At this time, the phantoms of Fang Yang and the Red Cave Demon Lord were watching all this in the sky. They hid their tracks and saw Fang Mu sinking into the world of inner demons again and again.

Fang Yang sighed and said, "Chi Ku Demon Lord, you are so good!"

"I...I..." Chi Ku was a little hesitant, "I was...just..."

"Okay, no need to explain! The most important thing for us now is to resolve my brother's inner demon!" Fang Yang said.

Fang Yang and his team did not take action just now, just to carefully observe where his brother's inner demon came from. Now that it is confirmed that it is Chi Ku Demon Lord, it will be much easier.

Then let him, the original body, go out to deal with the Chi Ku Demon Lord in this empty world.

Although this is a virtual world, Chi Ku's original body is indeed much stronger than the virtual Chi Ku Demon Lord in this world. With the help of Fang Yang, the real Chi Ku Demon Lord soon replaced the fake in Fang Mu's illusion.

And this time, the Chi Ku Demon Lord in the inner demon illusion did not have the previous shrewdness and viciousness. Like Erha, he made a lot of mistakes in succession.

This made the shrewd Fang Mu quickly discover the problem.

Under Fang Yang's deliberate "persuasion", Fang Mu discovered through a series of means that there was a hidden demon, and soon asked his brother Fang Yang for help.

Originally, Fang Yang in this virtual world was also transformed by the inner demon, but he was soon killed by Fang Yang himself.

This time, under Fang Mu's chain of strategies, the demon was exposed, and finally fell into the trap set by Fang Mu and his brother Fang Yang, and finally won.

Then, Fang Mu's soul restarted again.

However, because of the victory, Fang Mu's soul became stronger every time it restarted, which was exactly the opposite of before.

At this time, the inner demon who presided over the illusion in Fang Mu's soul world was very depressed.

He was originally a colorless and invisible rule power transformed by the power of the rules of heaven. Although the actual power he controlled might not be very strong, this illusion world was his home field, with infinite rule power guarding him, and he was often invincible.

However, at this time, Fang Yang, who had a very high cultivation level, was wrapped in a thick merit light and ran to fight him.

This is simply wearing a bulletproof vest and carrying a Gatling gun to bully kindergarten children!

In this way, the poor little demon could not do anything to Fang Yang.

After several fights, the demon had to be suppressed by Fang Yang.

Then, Fang Yang and the Red Cave Demon Lord directly turned the tables and became the "screenwriters" of this demon illusion.

In this way, Fang Mu began to reincarnate again and again, and these reincarnation plots were carefully designed by Fang Yang, and Fang Mu's character was strengthened every time he reincarnated.

The main theme of the positive energy immersive "blockbuster" with family affection, friendship, and love as the theme has greatly improved Fang Mu's character.

In this way, the demon illusion has become Fang Mu's spiritual refueling station.

Round after round of "plots" are constantly repeated, and Fang Mu's fantasy world becomes full of sunshine, green trees, flowers and willows, and the world of the soul becomes flawless.

I'm afraid that the rules of the Heavenly Dao would call out to the experts: "This is not a Heart Demon Tribulation, this is simply a vacation!"

This is also the first time that Fang Yang ran into the Heavenly Dao Heart Demon Tribulation to confront the Heart Demon.

Fortunately, his brother's cultivation is relatively low, so the Heart Demon derived from the power of the Heavenly Dao rules is not strong, so Fang Yang has this opportunity.

Of course, this situation is probably only once, and the Heavenly Dao rules will probably fix this loophole next time.

Seeing that the overall situation is almost settled, Fang Yang and his friends left the Heart Demon Illusion and quietly waited for his brother to wake up.

Sure enough, after Fang Yang and his friends' operation this time, Fang Mu's condition improved greatly.

Seven days later, Fang Mu had already woken up.

This time Fang Mu's body has not only improved greatly, but also turned into a young man in his twenties.

More importantly, he can feel the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

"Brother, sister, I... I feel that I can breathe in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and, and the speed is very fast..." Fang Mu exclaimed.

Fang Yang smiled and said: "Now you are considered a member of the wood clan in the spiritual world, and you should be considered a wood-type spiritual root!"

"What... spiritual root!" Fang Mu was so surprised that he couldn't speak.

"Brother, did you really help me change my fate?" At this time, Fang Mu was extremely grateful to Fang Yang.

He also found that the entire Linglan Villa was in a mess, and there were tragic scenes after the lightning strike everywhere, and he was even more grateful to Fang Yang.

Fang Yang smiled and said: "Your fate has changed, you should use the name you should have, you are called Fang Xing!"

"Well, from today on, I will be called Fang Xing!" Fang Xing nodded.

This is the name that should belong to him, which also means that with his rebirth, he will have a brand new destiny trajectory.

In the following days, the Fang family chose another valley hundreds of miles away to build a new Linglan Villa.

However, at this time, the Wanxiang Patriarch had already begun to impact the God Transformation Stage, so their sect protection formation was just an ordinary formation, not as powerful as before.

Fortunately, after this heavenly tribulation, almost all the powerful monsters nearby ran away, so even without a powerful sect protection formation, it did not have much impact.

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