Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 807: Terrifying Power

When the missiles flew over, the Red-faced Flood Demon's spiritual sense was greatly disturbed. She wanted to escape quickly, but she was held back for half a breath by the remaining power of the last formation.

In just half a breath, four missiles exploded.

The terrifying power directly submerged the formation space where the Red-faced Flood Demon was.

When these majestic high temperatures eroded, suddenly one of the only two life-saving beads left on her neck broke.

A majestic force beyond nature suddenly radiated from her as the center.

In an instant, a light shield protected her. Even though the surrounding space was turbulent and the impact force was extremely strong, this bubble-like light persisted for half a breath in the face of the terrifying power.

"I... I'm not dead..." The Flood Demon was a little unbelievable.

However, the light shield would soon dissipate. At this critical moment, the Flood Demon would not give up this opportunity to escape.

She frantically launched the secret art of space movement and instantly disappeared in the core of the explosion.

When she appeared again, she had transformed into a red-haired enchanting woman with a broken arm. At this time, her magic power had reached the bottom and she was seriously injured, but she was extremely grateful to be able to avoid the terrifying explosion just now.

"This Yanmu Immortal Kingdom is really terrible. They are just small ants, but they burst out with such powerful power." Thinking of this, the Red Nightmare Jiao Mo was both afraid and angry.

"They actually deceived me to cut off one arm, and used various methods to kill me! Humph, I must let them know how cruel the powerful people from the fairyland are!" Thinking of this, her face was full of murderous intent.

At this time, she was also thinking whether she should find a place to practice and restore her magic power, or go directly to the door for revenge.

However, Yanmu Immortal Kingdom did not give her time to think.

Just as she was thinking, the drones in the sky, and even the satellites refined by the cultivation method, had accurately located and discovered her position.

In an instant, missiles bombarded her. One after another, the self-destructing puppets also began to smash at her, and the integrated reconnaissance and attack drones were frantically tracking her and launching tracking weapons...

If it was before, she would think that these were some ordinary iron lumps, but now she no longer had these childish thoughts.

As long as she saw the missile, she would immediately launch the space secret technique and move away.

However, even though she could teleport thousands of miles each time, she was still detected instantly.

The monitoring system established by Yanmu Immortal Kingdom now gave her no chance to escape or hide.

She dived into the seabed, but there were micro robots everywhere in the sea, even simulated fish-shaped robots, and it was possible that ordinary monsters were spies, and they quickly shared the information of the Jiao Mo.

Soon, the trinity of strike forces throughout the East China Sea greeted her.

After several times, she was still bombarded by the self-destructing robots without spiritual power around her. Although she was thick-skinned, such saturation attacks made her very angry.

"We must destroy Yanmu Immortal Kingdom, otherwise I will face endless pursuit as long as I am on Canglan Star!" The red-faced Jiao Mo said angrily.

She began to perform teleportation techniques continuously, and the direction was directly towards the capital of Yanmu Xianguo.

Because the Red-faced Flood Demon used the secret space technique, she could disappear instantly, so the drones and missiles in the sky could not find her trace at once.

However, because there were layers of defense and warning outside Yanmu Xiandu, her route was still exposed.

"Ding ding ding..." Soon the air defense alarm near Yanmu Xiandu rang.

At this time, Fang Yang and his team had come out of the Heaven-Swallowing Gourd and had arrived at Yanmu Xiandu.

In order to suppress the Red-faced Flood Demon, Fang Yang and his team only had half a breath of teleportation time. But this time was too short, and it would be very difficult to teleport four people.

Because the more people the teleportation array teleported, the more time it would take, so it was impossible to complete the instant teleportation. Therefore, Fang Yang thought of letting everyone enter the Heaven-Swallowing Gourd first, and finally teleporting only one gourd, which could save more time.

"Sure enough, she didn't choose to escape, but wanted to deal with us!" At this time, Fang Yang and his team had returned to Yanmu Xiandu and were preparing a new trump card.

"I hope I can give her a surprise later!" Fang Yang said with a smile.

In the past few years, because of dealing with the Red-faced Flood Demon, the defense of Yanmu Xiandu has increased several times. Although it is not as good as the underwater array city, which has special trap arrays and illusion arrays, its defense is even more impressive.

At this time, the Red-faced Flood Demon still has the last life-saving spiritual bead on her neck.

That is to say, Fang Yang and his team must break this spiritual bead to have a chance to finally kill her.

At this time, the Red-faced Flood Demon has reappeared in its original form. At this time, she relies entirely on her physical strength, and her entire body is extremely huge.

You should know that the dragon claw she just broke is also as big as a mountain.

At this time, her body is like a huge mountain range, crashing directly into Yanmu Xiandu.

Because there is no Four-Elephant Absolute Heaven Array to block her, the power of the Heavenly Dao rules begins to suppress her.

However, she is glowing with spiritual light, as if there is an invisible ability that is helping her to relieve this Heavenly Dao suppression power.

At this time, in the Qinzheng Hall of the Yanmu Xianguo Cabinet, Yue Tianya is still reviewing documents in an orderly manner.

He obviously also felt the approach of the Red-faced Flood Demon, and also discovered the strange aura on the Red-faced Flood Demon's body.

Yue Tianya frowned, shook his head, and continued to review, as if the chaos outside had nothing to do with him.

The body of the Red-faced Flood Demon was moving quickly in the air, and from time to time it would directly use the Void Secret Art to escape forward, avoiding the oncoming missiles and drones.

"Prepare for the second wave of the Wrath of the Gods!" When the Red-faced Flood Demon was more than 3,000 miles away from Yan Muxian, Fang Yang and his team took out the black box again and pressed the button to control the Wrath of the Gods.

You know, at this time, the Red-faced Flood Demon was no longer suppressed by the formation, so she could use the secret art to escape.

As long as the missile flew over, she could easily use the Space Secret Art to bypass the missile.

Therefore, although the Wrath of the Gods was a certain threat to her. But this threat only existed for the second time. As long as she dodged, any powerful missile would have no effect on her.

However, when the Red-faced Flood Demon, which was like a mountain range, flew over, it suddenly felt nauseous all over.

Her originally healed broken arm wound began to bleed, and her dragon mouth began to vomit blood in large mouthfuls, and the sea surface below instantly became bloody.

"I... am I injured? How is it possible..." The Red-faced Flood Demon was puzzled. However, at this moment, her spiritual sense in her heart attacked again. The fear she felt from the heart told her that she was at a critical moment of life and death again.

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