Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 834: Jade Tiger King

This monk in the early stage of cultivating the void is named Ji Yangping, and he is the deacon stationed in Lingfeng Mountain by the Ji family. This time it was his men who discovered that the Biling Tiger King was approaching Lingfeng Mountain.

This Jade Spirit Tiger King has long been able to transform into a human form. He leads a group of monsters with the Xingyuan Mountains at his back. He is very hostile to the monks who dig mineral veins.

Although the Yuanchen Sect also sent high-level monks to encircle and suppress them, it is said that there are unborn Mahayana demon cultivators hidden deep in the Xingyuan Mountains, so the Green Tiger King is somewhat confident.

If the high-level monks of the Yuanchen Sect come, the Biling Tiger King will hide in the depths of the Xingyuan Mountains with his men for a few years, and then come back to wreak havoc once the limelight passes.

After listening to Ji Yangping's report, Fang Qiang's disguised Sheng Yuanshan looked unhappy.

You must know that they originally wanted to practice hard here, and after refining the Dust-proof Pill, they would see if they could find some high-level spiritual objects so that Fang Yang and the others could advance to the Void Refining Stage.

Fang Yang and the others' current cultivation level is too low, so the Four Symbols Absolute Heaven Formation they have deployed has many flaws, and they have to rely on the Immortal-Slaying Flying Knife to have a powerful enemy-killing weapon, so they are eager to improve their cultivation level.

At this time, Fang Yang and the others were helpless when their practice was interrupted.

"The Jade Spirit Tiger King has the late stage of Void Refining, why don't we ask the sect for help first!" Ji Yangping expressed his thoughts. He is the deacon monk stationed in Lingfeng Mountain by the Ji family. He knows very well that Lingfeng Mountain produces a large amount of spiritual crystals, and the Ji family and the Cang family will never let go of the financial resources here.

Even though both families made certain compromises and allowed Sui Haokong's direct descendant Sheng Yuanshan to become the chief executive here, the two families accounted for most of the following deacons.

A strange voice came immediately: "Since the sect asked us to guard Lingfeng Mountain, and we will go back to ask for help when a demon king comes, what's the point of asking us to guard it!" A middle-aged monk who saw Fang Yang lowering his head sneered.

This person was very arrogant in his words. This person's name is Cang Jianyuan. His cultivation level is the same as that of Sheng Yuanshan. He is in the middle stage of refining the void, so he appears to be very arrogant in his conversation.

"What we should do is to do our best to resist the demon tiger. If we can kill him, we can naturally increase the reputation of our sect, and we will definitely be rewarded by the sect. We can't be submissive, occupy the interests of the sect, and then corrupt it. The reputation of the sect.”

His words were obviously directed at Ji Yangping. Cang Jianyuan is a direct descendant of the Cang family in the sect. As an emerging force in the sect, the Cang family was very dissatisfied with the Ji family, which was already showing signs of decline.

You must know that the Ji family has always regarded itself as the first family of the sect by producing the only ancestor of the Mahayana period, and has continuously obtained benefits from the sect. However, due to the continuous decline of the family's power, it has long been looked down upon by the emerging power of the Cang family. It's pleasing to the eye.

"Hmph, this tiger demon king is not easy to deal with, otherwise he would not have escaped from the sect's integration stage elders several times!" Ji Yangping sneered, "If Senior Brother Cang wants to make achievements, he might as well bring him with him The elites of the Cang family are here to slay demons, and I will prepare a banquet here to welcome Senior Brother Cang!"

Ji Yangping directly pushed the boat along, making Cang Jianyuan's face turn red and white. You know, this demon tiger is extremely intelligent and powerful. He is also gifted with magical power, Green Tiger Escape, so he can escape from dangerous situations several times.

"Okay, stop arguing! I have been ordered by the sect to guard Lingfeng Mountain and I must use all my strength! I plan to borrow a few treasures given by Master to fight with this evil beast. If I lose, I really can't do anything. To restore the situation, ask the sect to punish you again, and send reinforcements at the same time!"

Sheng Yuanshan changed his previous attitude and actually planned to take the responsibility. This made the monks Ji and Cang a little surprised, but they were also happy to see it happen.

"But this tiger monster is quite profitable, Master Sheng must be careful in his affairs!" Ji Yangping said. If Sheng Yuanshan falls due to carelessness, they may also bear some joint liability.

"I will take a few disciples to explore the reality of this demon tiger first. Deacon Ji and Deacon Cang will activate the mountain protection formation of Lingfeng Mountain to avoid being taken advantage of by that evil beast!" Sheng Yuanshan began to arrange it.

However, upon hearing that Sheng Yuanshan wanted to take some disciples there, some reserve monks from the Ji family and the Cang family shrank back.

If he really encounters the Biling Tiger King, even if Sheng Yuanshan cannot defeat him, he can still escape. And the monks who go with him are very likely to become cannon fodder.

In the end, several parties bargained, and this unfortunate job fell to Fang Yang and the four newly ascended monks.

They have no background in the sect, nor do they belong to the Ji or Cang families. Even if they are used as cannon fodder, no one will care about them.

Two days later, Lingfeng Mountain's formation was fully opened, and Sheng Yuanshan took Fang Yang and the others in a top-grade Lingbao flying boat and quickly headed northwest of Lingfeng Mountain.

"It's just a monster beast in the late stage of Void Refining. Although it has some innate magical powers, we can easily win if we directly attack it." He Dong said with a smile. There were no outsiders on the flying boat, and everyone no longer tried to hide it.

"This time I don't want to kill the tiger demon directly, but it's better to use it for my own use." Fang Yang said with a smile. "As long as we subdue this tiger demon, not only can we obtain a large number of spiritual objects in the Xingyuan Mountains, but more importantly, we now need to find a place that is suitable for advancement!"

Fang Yang and the others have now refined the Dust-proof Pill, and most of the incomplete laws of the lower realm have been removed from their bodies. If they want to advance to the Void Refining Stage, they need to find a place to overcome the tribulation.

There are many forces from the Ji family and the Cang family in Lingyun Mountain, so the goal of overcoming the tribulation is really too big.

In the following days, Fang Yang and the others began to explore the Xingyuan Mountains in depth.

Because Qian Duoduo has a special status, if they want to find spiritual objects, they have to rely on him, so everyone gave him one of the few dust-repelling pills.

As an ancient spiritual beast, Qian Duoduo quickly merged with the laws of the spiritual world after taking the dust-repelling pill, and even his cultivation level had a breakthrough. It is estimated that it will not be difficult to advance to the refining stage soon.

This time when exploring Xingyuan Mountain, Fang Yang simply let Qian Duoduo out.

The area within thousands of miles of Lingfeng Mountain has been continuously swept by Yuanchen Sect for thousands of years, so high-level monsters and spiritual objects have been looted, so Fang Yang and his team did not expect too much harvest.

However, they followed Qian Duoduo and found a small number of rare objects in some hidden places. Whether it was the millstone-sized Ganoderma lucidum or some ginseng that had just gained spiritual wisdom and could run and jump, Fang Yang and his team were very surprised.

Some spiritual herbs that had long been extinct in the mortal world are still growing everywhere here because of the rich spiritual energy in the spiritual world.

Fang Yang and his companions even discovered a number of spiritual plants that they could not name but were quite spiritual. Fang Yang could only seal them up temporarily and wait until he figured out their specific functions before deciding whether to transplant them into the Qingyuan Immortal Mansion.

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