Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 790 Four-Elephant Absolute Heaven Formation

In fact, Fang Yang had felt that the information about the Red-haired Dragon Mother was very strange before.

She was very powerful, but Taixuzi of the Spirit Realm, Blood Lotus Demon Lord, Red Cave Demon Lord and others of the Demon Realm did not know her existence.

Even when Fang Yang used the power of rules in the Immortal Mansion to refine the demon relic, he did not find any information about her from the fragments of the divine thoughts of the thousand-year-old demon such as the Black Prison Demon Lord.

Therefore, Fang Yang became more and more curious about the life of this Red-haired Dragon Mother.

This time, the Five Elements Boy calculated the information of the Red-haired Dragon Mother, but was directly blocked from the secrets and could not speak.

Such means involve the power of rules, and such a crazy way of covering up the secrets is definitely not available in the Spirit Realm.

Therefore, Fang Yang was more and more certain that the identity of this Red-haired Dragon Mother was not ordinary.

In addition, Yue Tianya, a powerful man, directly pointed it out, and Fang Yang suddenly understood at this time.

"It's strange, I can't tell you anything outside, not even the sound transmission!" The Five Elements Boy was still frightened when he thought of this.

Fang Yang sighed: "It is estimated that the rules of the heavenly way outside have been modified by someone, that is to say, the secrets of heaven have been deliberately blocked by someone with a secret method, so that you can't tell her information even if you calculate it!"

"Secret method blocks the secrets of heaven, it's really terrible!" The Five Elements Boy was still frightened by that feeling.

"By the way, why can I speak freely here?" The Five Elements Boy asked curiously.

Fang Yang smiled and said: "Because this is my world, I can control the rules of the heavenly way here, and the rules outside can't control me here!"

Now, as Fang Yang's cultivation is getting higher and higher, his control over the rules of the world of the Immortal Palace is getting stronger and stronger, so he can make such a judgment.

Fang Yang asked the Five Elements Boy to have a good rest. The Five Elements Boy returned the two jade books to Fang Yang, and then meditated under his own five-element fruit tree.

Then, Fang Yang's mind moved and he had left the world of the Immortal Palace.

At this time, Fang Yang already knew the plan of the Red-haired Dragon Mother, but he wanted to tell everyone in the Senate what he knew. However, he was instantly restricted by the strange power of rules.

"This power of rules is so insidious! It even made me unable to speak!" Fang Yang was a little annoyed.

He simply did it once and for all, and conveyed the order to the clone in the Qingyuan Immortal Mansion with a thought. His clone Fang Yi immediately combined the two immortal artifacts, the Langhuan Jade Book and the Xuantai Jade Book, and instantly formed a new jade book.

This jade book turned out to be a mid-grade immortal artifact, and it seemed to have a new power of rules.

As Fang Yang's mind moved, he moved this mid-grade immortal artifact jade book out of the immortal mansion and secretly put it in his sleeve.

Because the immortal artifact can automatically change size and shape, Fang Yang simply changed it into a ring. Fang Yang secretly used the immortal spirit to slightly stimulate this mid-grade immortal artifact.

Then he held the pen that the Five Elements Boy couldn't grasp just now in his hand, and then wrote on the paper.

A special power stimulated by the immortal weapon was transmitted to the tip of the pen, which seemed to affect the surrounding power of rules and could no longer be restricted.

In this way, Fang Yang could easily write down the information about how the Red-haired Dragon Mother would launch an attack in the future. In this way, everyone could see the information smoothly.

The people in the Senate didn't know why Fang Yang suddenly didn't speak, but wrote, but they had already remembered the information firmly.

Seeing this scene, Yue Tianya's mouth curled up slightly, obviously praising Fang Yang's methods.

After a while, Fang Yang's pen tip left the paper. In an instant, these papers seemed to be affected by the power of rules and turned into powder in an instant. Everyone didn't understand and thought it was Fang Yang's method.

"Interesting!" Fang Yang said coldly, "He felt more and more that the power behind this Red-haired Dragon Mother was extraordinary."

"I didn't expect this Red-haired Dragon Mother to secretly launch an attack in advance!" Nuo Po said angrily. "And the transmission channel was set up near our Yanmu Xiandu!"

"If we mistakenly choose the place where she came from as Sanxian Island, I'm afraid she will catch us off guard!" Fang Yue said with lingering fear. As the leader of the intelligence system, she naturally knew the importance of information.

"But fortunately, we already know her plot!" Zhang Lin said.

"But from the strength shown by the red-haired dragon mother, how can we deal with it?" Wanxiang Patriarch asked helplessly.

He is also a master of formations, but even though he has advanced to the God Transformation Stage, he can't think of any way to deal with the red-haired dragon mother who came from the upper realm.

Wanxiang Patriarch's words made everyone silent. Although everyone's cultivation has been greatly improved, facing a strong person like the red-haired dragon mother who ignores the rules, there is still something they can't do.

At this moment, the sky was covered with dark clouds. A ray of light flew towards Yanmu Xiandu.

Soon everyone could sense with their divine thoughts that the person coming was He Dong.

But the contract at this time looked very decadent. He even exuded a strange aura, which made the entire space rules somewhat repel him.

"What's wrong with Elder He?" Everyone had a strange feeling at this time.

When He Dong entered the meeting hall of the Senate, everyone's strange feeling about him became more obvious.

Only the cabinet chief Yue Tianya remained calm, as if he didn't feel anything strange at all.

"I still have the design of the formation to deal with the red-haired dragon mother!" He Dong looked a little weak when he said this.

Although his cultivation is not weak, designing this formation this time is very exhausting for him.

"What kind of formation can help us fight against that old dragon lady?" Wanxiang Patriarch was very curious.

Although Wanxiang Patriarch was also a master of formations, he tried his best and could not come up with such a formation.

"My formation is called the Four-Elephant Absolute Heaven Formation, which is a formation of the fairy weapon level. It requires four cultivators to form the main formation. In addition, 999 cultivators are required to arrange the inner formation, and tens of thousands of cultivators are required to arrange the outer formation together..."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the Senate exclaimed.

However, He Dong's words were not finished yet: "This formation is extremely against the sky and contradicts the rules of heaven. Therefore, the four people in the main formation will inevitably be rejected by the rules of heaven. Either they will ascend quickly, or they will be punished by heaven..."

"What? The four people in the main formation will be punished by heaven?" Everyone was shocked again.

"No wonder this formation is so powerful, it actually contradicts the power of the rules of heaven!" Wanxiang Patriarch also seemed very interested.

"In other words, four powerful cultivators must risk being disobeyed by the laws of heaven to activate this formation?" Fang Yue asked with a frown.

"That's right! After performing this method, it will definitely be disapproved by heaven for a short period of time!" He Dong sighed, "I think everyone can feel the aura on me, this is the strange feeling of being disapproved by heaven."

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